miausong Arc User


  • xD sounds like af un start
    in Streaming Comment by miausong June 2013
  • eh core client is ok at least i can press shift tab to see the time and don't have to alt tab and i don't have to have my desk top cluttered with stupid icons so i guess its a plus for me and i don't use steam that much only when someone wants to play a game still i don't want my steam cluttered with non steam games I…
  • You could try to fly your self there on your glider. Or you COULD BE A PRO LIKE ME AND BE A PRO AT EATING COOKIES AND WATCHING SOME ANIME WHILE POSTING ON FORUMS. b:chuckle
  • I Don't know how I would vote on this. I would like to see them hurl for hitting one of there own o.O ? Just put Yes or No because I am somehow confused. O.O
  • Honestly I have one opinion on this. A FEMALE BARB WOULD BE AMAZING TO HAVE!!!. Not my real gender but I'd Rather play female anything then look at a male the whole time I play. I like calm things and female characters are calm or seem so and cute. That is why I would go female. But a female Barbarian would be really nice…
  • urrm I am posting cuz idk if I haz mine yet xD
  • "Miau Cookie " b:cute Or something cute with Miau and a z after things like haz or wantz u get the point :)
  • I really like the players on Sanctuary for Pve Harshlands is Pvp and they have and ok playerbase. Raging tides people troll on there. But it can be very fun. Heavens tear people are legit but people get **** there more. XD and yeh lol
  • b:worriedb:surrender
  • Yeah, some of the 'Truely~Early/Original' (Players/Peeps), were able to escape the 'Account limitations' By having already had a 'Sizeable' number of accounts already fully active, B4 they finally put the /Roof on\ over the numbers of the accounts you could actively have...... Runnnnn on XD I had to take a moment to breath…
  • I just wish that OontzOontz wasnt a name that sounded pro
  • yay lol That was a fun thread while it lasted
  • Well on Dream Weaver its MiauCloud not very high lvl. But on Sanctuary my name is also MiauCloud lvl 77 mystic and ArticLeaf on Sanc :). I might just get on dw right now to check whats going on adn the prices and things lol
  • well the game is 16.7 gigs as of right now pretty big game. I actually like it. if u make though i am on the server Tiamat as an Asmodian though. There are 2 factions Asmodians and Elyos You can only have one faction on a sever so. if ur friends want to play with u on that server or u with me. You will have to all be…
  • we should squad up pie :)
  • which restricting it does make total scene which i applaud pwe for doing it. They finally made a smart decision XD. Well Teros why don't you try A-ion ( wont let me spell it for some odd reason o.O). The game is from NCsoft. maybe that might work out for u it goes f2p on the 11 of this month. :) and if u u can start now…
  • Well with a name like Blades of pie xD I'll go with what u believe lol
  • XD im tired to u have a good rest
  • I found nothing of the sort of Outta Area Servers on google on wiki or anywhere XD.
  • i guess adding a pvp and pve would make sence. If that is the case then there was 2 servers at the start of when the game was released. Which would make me feel it was lost and heavens tear.
  • Come to think of it Sei they do restrict a certain amount of users for one ip. Maybe if he had his own internet he could bring over. Cuz if I remember correctly. I think i did read somewhere about pwe restricting a certain amount of connections to one Ip at a time Just cannot remember where.
  • if it was was 2x forever people would treat it like something new for a whole week then it would be the same dang thing. and instead they would be wondering what 3x would be like then if they never had 3x the game would be very dull cuz nothing extra like 2x would come at random weeks the game would plummet even further
  • i questioned that line as well xd
  • O.O interesting info dude xD
  • ah well if ur starting out new or not I have some charecters and new ones we can quest together if u want xD
  • In my opinion the game would be **** if it went to 2x forever. I like the random 2x weekends . 1x is fine I guess it gives me some challenge to level up. If 2 x was perm the whole server would not play as much cuz you would get ppl that like have 100 and wouldn't want to play the damn thing anymore cuz they got to it so…
  • Well it is actually possible he could have been **** in that time. Which yes it does suck. I mean you did spend money. But Pwe I'm telling doesn't really care that much if got **** or not or if u lost ur stuff or if ur account is banned. Its harsh I know. And a response from a gm will probably take like 5 days minimum.…
  • Eh u have a valid point xD. Still though some people find this game fun adn there not bored of it ... yet. Im just saying and i have never reached 95 this has nothing to do with me not playing. more of simply I freaking help to much and mess around.
  • Good luck ur waiting to like a year wait for a gm to even respond xD. cuz they take so long w/e. Maybe someone messed with his account but why don't yall all start over from scratch. That is what me and my friends do if we havnt played a game in like half a whole year. so we can start fresh get a feel for it again and meet…