kraut Arc User


  • Nefarious didn't kill the endgame fun for anyone. PWE did that themselves with their "spend money, have good gear" mentality and the willingness of players to spend cash for in game gear. So for endgame fun being killed you can blame packs.
  • I miss D'Gamers and the old crew there b:sad
  • roffle i think thats all this thread is now TBH, ppl QQin because they are butt-hurt on a side note...good fight this weekend Regi, was fun...Enelysion you guys are gettin stronger and stronger keep it up i feel some good fights comin up between us in the future =]
  • that was directed at Tannzie, not you johnny It was not a devalis style beating, if you notice who we had pulling catapults you would realise that we are also trying to train our members at other jobs and it helps to break up the monotiny of doing the same thing over and over =]
  • Your right, normally i am more "noble" than that, however i do not like when ppl start **** for no reason. The fact of the matter is i didnt play with johnnyph while he was in Nef either, i didnt like him then and i dont like him now. You are all right HF was one of the main ppl pushing to kick sinangel, I do believe HF…
  • roffle ur dumb lol i think u need to get ur facts straight before u speak dude. also instead of HIDING behind a fake name LOL, which is flat out cowardess come at me like a MAN with who u are, or u too chicken? there were 3 ppl that stood up for sinangel in those times and i am one of them, once again get ur facts straight…
  • holy *&^ urself were one of those officers Xoria...u had a huge chip on ur shoulder cause of sinangel LMAOu did anything u could to get him kicked cause he openly said bad things about u (likely truth).....and johnnyPH ur just um flat out stupid...u were in Eminence for a couple weeks and u openly PKed Nefarious…
  • OK so if Eneylsion is Nefs pawn faction then all the factions that attacked Nef are Regicides pawn factions??? STFU....ooooooor maybe they are on the take from Regicide....who knows. But seems a lil fishy that Regicide is the only one that seems to be comin out on top of this deal....HMMMMMM the deal seems to be ran by Dan…
  • Just curious, but why a futile joke?
  • Wont happen to me...i wont start so close to not stupid...DC on the other hand...ya that will happen alot :P
    in Omfg >:o Comment by kraut July 2009
  • Obviously she didnt start long enough before maint....once again her stupidity...GOOD JOB PWI b:victory
    in Omfg >:o Comment by kraut July 2009
  • Good job PWI b:victory and Astrelle...y start that close to only have urself to blame for bein stupid on that one
    in Omfg >:o Comment by kraut July 2009