Your point isn't invalid but something to consider - Ancient Belial Soul (or whatever it's called in PWI) is a rare gold drop from an incredibly difficult boss in HH which will require a hiero or two....and you need two of them to make the level 9x power gold weapon...this mat has an npc price of 100 gold, unless thats…
I think it was the Shop prices that just blew it for me as well, after figuring on having to spend $10 for a single team run into HH (and then trying to guess how many runs I've had to make to get the mats I needed) I realised I just can't be bothered with it any more either. So it's no fault, thanks but no thanks PWI - I…
Thought just occured - it's incredibly hard (near impossible, not quite but near) to do HH without chomping out most of a Gold Hiero on the Tanker and the EP (cleric whatever) unless they are ridiculously over levelled on the HH - thats going to make it $10 for each run in hh? The prices definately need to be adjusted. And…
don't think so, but I think the sheer amount of </3RQ threads is scaring people away from the boards now :)
heh, despite the "friendly debates" I still know more people coming over from MY-EN who are going to the PvP server rather than the PvE server (about 30 for PvP vs 7 for PvE). But personally I'm not sure how many will stay, if you already have a PvP char at High levels on one server, then I don't see having a low level…
Just because you have someone of ethnicity-x who doesn't mind being called a racial slur means that it's ok too start yelling that all over the place because your friend jim is ok with best it makes you anti-social bullies and at worst closet Racists.
why would you hate that???! Warlord own oracle...they own the entire server...If RQ can do that then you really deserve huge brag rights :) (Not sure you guys would be willing to put as much hard cash in as they did to do it though)
The problem with sticking in the big guild is that not everyone will be starting to play at the ame time, in a PvP server thats 3 months old the big guilds will likely be full and only taking in higher members - which mostly means that you probably won't be in the big guilds and when you hit 30 you are not only exposed but…
I never used zhen to level on the MY servers, but I see your point as valid for those who want to level like that, on a PvE you will probably end up with a KS'ing scenario. But it's not all roses on the PvP server, you may end up with your party getting PK'd because someone in the pt is in a guild under KoS..or because the…
probably will get boring a lot faster than the PvP does, in MY-EN around 90 there is nothing really worth the amount of effort it takes to level so the main focus becomes PvP. The trade wars are abysmal though because KOS becomes a weapon used to defeat enemies before TW by griefing them so they can't level. though just…
if you're talking about offgamers - they sell cash through the AH, they are pretty much the ones driving the whole cost of cubi up. The higher they can sell cubi for the more gold they have too sell and the less cubi they have too buy from PWM. Why bother botting for nickels when you can drive the entire game economy and…
Is the mounts are not droppable confirmed or hope there man? - given the alarming news that white names seem to be able to drop equips if this thread is believed (aren't the mantas an aviation?)
Agree mostly - except for the Catapult drivers - WB (barbarian) make the best drivers simply for thier ability to tank damage, and slanting a WB towards PK'ing is crippling it (very slightly). Heavy Armor WF's (venomancers) are awesome, Mages come into their own in TW and all other classes - definately PvP skills, but WB's…
Sure you're not confusing PK with PvP?
Have you considered you may be over-reacting here? It's a free boost given as a reward for playing, it's not like they're asking you for something you weren't already doing anyway. But hey, it's your life and you can be as angry and bizzare as you like - have fun with that.
I'm still leaning PvP, but after watching hours of "clanX are sux" "we beat you 6 v 1billion, you are lose" and "omgwtf I die? unpossible!!" world calls going on incessantly I start too see another reason why PvE sounds better :) *editted* because of the point made by Ganja, sorry about that - my mistake :)
Exactamundo...KS = Kill Stealing... Don't get the wrong impression, I brought an alt up in MY-EN recently (on oracle) and she only got PK'd like 3 times - and that was between levels 0-70 in an old server - so it's not all that common (unless you end up annoying the wrong people :) )
Ragequit eh? :) That's a little biased of an opinion (Regequit needs people to play pvp so they can pk them...otherwise all their fun is gone :p ) Correct though, you will get a lot of problems with KS'ing on a PvE server, but you will find problems with PK'ers on a PvP server - you can try killing people who pk you but…
That looks like Orb (my-en name) you'll kill him for the seven breve quest or whatever it's called on here - he's not all that bad really as the bosses go - go east from Plume and up in the hills of kings feast above the valley of disaster and find the giant orange **** there - Darkeye from my-en....he's gotta be the…
Go take a look at the MY board and see why you should really shake out all the bugs first - it's a giant mess of complaining over there about bugs / features that hould have been put or fixed long ago.
Check the original thread again - ...he's calling it a "project", watch out for this guy he's the worst kind of attention grabbing flame queen you'll ever see.
Moment I read it was from Shuu I figured it was him being an attention ***** again - he is a hardcore pk'er but thats of no matter - he's also the biggest drama queen you'll ever see (e.g. his reasons for "personal KOS" include "because when they won the TW against us they celebrated" and "because I heard that he said…
Just out of interest - most of the posts seem to be about Oracle server and WL :D does that mean either (a) a lot of the people who post actively just happen to be from Oracle server or (b) People are sick of oracle and leaving? I always thought it would have been better to cap the amount of income a guild can get from…
so a guild is actually able to challenge WL? Guess there is some hope :D
I left oracle about 2 months ago when the last possible challenge to WL fell (Myth) and could see that those guys were going to own the server soon - I've heard accusations that they're now driving the economy of the entire server now?..insanity :) The block is probably a good thing imo
Love it, I am so looking forward to a version that's not owned from the start :D