RP Server...?

Hakurodk - Heavens Tear
Hakurodk - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Suggestion Box
Hello. I was wondering if it were possible to open a server that greatly supported and/or enforced roleplaying. The thing is, in most MMORPGs, including this one, there's always a group of people shouting out random **** that I don't really need to hear. This happens both in local and world chat and, while I would love to turn it off, it kind of defeats the purpose of it being an MMORPG. Therefore, if there was any way to create an RP server, even an RP-PVP server if you have to, I think that would be fantastic for a lot of people, like myself, who enjoy getting deeper into the game than just their character.

I'm talking develop a name that isn't just for the so-called "lolz", develop a persona for the character. Backstory is optional, but if you want one, it's welcome. Maybe at least skim a little bit of the lore, talk about the quests you take and the skills you learn as if you yourself were the character and you're talking about what's been happening in real life, stuff like that. I know some people talking like they do are unavoidable, but I feel that this sort of server should be opened to we who love to roleplay so we don't have to hear stuff you would expect to hear on XBox Live.
Post edited by Hakurodk - Heavens Tear on


  • kisaraven
    kisaraven Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Role-playing Servers Lack One Thing

    Role-playing servers lack one thing. There is nothing to honestly separate an RP server from other servers other then some "rules" -

    To be honest, what is needed to separate the PvE and PvP servers from the RP servers is one Feature that would not be on the other servers.

    This feature would make it evident to any player that there is something very different about this server.

    What is this feature?

    Character Profile

    After the player finishes creating the physical features of his or her character, a second phase would be set up for the player; the Character Profile.

    The player would fill out a small form.
    Characters Last Name
    Title (If any.)
    Physical Description
    History (optional)

    There would also be a check list; type of role-player i.e. casual, light, hard core role-player. And if the player is a Role-player or Storyteller.

    After this Character Profile is finished, and you click OK. Then the player is returned back to the Character Screen to select the Character the player wants loaded into the game.

    Once in the game; all players will see that characters Last Name and Titles if any. And they can look over that players Character Profile to read about the Characters Physical Description and History. And all players will see what kind of role-player this player is.

    This feature will encourage role-players, and it will awaken players that do not know what role-playing is. No more players just making a character thinking they will make a character on a low population server, and not care what RP means but just to play the game.

    With this "Feature" the server will see role-players instead of just players. If the game can have "Smiley Faces" I am sure it can have this needed "Feature"-
    The only MMORPG that actually has this, is; City of Heroes. It would be wonderful to see a Fantasy based MMORPG to be the first to have a Character Profile. Let's hope Perfect World is the first to do this!

    And this is what will enhance an RP server, and separate an RP server from the others. For the other servers won't have this feature.

    The End.

    ps I too am interested in a RP / PvP server too. For the PvP seems to add more to the realism of my role-playing.
  • Hakurodk - Heavens Tear
    Hakurodk - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Oh, yes. Thank you for your input on the topic. I second that addition. I just wish I had thought of it myself.
  • Zehethos - Heavens Tear
    Zehethos - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This needs a sticky.
    I am a wraith army commander. I command the Wraiths. I order them to kill. I order them to attack. I order them to tell them to shut up. I order them to do anything I tell them to do. I killed many people. You might be next.
  • recon5
    recon5 Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It would be a good idea if PWI really was "Perfect". However, it is not, and there will inevitably be bad eggs who show up, make joke profiles, badmouth RPers and generally ruin the proceedings. It will be impossible for dedicated RPers to respond without going OOC and I think GMs are already stretched to the ripping point with the current community.

    If an RP server does show up, I recommend the creation of an RP section on this forum to "screen" potential RP players first, with admission to the RP server based on individual invitations from GMs.
  • Hitsuu - Lost City
    Hitsuu - Lost City Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wow, worst suggestion EVER. You need to go play neopets if u want some RP game... gtfo...
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    And you need to realise what RP actually is. If YOU don't like it doesn't mean it's ****.
  • Valag - Heavens Tear
    Valag - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wow, worst suggestion EVER. You need to go play neopets if u want some RP game... gtfo...

    Different point of view doesn't mean it's worst point of view... RP servers are quite popular, one (not pw, even worse game for rp with less possibilities for rp player), small, with native language has more than 500 people. Second (of the same game in same language) has 300 and it's started maybe a 4-5 months ago. it's already 800 and i would say (with all rp servers in only one country and one game) this number could grow to more than 1500. In one country only, and this country is definitely few times smaller than f.e. America. At last one game, unfortunately p2p, has official rp servers and they are staying alive somehow.
    Yea, i know, you can say this is small number. But this can be popular. This can be a success.
    So.. No, it's not worst idea. In fact it's far away from "worse"...

    The main diffrence is, that in those servers there is nothing such open registration. You have to do something to play there (most often write some story). Also game style is different, you have to pay more attention to social relations. The result is, that there is much more mature (I mean mature by their behaviour, not age) players than morons, so also game play is more rewarding.

    From the other hand, rp servers are much harder for gm to maintain, possibly because most of the times players there wants from qms more things than standard pvp/pve players. Ah, yea, and registration also need constant maintenance. That why i doubt that pw will ever have official rp servers :(.

    But please, when you want to speak about worst ideas... think first and look upon topic from a wider point of view, not only I hate/don't like/like it.
  • Zehethos - Heavens Tear
    Zehethos - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yes, Imma gonna have to dissagree with this whole "RP Server...?" thread... this game is supposibly is much better than WoW and RuneScape. If this was added into the game, jerkasses from ages 5-9 would start whining and start saying '0MFG R3P0RT3D!!!1' you will go like 'Wtf? You cant report in the game' then the Gene will see this and he will add a Report Abuse... and this would be more like RuneScape/WoWtastic world... NO! We are NOT gonna be like those 2 games! I had enough of that bull and I aint gonna see it again! So please, don't add this or you will be suffering in 'R3P0RT3D' bull...
    I am a wraith army commander. I command the Wraiths. I order them to kill. I order them to attack. I order them to tell them to shut up. I order them to do anything I tell them to do. I killed many people. You might be next.
  • Valag - Heavens Tear
    Valag - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yes, Imma gonna have to dissagree with this whole "RP Server...?" thread... this game is supposibly is much better than WoW and RuneScape. If this was added into the game, jerkasses from ages 5-9 would start whining and start saying '0MFG R3P0RT3D!!!1' you will go like 'Wtf? You cant report in the game' then the Gene will see this and he will add a Report Abuse... and this would be more like RuneScape/WoWtastic world... NO! We are NOT gonna be like those 2 games! I had enough of that bull and I aint gonna see it again! So please, don't add this or you will be suffering in 'R3P0RT3D' bull...

    Heh.. What WoWtastic or RuneScape has to do with rp server?!
    First is some strange "fun server".. "fun server" != rp.
    Second is normal f2p probably, I've never played this game.

    What you want about "report" problem? You have it already for reporting bots...

    And last question: what to the all **** kids like 5-9 would do on such server?
    Actually this kind of play is aimed on mature players 15(or 16)-30 years. As well as pen and paper Warhammer or Neuroshima (I'm not sure if spelling is correct).
    On the second thought this can be related to migration of players on rp server from current pvp or pve ones, it can result in bigger percentage of kids on the old ones.
  • Hitsuu - Lost City
    Hitsuu - Lost City Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    you cant just change an entire game, this doesnt make any sense.....