salvati0n Arc User


  • BM can obviously stunlock without using Drake Bash and obviously whoever hits first always win. The 100 Barb who one shot me with Arma after I hit him with stun was obviously hacking.
  • O_o how dare you! b:angry No, you don't know nothing (much).
  • My Computer> C:\> Program Files> Perfect World International> Uninstall.
  • Yes. You can't go full interval with Nirvana top. Is he planning to switch armor mid fight O_o? How much per hour do you earn as a spokes person? And no dear. You got the world confused with girls.
  • Initially, yes. But I ate all the sugar.
  • So I was correct that he will end up a skill spamming Sin as to an interval Sin? Back to my first post, skill spamming Sin with warsoul < interval Sin with Nirvana, ijs.
  • Why would he be wearing TT90 top then? Rank 6's got better defense anyways. Yeah normal wing trophy gives you more HP, but he's after attack power from what I'm seeing since he got warsoul. My bad if I assume what he's wearing is his usual gears since there's no point in wearing the normal bracers and top if he's got gold…
  • There's still interval cape, interval bracers, rank 6 top... those with tome already beat skill spamming with CoD.
  • A spammable magic shield every 20 second sucks? Rofl. Most PvP happens in air anyways, so TE takes a big chunk out of their HP if not one hit them, then gives you a shield for you to get close w/o taking much dmg. Yeah sucks. Str genie with TE, Mire, Occult Ice and ___.
  • Warsoul but one interval gear. O_o Skill spamming with warsoul < auto with Nirvana and full interval. ijs. b:bye
  • Yulk, don't you have better things to do? Like telling Clerics that they should go LA or something?
  • Really? O_o Do tell.
  • You can easily get to 100 w/o using cash. I'm almost 99 and I got enough coins to get 300 hyper stones. Stop trolling OP. Two words for you, elemental apocs.
  • Yes, you'll get heal from each of the mobs you hit. Bloodpaint is enough for AoE grinding. But do have pots just in case. My 92 BM was grinding snow giants with BP. I had a charm but it rarely ticked. Grab the 1 hr Cleric buffs and make sure your physical marrow is maxed and have it on at all time. Use cala axes. Just make…
  • That's what I heard, but I haven't been able to get back on to test it out. It would be a real rip off if this skill doesn't work the way it says it would, since our other 79 and one of the 100 skills are completely uselss too.
  • Lol... No... b:shutup
  • Yeah, but with sht damage per hit. Lunar claw with same refine and shards as my TT80 daggers and I've got more than twice the damage per hit. That's fine if you are hitting 5 aps but it's no good if a daggers Sin can out dps you with just 2.5 aps aka less interval gears.
  • Last time I read, Frostblade doesn't really do anything or makes any difference at all? At least nothing anyone has noticed. O_o Someone go test Condensed on BM while using that then puch and compare the damage punches before using it. If it's not 50% of total damage then it's not as amazing as I thought.
  • You can't wear HA with 2 str, you'll need 2.5 str each level for HA. HA fails in PvP and PvE. PvP: -Own by magic attacks without the option to marrow or have genie shield such as Balance or True Emptiness. -Still doesn't do you too much good unbuffed against other physical attacks. BMs and Barbs benefit from HA more since…
  • None sense. I've been using sleep, walk back, Tackling, *waits*, sleep, walks back, Tackling, *repeat* to mess around with Barbs for ages now. This reminds me of that Youtube WoW Rogue video, "I use to be able to kill EVERYone, and now I can't kill ANYone". I don't see how you are not killing Barbs with the new 79 skill.…
  • I'm saying Barbs looked better than the mount. b:surrender
  • There is no rank 5 chest. 25 mil? Even going from rank 5 to rank 6 cost (25000/25)*8*10000=80 mil. We were talking about if the rank 6 did come with -0.1. I've only seen a couple of people with +12 on HL and I'm in the strongest faction. The leader of the second strongest faction had +11 rank 8 the last time I saw and a…
  • What? I thought the tiger mount was ugly as ****. Looked a lot less realistic than Barbs.
  • No duh! JJ events since the packs has been coin sinks. It's meant to take coins out of the game to control inflation. Even if you didn't know that before, couldn't you tell from the list of **** things that are in the packs?
  • If you really are not trolling... You can't kill a charmed 100+ Barb at 100? Not even with the new 79 skill? What are you, a skill spammer? Expel not working as in against non-friendly targets?
  • If I remembered right, it was 16k of socket stones to add the second socket. If you are comparing +12 and 2 socked on both weapon, then yeah, Nirvana wins. But in the general case, not many people can afford to +11 or +12 weapon and also adding the second socket with 160 mil worth of socket stones. So in the practical…
  • Actually Rank 6: [833+(154+130)+555]/2=836 Nirvana: (904+603)/2=753.5 Even with the extra crit % Nirvana has, the extra 11% avg dmg from rank 6 makes them just as good if not better. Nirvana gives HP and rank 6 is higher dmg. Rank 6 is also auto 2 sockets. It cost a **** load of socket stones to add the second socket on…
  • Well, they sure is hell broke my dream. ffs, now gotta spend even more time in Nirvana >_>. Nirvana daggers don't even look that great... all the other Nirvana weapons look cool. b:cry
  • Even if you are a skill spamming Sin, the added water attack for normal attack will help a lot against heavies. Just Tackling, spark, Condensed, and auto attack for the heavies.
    in 79 Skills Comment by salvati0n June 2010
  • I'd get the Condensed Blade asap actually. Helps a lot against BM and Barbs.
    in 79 Skills Comment by salvati0n June 2010