swabian Arc User


  • Same here. What a pisser. No FSP for me today. Been working really hard on getting skills etc but no..... WTG PWI!!!!
  • Yeah well as far as dying goes.... 3 times today I've checked and found my toon dead. To say I'm getting a little pissed is an understatement!!! I have gone through 2 charms and I'm really getting well.. pissed. PWI gives another **** component to the game. Rage, rage, rage QQ etc. Yeah I know... get over it.... but come…
  • Still unable to log in. Classic PWI...
  • I agree that the bang for the buck is in G16. IMO R8 stinks with the exception of as said above the potential Defense levels you can get from the reforged R8 Pole Hammer. Unicorns Tragedy are pretty decent Axes to have and again G16. With these you will get the 40 attack levels and sometimes its good to have a little extra…
  • Ok, finally found good info on Ecatombs so never mind lol. Any one out there using this skill in TW? would love to get opinions..... My only other question is does the part about maximum mana mean base level or would it jump up when using Wellspring Quaff? Skill Description A combined attack utilizing Water, Fire, and…
  • Sigh.... *Wonder if I'll ever get there... Where's the slo-mo button so I can tell what the hell you are doing? Lol
  • Well gear is G16 but with low refines +4 and no shards atm. My buffed HP is only 7k atm (includes Barb buffs) so I need to take down quick or I don't have a shot at living. Archers just own me right now not much I can do there. I"ve tried every trick in the book between apo, genie skills and defense charms and I just get…
  • Ok, so I guess I'm gonna do the following on my Dex. Genie for the time being... Spark Extreme Poison Holy Path Badge of Courage Fortify Seems that I can't go wrong with these skills, now if I could just get lucky and make a damn decent genie..... Thank you all very much for all the input!
  • I thought as much, that it was based on a combination of gear and such, tyvm!
  • OH its the new hybrid armor Tranquiliy +Requiem = Tranquiem
    in r9r robe Comment by swabian April 2013
  • So does Ice Prison "follow" you? Meaning that I am the center of the skill activating and when I move it goes with for 12 seconds? ( I have the skill but no coin to learn it yet...QQ) Cuz if that's the case, suddenly I'm getting my **** in gear, learning the skill and changing my tactics in TW!!! I have "admirers" in NW…
  • Ok, so then the next question is..... How do we work Ice Prison into a chain to take advantage of the 30% magic damage boost? Does the Ice Prison effect pulse every three seconds (for 12 seconds) as well? Or is it a one time shot and done till the skill has run its coarse? The effect only lasts two seconds so you would be…
  • Well I'm working on refines for the G16 gear I have and as such my HP is very low still. I"m trying to think of ways to get in, kill and gtfo before I'm killed. That's the main reason why I was thinking if Ele. Weakness stacks it might be to my advantage to use it with Undine. I'm by no means a one shotter but can kill…
  • I have an anti CC Genie on my Barb so I'm very familiar with Badge, Fortify and the like so no I"m not following your advice blindly I'm just trying to think outside of the box and try some skills that are not mainstream. I am considering an anti-chi setup since I'm demon and I have Mo Zun's Taunt so thought I might make a…
  • Ty, I respect your opinion and as such it will be included still. I am considering Elemental Weakness, so was trying to see if I could save room, but I'm not even sure that it will stack with or be as beneficial as undine.... I'm on the spam side of undine, not the meh side...
  • Yeah you make a good point, especially with the archers and their stuns. Currently the only class I really struggle with. Should have thought this through a little more before asking lol....
  • This skill works great in PvP, I've used it in TW. Not a PVE skill. One warning though... you will **** off those that you knocked outta the air and they will gank you! LMAO
  • Well that says it all! Ty Adroit
  • Thanks for your input everyone, I am looking at adding/experimenting with some of the new Apoth items you all are using, Just a little longer to get access to all the high end herbs...... I see the mention of ToP a few times, I will also be looking into adding that Genie skill. Sadly my Genie stats suck atm and I will have…
  • I tried to open up the converstaion a little by asking about Apothecary skills but seems to have fallen flat! LOL that's the way it goes.......
  • Well here's a few questions then..... I've decided Demon already, seen some serious kick **** Barbs in Demon form so at lvl 81 do I start to stat toward a Fist Barb? I run with some top int. players and lose aggro all the time..... Tired of the low damage and wanna amp up a little too. Sounds like ppl have wasted a lot of…