mrkbbjj Arc User


  • I'm having the same issues as everyone else :(
  • I'm new to the game or should say returning to the game(been couple of years since I've played), and what points should I spend on my stormbringer? I was doing 3mag,1vit,1 str, but I'm thinking I should of been putting some in Dex for critical hits? I'm only going to do pve/probably just solo for the most part.
  • What in TT should I be fighting or be camping at,anything in particular??
  • ya,i've done that and atk lvl is still at 0 as well as defensive level so I'm not sure whats the deal??
  • Bladed Ferver. Its supposed to increase attk levels and defesive levels,but I don't notice it doing anything at all and I've had my character stats screen open to check if anything goes up when casting?
  • While on the subject after I forgot name of skill the skill branches off into two sections;one mainly consisting of physical damage skills and one doing metal damage? Should one stick to one branch or both??
    in Ion Spike Comment by mrkbbjj March 2011
  • are they rasing points u get per level? 7str/3dex every level thought its only 5pts u get per level :)
  • This. I haven't used swords/Polearms yet I'm still trying to get my fist/axe skills upto par. Mainly HF/stuns/fissure/the other aoe(brain ****). I haven't touched drakes sweep much(lvl 5),and for fists I'm concentrated on shadowless kick/haste skill.
  • I just got my Calamity axe of blood last night,but had to redo my point system to get to use them,barely...Right now im right at 212str about 147dex and 76vit and 3mag(with equipment on now)...Im lvl 75 right now... Though I still prefer to use fists when I solo just seems im a bit more offensive with fists.
  • Maybe add in Linus the Woeful as well?
  • I'm level 65 now,but I still need to do my lvl 59 cultivation so i can get Hevanly Flame or whatever its called :) Just soo much stuff to get and trying to prioritize whats skills to get first....
  • How usefull is drakes breath bash in PVE? Is it worth getting at any level?? I've been working on getting my stuns up(roar of pride-lvl 7,drakes bash-lvl 5,Aeolin Blade-lvl 8) as they are lagging,also been working on Physical Marrow(now level 8)/Dimond Sutra(lvl 8),though I swore it was maxed :). I still low on levels on…
  • I've been doing fists now mainly for past level or so and really do like the dps I get out of it,eventhough i don't have a lot of levels on Fist base damage skills. So, what are the main skills in the 'Fist Skill Tree' that are a must haves and which ones only level this much? Ive been trying to get stuns up,plus some of…
  • right now i have 80vit,131str,and 108 dex.
  • I'm curious to know why a pure Axe-BM is looked down apon? I only use axe build right now and not sure why it would be bad? I understand all skills are AOE's,but /shrug.
  • Right now at lvl 56 i have 80vit,122str,102dex,and 4mag...Not sure if this is good or bad and some stats are with gear...
  • Hi, I'm still relatively new to the game and even though Im lvl 49. I was looking at some of the skills and some look very similar to each other. I was wondering if its really necessary to get all of them..Im going axe/hammer and lot of the skills i get are AOE based. Some of them just seem soo similar;drakes sweep,fan of…
  • I was wondering if that list of skills that are must haves/have nots is still relavent to the game now. I just curious as to which skills I must have and maxed out and which ones I should maybe only get a lvl or two into it??? I mainly solo/and sometimes group up in the game...I asked this in a different thread about…
  • If I do the 3str/2dex system and I know that leaves my hps on the low side will I still be able to solo mainly/quests? Or should i add a point here and there in vit? Ive been doing 2vit/then 2 in str/1 dex or vice versa and maybe a point here and there in mag.. I hate to keep acting like a newbie,but about shards and…