luvs4play Arc User


  • AAhhh thanks much b:laugh
  • So it is only lvl's 50 and 80 that I must purchase or find a PerfectIronHammer? Other lvl's are merely r-click2use, ya? Thank you all, for your input & assistance regarding my various queries
  • What is considered "high-lvl?" I've been here 3ish weeks & having alot of fun; made 50ish in this time... What is a WraithEvent anyhow?
  • Thanks kindly b:pleased How unfortunate that PWI sells this in a manner of repetition when it is needed to attain 50+ StashRewards; have2buy again & again b:shocked
  • What are the various Wines for? I have made a couple of them, but don't understand what-for/when/how to use them?
    in fb wines Comment by luvs4play June 2009
  • Thank you very much, for the information. I'll keep lvling the iBlessing then, until I find another that's better andor a SquadHealing Skill, whichever this may be.
  • What is a "TT" run and at what lvl does this come into play?
  • I have looked to this AuctionHouse, but the costs are so exhorbitant, that the cost of pots(about 50ish/lvl) and 'other' is far too expensive for one who has but 2 pennies to rub together; less than 100k Gold. Then the cost of Skills is excruciatingly vast, hence I am still using mostly AttackSkills[5 & 6]. Two buffs are…
  • Is there a way then, to remove the Stones I have placed in these several Items without they breaking? There is about 100k Gold in Gems that I have placed in each of the several Items & it would be a terrible waste of Gold & effort to merely sell em back w/out some compensation.b:cry
  • Thank you very muchb:pleased This needs to be Sticky`d
  • g`Day folks b:pleased I am curious too, of the voracious resources utilized in primary cities as opposed to training in less-travelled arenas... Is there a place on-screen where ping is registered & shown for each IGN in P.W.I. somewhere, or am I just merely looking at my ventrilo which is almost continually stuck at 26~28…
    in Ping Comment by luvs4play May 2009
  • This is the exact Link I am looking for, thanks kindly.b:pleased I am now looking for the various Merchant/Jewelcrafter who can sell/Combine each level to make my own? Is this possible, and if so what is the name of NPC that does each succession? It seems to jump from Level/1 streight to Level/5 in Archosaur; I have…
  • I am still trying to figure out how to open/activate the Pet's Inventory? I would love to carry an extra amount of "stuff" so I don't continually drop all the goods I have accumulated.