mortgage Arc User


  • You fools! Don't you guys know there is a shortage of women in China? Because China is such a manly country, it has fewer women. Playing male veno's will cause the women of china to give birth to more men, thus ruining china and by domino effect this game.
  • Responding to the many fans of this thread: 1) I am not racist! I hate all people, including myself, equally. 2) Resident Evil 5 stole their idea from me. I should have copyrighted it before they reached into my head and stole my idea. 3) In addition to elephant mounts you can have girafs, hippos, and gorillas. 4) Instead…
  • YES! We absolutely need housing in this game. Look at all the homeless cat shops in arch just standing there on their tails for days in the rain. We should also be able to mortgage our houses and then bundle up all those mortgages to sell as collateralized debt obligations. Think of all the zen PW can make!
  • Outragious! Chairman Mao will hear of this! We need to send those people to re-education camps or lock them up in mental hospitals. Caledfwlch is an anagram for a dirty word isent it? I see at least 10 different offensive words in 100 languages that I may or may not know.
  • I disconnect when I do the friendship quest. When new player joins, when they do the daily check, and when they try to turn in quest at dancer. Happens 9/10 times i've done friendship. Ruins the quest for the two other people in party. Oh well.
  • 1) Class - Cleric Skill Suggestion - Non Agression, Aggro Reduction Logic - Sometimes no barb/veno in group or barb dosent know how to taunt. For bosses and multi-mob pulls Cleric has highest chance of pulling aggro and dying. Give clerics some breathing room at the beginning of fights so monsters don't automatically…
  • What does "Remember, 30 svelte Fashion Items are up for grabs for 1 coin each!" Mean? Specifically the word "svelte". Seems like a spelling mistake. Go look for it on event info. I also think its a bad idea to remind players of the tough times in the real world. We play perfect world to escape from the real world. The…
  • Here are my suggestions: 1) Introduce stones that increase the cat shop sale capacity. This may reduce the need for people to run multiple catshops reducing server load and lag in w.arch. 2) Introduce pet or items that allow players to list items in their inventory directly into the auction house while away from cities. 3)…
  • Stuck Paper Clip for Villa Quest! In the past when I ran this world quest, the history would always spawn in my quest inventory. Today, after the chrismas patch, when I tried to exchange for higher volume with Li the Painter near that small village SE of Arch, my history disappeared but I got a XIVX? history quest in my…