hey again! For the Wing Elf side quests, at level 17 you get a quest called: Mongoose King. When searching for this quest with the Find Quest button in the Quest menu the coordinates of the quest starter are missing: Blacksmith Chao San
Urrrm I thought the whole negative feeling about bots was the fact they are not people.... This is really quite sad, I hope that the GMs here sort out bots as well as they do in MY-EN. Sorting out the bots was the only thing they did well back there. Or should I say only thing they did...
hi guys, Sorry if anything has already been mentioned... I don't have the time (or patience) to search through all the posts. two things: If you look at the southeast of the map (actual map accessed through the M button.) Zoom in on Dreaming Stronghold and just to the east of it it says: South Barrier Mountain. Through a…
you realistically can't! The stat requirements for Archer weapons (bow/crossbow/slingshot) require strength. And it is true that to be able to weild the best weapon for your level you should have 4 levels of strength above your level (level 50 has 54 strength) This then works to the fact you add +1 every level. As you…
It's like you play a completely different game to us... I play PW MY-EN. Archers are the fastest unbuffed class. 5.2m/s beats all other classes. (I think you might be on about the attack speed.... ) Their max range with heaven (no items) is 34m. Whereas I believe other classes max range is 18m? They miss a lot? No way.…
It might've said Archers specifically but it's not true, all classes are approx the same in item mall needs (maybe except venomancer, but that's only in PvE!) All classes need a heirogram (item mall) to compete in PvP. Luckily you are able to buy item mall currency in game. So you can effectively get these items, but at…
I chose bow, precisely for aesthetics! Bows look better and they are more traditional for this era of fantasy.
fake guild bidding... Why do you think so many are leaving MY-EN?
Isn't there only 24 hours in a day?!?!! :P Anyway I'm tempted to join!! Currently play delphi on MY-EN so I've some experience.... Love the fact that you lot are up for a laugh!!
Tiger form is used to tank. They are easily the best physical tank in the game. Also they are a pretty good magic tank. (good hp, hp recovery!) The biggest problem with this class is it's damage and accuracy. From what I've heard this is bad at lower levels but gets superb at higher levels. eventually making them probably…
Guild wars... 55 Monk was awesome! Next to impossible to kill! Perfect World.... Good low level spells, one metal (elemental) and one physical. their sleep spell is amazing! Cast sleep on an opponent, stack up the regen health skill (won't bother naming it as it'll be named differently!). Then pow! Plus in PvE, Clerics and…
Of course there are!!! We're all over ;) Where are you from in good old England? Me? I'm a yorkshireman... p.s. I recognise your name from somewhere... Really can't remember
I personally would not want Chinese characters in the game. They are very specific to one language. Where as the English characters are used widely across many languages!! Even more so the majority of people cannot type or even view these characters properly. And even though we can't understand it, quite a few can't even…
Nice guide! although I have to quote you on some mis-information The shooting distance does not vary with bow/crossbow/slingshot. They all remain at 20 metres. What does differ is the weaken range (how close the enemy can get before you do half damage!) I believe they are: (not 100% since I'm at work) Slingshot: 4 metres…
of course you have, when you started territorial wars you had a lot of territories to conquer... I cannot speak for your server as I play on delphi, but all that happens on delphi is the 3 big guild sit with the territories divided. Now actually two of them are taking out the third, so there is real action. But that will…
Don't worry! I'll add to the "hot-girl-pw trend"... <img src=""> It was a year ago, and I was drunk...
Name: Seveneyes, or real life name Martyn Age: 21 Location: West Yorkshire, England, UK Occupation: Student + Part time Customer support executive Interests: Cars, Music, Films, Games (MMORPG, RPG, FPS and Wii), Football, tennis, pool and snooker Favorite Color: Green! Favorite Food: Pizza, fry up, Roast beef and yorkshire…
territorial Wars are end-game content, so unfortunately it will be after you have invested a lot of time into the game (although I did mention it isn't as much as 500+ hours as it is possible to progress with repeatable quests...) The reason I said supposed, is because I have never participated in one. But I have read…
[*]Quests, it is easily possible to level to 40 with only quests. After that you get repeatable daily quests, which do give a good amount of XP! So if you have the gold you can rely upon them to level. Graphics are amazing compared to many MMORPGs and most importantly the class balance is very good. Plus Territorial Wars…
Exactly!! The Malaysian servers are of terrible quality. Meaning anyone outside of Malaysia gets lag... But obviously US servers will be of good quality and the connections between the US and Europe are very good so I am confident us Europeans won't get anywhere near as much lag. (Specially because the actual distance is…
I'm looking forward to that fact that it is full english! I'm fed up of trying to read the distorted english in MY-EN. I might actually try and learn the story line in the game now! It would be nice to know whether this version is as far along (or further) than MY-EN
EA for me!! Or just Archer for now ;) Can't wait!!
hey hey!! Looking forward to closed beta! I really hope this runs smoother than MY-EN :D Can't wait to see everyone in game!!