latissimus Arc User


  • You're welcome!
  • Who am I? None of your business! Thanks for the advice, but I can look after myself. That is probably for the best. Somehow I get the feeling you don't really belong here.
  • Whether or not you like the bikes in PWI, they're here. QQing about them wont change a thing. How old are you? That is just so infantile.
  • Something else I've noticed with this change. I used to be able to mount mid air. Can't do that any more. Now I have to wait until I've landed before calling the mount will work. I suppose you could say that it is no longer possible to hit the ground running.
  • In the last BH I did, an archer attacked 1 mob and attracted a second. The cleric healed the archer without realising there was a second mob and got the second mob's agro. The archer kept on hammering the 1st mob instead of saving the cleric from the second mob. Those mobs drain manna so the cleric had no chance. To add…
  • One of the most basic squad skills I see sadly lacking lately is how to keep the cleric alive. When you DDers attract agro from multiple mobs, and the cleric gets heal agro then dies, the squad wipe is your fault more than it is the clerics. The only clerics fault in that situation was in healing you.