mental Arc User


  • so cheap i jsut spent 3k on a private server xD about 3 years playing that just to know this is cheap guysb:dirty want it..but bleah level is my trouble no time to play nowdays b:cry my dam....profile pic is a werefox? OMG XD
  • maybe "perfect dollars" ;)
  • Thx for this Game Masters..this going to be a BOMB!! keep working hard..we going to support you foooor sure!!
  • yeah..i may keep the legitim names of characters..or make some poll to see..what people wants about the names =) im Warrior..and well warrior enclose all the heavy equipment and heavy weapons in game... MuOnline, talks a lil bit more of swords..than axes... Anyways..i going to play…
    in Class Names Comment by mental July 2008