kinkitsune Arc User


  • Latest news earlier on the thread is
  • It's not fixed, but you don't have to make a new character either - once it'll be fixed (my money's on next month but that's just my personal guess, there's no official word on schedule) you'll be able to take the cultivation quest and catch up. Of course there's still an option of making an alt on some other race…
  • Most quests you can restart if you trash them. In this case it won't help with cultivation quest though, so don't bother to do it. Cultivation quest simply won't trigger no matter what. Glad to hear you're sticking with the foxi though b:cute P.S. By the way, while there's different 'schools' to 'what's good for…
  • It's probably not devs either directly in this case. I believe this kind of decision would fall either for server admin(s) or community representative, or possibly whomever is in charge of whole PWI team. As to why there still isn't a notice, suppose without any official word, anyone's left to doing their own guesses.
  • I don't think you need to be too worried about your new character per se, the problem isn't permanent. The bug will eventually get fixed, and you'll be fine from there. Until then, if you made a venomancer it's not overly difficult to get yourself up to 30s under current circumstances if you so choose, I can personally…
  • If it had been fixen within a couple days, it might not have been such a big fuss. It's been close to couple weeks now, and as stated, is known to last AT LEAST another week. At this point not making it clearly known to new players is in my opinion inexcusable, and is really starting to give a bad impression of responsible…
  • You could put it in news section, in login message, you could even have Duke shout it along with the 'happy anniversary', or have it in the scrolling world message - sure there's plenty of means. It's the question of who makes the actual decision. I think that's not the GMs themselves, but rather someone higher up. Now,…
  • I'm not sure if this is actually at the hands of GMs (or lead GMs). My guess would be this would fall for whatever community representative. I doubt a GM could just off and put up a message on news or login section. But whoever it is in charge of this, should do the right thing instead of letting it lay under the carpet.
  • Been there, done that, believe me - 25 years of programming. A pressure can be very stressfull, but it can also make you accomplish surprising things. You might also need a vacation afterwards. Still, like I've mentioned earlier, what 'bugs' me most about this issue, is the lack of informing new players. 'Untamed…
  • Cultivation is quite a big deal, because at the moment it prevents, I think, hundreds of people from playing the game as intended - more so because a large number of them isn't even aware there's something wrong in the game, for a new player the first assumption would be that they did something wrong themself. It's…
  • Quite true, there's numerous examples of this - not just in MMO, not just in games even, but with anything to do with programming. Often comes in launch of new games when they are rushed to particular schedule, like holiday sales (Horizons was a terrible example of this on the MMO genre). Just to be clear, personally I…
  • After it'd taken about a week, I wouldn't expect it to be fixed until the end of month when the anniversary event ends. However, I'd like to repeat the sentiments I expressed earlier - and which at least some people seem to agree with: This issue touches 1/3 of the new players who are not yet familiar with the game, and…
  • (scratch that, it was too much off-topic)
  • Scratch that, I went back to check it today, and could see the quest now. My quest list was totally loaded last time I went looking, maybe I just didn't have room for it - although I'd imagine it would still at least show the quest. Either way seems to work out now. (Has anyone noticed any other missing/broken quests? It…
  • I suppose. Zen could be restored, event could be restarted, so overall there wouldn't be 'unfair loss' like that. I could see the flames scorching the floors of haven though. X_X I imagine to prompt something like that, it would take a very major issue, something that would complitely overthrow the balance of the game -…
  • Just my two cents - but I don't think you'll need to worry about server rollback. If you consider all the real money economy involved, the zen/gold that people have bought, sold, traded and spent during the event - all the people who happened to win special items, then perhaps sold and traded them... a rollback to start of…
  • My understanding is that this issue occured around the same time this anniversary event started. I'm not really certain of the connection between PWI and other versions of PW, but my question is does this same bug occur in other versions of the game - and if not, would it be related to the anniversary event? Should this be…