recon5 Arc User


  • Last I checked, indifference and hate weren't the same thing. Why do you insist on equating the two? Anyway, I'll give some suggestions about how I've always wanted shields to work in the game: 1. Shields should NOT contribute to the overall physical defense rating. This is an error I have seen in almost every MMO I have…
    in Shields Comment by recon5 September 2008
  • Since you didn't adress this question, I'll repeat it here (no offense): If shields are so important, why is it that over 3 OR 4 VERSIONS and 3 YEARS no one has complained enough to make Beijing Perfect World put shields in? I personally do not care about having or not having shields, and yes, I have played shield users…
    in Shields Comment by recon5 September 2008
  • In before flamewar. Seriously, xigbar and senovit (yes, both of them) have just demonstrated why **** cuddling would be a bad idea in this game. Right or wrong, it WILL lead to COMMUNITY CONFLICT, which will mess up the game for the 70+ percent for players who just don't care. The problem is, once this particular argument…
  • When we arrive at the point of creation vs. evolution and whether or not there is a God, the only thing to expect from further posts is a massive FLAME WAR. There. Don't say I didn't warn anyone.
  • @Sevendust: You know, if shields are indeed such an important issue I wonder why no one in the Japanese, Chinese or Malaysian versions complained enough to make Beijing Perfect World introduce shields. Thats 3 versions and 3 years worth of time that someone could have used to force the issue, but no one did. I'm asking…
  • Humans are not supposed to have anything special. Special skills are for half-humans and non-humans. Humans already have the highest physical attack power and magical attack power. If we had anything else we would be unbalanced.
  • About the Blizzard example: Blizzard is the OWNER of World of Warcraft. They have the ORIGINAL CODE and they MAKE THE UPDATES THEMSELVES. PWE is only the SERVICE PROVIDER of PWI. They DON'T CREATE CODE. They simply do BUGFIXES. Any original code comes from BEIJING PERFECT WORLD. If you want shields, learn Mandarin and post…
  • I play without cash shop items, and I must say I am a bit confused by all this fuss about overpricing. Are cash shop items really necessary to have fun?
  • No need to check. Enter the NPC coordinates into the locator (the arrow icon below the radar) and then check the World Map for your relative position (the colorful arrow).
  • To the threadstarter: Please remember that PWI is simply the translated version of a game that is ALMOST AS OLD AS WORLD OF WARCRAFT. Furthermore it is MOSTLY FREE unless you cannot stand grinding for Gold. If the stated cons are indeed game killers, then why is this game still going strong. For that matter, why are there…
  • Because if they were to respond here they would be spending even less time ingame and people are already complaining about how invisible they are there. Mods handle the forum.
  • It would be a good idea if PWI really was "Perfect". However, it is not, and there will inevitably be bad eggs who show up, make joke profiles, badmouth RPers and generally ruin the proceedings. It will be impossible for dedicated RPers to respond without going OOC and I think GMs are already stretched to the ripping point…
  • *sigh* You can tell that I have some sort of problem when I join a new version of PW just to comment on a social issue, but anyway, here go my 2 cents: I am actually from the Malaysian English version of PW, and the number one problem I see with allowing **** cuddling in the game is that it is FLAMEBAIT for world chat…