kjstorage Arc User


  • 1. If it degenerated into nothingness, it must have originally been "somethingness", thus validating what the OP asked, and negating the second part of your helpful input. 2. Given the large number of scathing and unhelpful posts you make berating virtually anyone who dares to post a thread, it has become clear (following…
  • Ok OK I get it now... you must be a corporate banker or government financial afvisor.. my bad.
  • Since when was a half also a half+ ? If you talk of the OTHER anything, it is because one or more of that item has been addressed already, and since nothing prior to that statement was a half or constituted a half, then logically there cannot be an OTHER half. If you talk of the OTHER half, then half has to have already…
  • The OTHER half... was my point... sorry if you cant see that
  • Need I really say anything? lololol
  • Well the OP is merely politely asking for an update, and as is the norm when people ask for information from Frankie or an update to something he has stated will happen, none is forthcoming. People are on the whole not going to start throwing tomatoes etc if there is going to be yet another delay, despite being told the…
  • Ok.. well, firstly, other people, when I asked in WC, DID say they had the same / similar problems..I think I already mentioned that. Secondly, I used chips /miragesto exemplify that I wasnt QQ iing about missing the rewards, but merely wondering why only 2 rewards came up for 4 completed BH's. Thirdly I am aware of what…
  • Thanks for telling me you got all your rewards, helpful as ever jadsia. Thanks too for deciding on everyone elses behalf what they were responding to. Further thanks for not reading properly ...again and missing the point i was querying. I give up.. i calrified it all in the post before yours...
  • I have been doing bh100 for over 2years if we are dropping stats and have 4 chars that do them , 3 of them 101. I know it isnt normal to have 4 and like i said, fporget that aspect for a moment and assume if you would, that i had at least 3. This beingthe case please accept that at the least I had a BH1 AND a BH2 for wave…
  • Not going to get into that, told you i had 4 but have your own way, and assume I am wrong and only had 3... My point still stands... why only 2 rewards available? There was ONE BH1 reward and ONE BH2 reward.. ohhh and did i mention i got 4 talismans? The absolute minimum i would have expected was to see 3 BH reward…
  • I had 4x BH for RB believe me
  • whats happening with the gifts? no QQ just want some info. Are you going to enable it? If so when? Has anyone received them yet? Lack of information and updates is a disgrace once again. If it is going to take another week, oh well.. but for the love of God, have the manners, courtesy and sense to at least say something on…
  • Its very sad that this needs to be explained over and over but here we go anyway. The majority of the threads that are posted are done by sensible, mature, intelligent people who are not only making entirely valid enquiries but are also seeking the input of like minded people. Many of them have already tried various other…
  • "you people"? I seem to recall that being the phrase Mel Gibson used... it didnt get received well as I remember it. It isnt your place to decide who may post or on what topic, take a leaf out of your own book, if you dont like whats requested then leave and stop QQing. ROFL very much at the notion that you may in fact be…
  • So are we to understand that this session of 2x is in some way meant to be compensation? Only I see nothing to say so, and in fact it cannot be considered as compensating in any way. The current 2x applies to ALL players, so there is still nothing to compensate the players who had their passwords changed. Frankies…
  • Initiate a Poll Thread Frankie!!! and try conducting polls BEFORE you **** people over. Regardless of anyone's view on rights and wrongs, morals and ideas of acceptable conduct, you have a huge swathe of heated debate here from exercising a change that you CLAIM a large number of people asked for. YOU have NO CLUE who…
  • I have finally regained my account thank you after almost a week of trying to elicit a response from the absurdly named "Customer Service Department" and getting no contact whatsoever. Quote: Originally Posted by frankieraye Customer Service has been responding to people the entire time. We use the forum to reach people…
  • Quote: 1. This is the way the developers preferred to implement it. Still, we can bring this up as a possible alternative. 2. If you're strong enough to kill Silver Frost, you should be able to handle yourself inside of Secret Passage. Our main concern was for lowbies getting ganked while trying to do mandatory quests. In…