moonlife Arc User


  • I believe she pointed out that she hasn't the time to make money like that. It's hard to scrimp when you can't pay cash and can't play for hours upon hours on end nonstop. And even playing an hour a day won't really help unless you have a herc to TT in all personal opinion...I'm in the 50s and I get 50-75k per hour on air…
  • So ultimately...and preferrably from people who have both legendary pets, which would be best choice to get first to get money for the second? I'm a soloer so I really don't care much for helping other people with FBs or dungeons, I'd like to just know what will get me money to get the second the fastest...seemed like herc…
  • Just to see if I'm doing something wrong or if something's been changed, but I got an eldergoth (the weaker one, lvl 40 or 41, I forgot the name) but he doesn't use range attacks. He melees just like a golem so curious to see if the other eldergoth is doing the same or if I'm just doing something wrong.
  • Well all the mounts are aesthetic, but I wanted just to see if they could all hit the maximum of 11m/s. Price wasn't so much of a big deal. Thanks for the tips.
  • Okay so I can spur a lvl 11 horse and it'll go to 10m/s? Thanks for the help, appreciate it much.
  • I agree, game is game. But charms were lost during the downtime earlier this morning which equates to real life money. And that's not quite exactly a game.
  • It's more than just a little frustrating and suspicious that every single answer you give to questions on just exactly WHAT is being fixed on the server is very vague. If it's a bug you want to avoid being exploited, well, that shouldn't be a problem if you're actually, seriously fixing it right now, now is it? Unless your…