rillo Arc User


  • i havnt used the cash shop yet, im poor irl so being poor IG dosnt really bother me. My friend did buy me a Chubbs tho....really wish i had some money to throw at the shop and do some halloween gambling, but i dont, so i have a choice of just forgetting the sweet new mounts or grinding out 100k and trying my luck, really…
  • Ohhhhh so you complain so much because this event isnt Halloween enough for you? sorry i must be an idiot, i mean damn sitting here and reading the 30 posts/replys of YOU reeming gm's and staff..... sorry ill stop, but if you want to see more of the event, i suggest you wait, i really really really dont think its over with…
  • lol .... if you had gotten what you wanted would you be posting? im lv 30 spent my 100k, got some cake, went back to playing they didnt put this event in to hear you whine, and i dont come to these boards to read about how if they dont give you what you want then the whole server is wrecked.. i mean c'mon now it WILL be ok…
  • well its like, do you REALLY want a mount that these guys exploited to get? i mean its not that rare now, they will put out somthing in its place im sure... The idea of this was to give you a chance to get somthing cool, nobody has taken that chance from you.. Its really not that big of a deal
  • Well the thing is, i had my halloween costume still, but was back to same exp as when i first logged on.. not a big deal, i mean im only lvl 7 :D
  • the board mods dont bring the servers up, thats another persons job im sure...(well i hope) so post all you want, take their time up.. im sure they dont mind they are waiting on the servers to come up also.
  • 100 times huh? bet thats why the servers are down thanks
  • who didnt? lol
  • Oh I'm sure they know that money is being lost as we type these replies and they are working as fast as they can. But like you said, some of us don't have an endless amount of game time here.. But i don't blame GM's and staff , ITS THIS DAMNED HOLIDAY!
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