naris Arc User



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  • Considering the fact that no one likes competition, you'd be hard pressed to find the times. Just go to the place where it spawns and wait a few hours. Usually you'll be there less than 12:p...
  • If it's the crazy stone quest, go back and talk to the woman who gave it to you originally after 10 minutes have passed. Once per day.
  • Funny... I'd say every tenth person or so I've seen over level 30 has a white name. Maybe many do it just to prove they're not afraid or are used to the white name?
  • I think the level of anger from the few players who care to try to help has nearly reached a breaking point. I think that, whatever your ultimate decision might be, you're going to want to do it soon before it falls on deaf ears and locked wallets.
  • Well, I just got pwned... Good point darthpanda.
  • That is... incorrect. PW-MY paid a decent sum to have no ip block. They took the (wise) gamble that they'd have money pouring in from other areas of the world. As an official branch of PW Bejing, PWE has to respect PW-MY by blocking Malaysian IPs, as well as any other country hosting a variant of PW. To the best of my…
  • Actually they probably couldn't. You see, both companies probably paid extra to not have an ip block, and assuming both companies aren't idiots they probably have it written in an ironclad contract.
  • Further compounding this issue is the whole nature of early (and quite vocal) adopters and the speed information travels on the web. While you have some early income from people who did not realize the cash shop stuff costs 3x what it did in MY-EN (which apparently is the least expensive version everyone can play in), that…
  • While I do understand the company's side in the matter, the fact that differentiated PW from other F2P games was its reasonable price (at least in the MY-EN version). Despite that price, many of us did indeed spend quite a bit more money there than we would here. The fact of the matter is that most purchases in MY-EN are…
  • That's... pretty much exactly describing what a PvE server consists of. Optional PvP...
  • Bah... when I read this topic I thought you wanted the GMs to wipe out the server with random bosses again. It would've been a fun way to begin the game:p
  • Personally I like the new cost of Zen. In MY-EN prices were so low I ended up making WAY too many purchases and wasting money. With 1 Zen = $1, it's much easier to not give into impulse buys or spend too much. Though to be fair, they have shown that they are able to change the cash shop prices so I'd hope they lower…
  • Out of sheer curiosity, what gave you the assumption that your wings would upgrade every 10 levels? Since all classes can fly at level 30, I'd understand thinking that they'd get an upgrade every 30 levels... but why 10? Anyways, like everyone else said here, the elf wings are the fastest once you spend skill points to…
  • Too lazy to quote multiple people so I"ll just say some of my thoughts on the matter. 1. It's a 10 second cooldown. 1a. At later levels a boss will force it to tick every 10 seconds with a single hit, while your clerics try desperately to keep the tank alive (ticking their mp at 75%) 1b. 75% of mp happens FAST for most…
  • Wow... I would've killed to see THAT. No seriously, everyone who passes through the dungeons initially are going to be pretty skilled considering many of the dungeons in other servers are aided by high levels who go in for the exp...
  • Perhaps someone should note that you can buy cash shop currency in the auction house from other players for in game gold, and buy cash shop items from player shops? Those player shops are a really useful (and occasionally mildly annoying) feature to help the flow of general commerce. Many people who play the CB now are…
  • Not sure where it was written, but that's the way the MY-EN version worked out. Mind you, I think that the overall loss of exp is far worse at a high level. 5% at level 30 is less than one quest, and .5% at level 80 is 2+ hours of grinding... So yeah, after level 10 either wait for an cleric, or take the hit to your exp…
  • I've healed a wizard tank against aquascout (giant fish man circling two islands) when we were both late level 50s. To do the same with a barbarian would require at least a level 75 one, and several high level clerics. Wizards get lot of flack for being supposedly less useful than archers, but if you look at it as more…
  • Kind of hard for me to decide. On one hand, I don't care for being ksed and other various little things that I would like to be able to attack for (bots, verbal abuse, having friends randomly pk me and visa versa, etc.), but I can't help but think the TW map in Oracle (the server I play in) would be a heck of a lot more…
  • Whatever ISP they're going to be using can't possibly be any worse than the Malaysian one...
  • From the USA as well. Got a EP, WF, WB, and MG in the MY-EN server. Gotta say I prefer the name Venomancer to werefox though.
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