Untamed Cultivation Bug - post here



  • saraphiene2
    saraphiene2 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    first off akikoa have you ever heard "the squeeky wheel gets oiled"? its really basic it revolves around service, supply, and demand. If no one cares or voices their concern then its obviously not a big deal, thus less priority. Here's an example, if downtown in your city 2 people are holding up signs protesting are the police going to tear gas them? No, but if 500 people gather and hold up signs its harder to go unnoticed. Sure the police arent going to tear gas them either but I'd be shocked if there wasnt some public peace officers monitoring the situation so it doesnt turn into a riot.

    Same concept here.. the sqeeky wheel gets oiled. If its effecting us all and no one really bothers to complain then it isnt as big of a problem now is it? So as a company if you have 100 customers and only 1 of them is upset its not a big deal but when you have 75 of that 100 customers its a really big deal. We are fustrated and the only way we can post to the devs is here. The fact our comments are responded by GM's is due to deligation. The devs need to develop not read forums.. also why they have a public relations officer.

    Secondly explodebear take an anti anxiety pill and get off other people's backs about spelling. I can guarentee your not a perfect speller either, not to mention the fact that spelling has nothing to do with your intelligence or level of experience doing something. You flaming another player about spelling is like yelling at your mechanic for your car for not filling up your gas tank. Yes the gas tank is a mechanical part of the car, no it has nothing to do with your alternator. The guy was talking about programming not the spelling b awards he won in the 4th grade.
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have to agree with Kinkitsune, locking this topic would just cause MORE problems and it would just mean that more people would get upset since they're being shut down and not allowed to vent or speak their opinion. Ya have to realize most of the people complaining are new to this game, so unlike those that have played this for a while, this isn't a big deal to them.
  • _Miku_ - Lost City
    _Miku_ - Lost City Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    OK LOL so your working and your custumers start complaing your going to work slower?
    That additude gets you fired.
    And btw veno friend? That isnt your file...
    Close this thread?
    So you don't think we have a right to complain?
    It is their job to have this game running properly and by them I mean the programmers.
    Like I said before since we cant contact them we are expressing ourselves to the GM.
    We have a right to complain as much as we want and the only reasons why your saying humans always have to make such a big deal about everything is because your not getting affected so you dont give a ****.

    To Akikoa
  • _Miku_ - Lost City
    _Miku_ - Lost City Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have to agree with Kinkitsune, locking this topic would just cause MORE problems and it would just mean that more people would get upset since they're being shut down and not allowed to vent or speak their opinion. Ya have to realize most of the people complaining are new to this game, so unlike those that have played this for a while, this isn't a big deal to them.
    I have some other files that r lvl 4x and 5x so still nooby but not new and im still mad about this glitch
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Okay I withdraw my prior statement lol so i don't make an **** of myself. Basically those who are high leveled, been there done that with their Untamed, don't generally care, and some of those that have characters of other races... don't care. Because it's not affecting them. But again most people will just see us as whiners cause they don't have to deal with it unless they have a Untamed created by them within the last 2 weeks... er... does that make any sense? o.o
  • Akikoa - Dreamweaver
    Akikoa - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *sigh* Not like my race being bugged would bother me, there are plenty of other things outside the game to do in real life and as I've said I have a venomancer right now that I'm working on and she is affected by this problem. And using real world examples for a game is just sad. Plenty of other games and forums lock update threads so spam doesn't get blasted into it and only the vital posts are seen and they've worked out just fine. The way you talk to the GMs or the Devs is through the Trouble Ticket System, not through complaining in a thread or complaining to them ingame.

    It's understandable to be mad and upset, but in the end, it is only a game. Go read a book or something, or draw, or do something creative while waiting. Work those brain muscles, not lock up your finger over a keyboard all day just anxiously waiting for a fix that isn't exactly that easy to make or clicking the mouse mindlessly with no major processing.

    The fact is, more complaining is pointless because as they've said, "They are aware of the problem and have addressed the issue and are working on it." You think they aren't sweating it, just because it's not getting fixed at the speed that everyone else wants it to be. A program nor coding can be pushed by human emotions of displeasure or anger. So the humans behind the coding can't rush it, or it'll just get busted more.

    The point of what I'm saying is, you cannot control something by using anger or displeasure that is out of your power and how would you like it if you were in their shoes and were under pressure from all of this.
  • rushiferu
    rushiferu Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Okay, guys, seriously, can't you stop arguing with each other? Those who don't think this is a serious problem - what the hell are you even doing in this thread? Go post somewhere else, play the game or maybe get a life? Just don't start blaming the others for expressing their feelings and thoughts on the matter. I mean, hello, it's what this thread is all about.
    And although I respect the GMs, devs and whoever else is in this - I agree with saraphiene2 that if we stop talking about it no one will fix this anytime soon.
    I made 4 characters and kept quiet even when this topic was started but I can't take it any longer either. To be honest I'm not even interested in the other races anymore so I guess I'll just stop playing for as admirable it is to work hard with one or two skills, it's really annoying for me. Surely I'm not the only one who loves leveling up just to gain a new skill and try it out? It's one of the most fascinating things about the game.
    Oh and maybe this was explained somewhere but I really don't get why the patches should be released on a certain day of the week. Especially if there's a bug like this. Personally, I'd be much more relieved if someone told me there will be a new patch as soon as the bug is fixed... But it's just my opinion, don't overwork yourselves or anything b:sweat
  • saraphiene2
    saraphiene2 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I started to read akikoe's last post but with that purple and the regergitated comments all i really got from it was "blah blah blah whine blah blah stop blah blah blah." I think that about covers it.. did I miss anything? *looks innocent and braces for flaming come backs*
  • _Miku_ - Lost City
    _Miku_ - Lost City Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    LOL yea i know what you mean cause i saw it and was about to read and was like its not even worth it XD
  • kinkitsune
    kinkitsune Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *sigh* Not like my race being bugged would bother me, there are plenty of other things outside the game to do in real life and as I've said I have a venomancer right now that I'm working on and she is affected by this problem. And using real world examples for a game is just sad. Plenty of other games and forums lock update threads so spam doesn't get blasted into it and only the vital posts are seen and they've worked out just fine. The way you talk to the GMs or the Devs is through the Trouble Ticket System, not through complaining in a thread or complaining to them ingame.

    It's understandable to be mad and upset, but in the end, it is only a game. Go read a book or something, or draw, or do something creative while waiting. Work those brain muscles, not lock up your finger over a keyboard all day just anxiously waiting for a fix that isn't exactly that easy to make or clicking the mouse mindlessly with no major processing.

    The fact is, more complaining is pointless because as they've said, "They are aware of the problem and have addressed the issue and are working on it." You think they aren't sweating it, just because it's not getting fixed at the speed that everyone else wants it to be. A program nor coding can be pushed by human emotions of displeasure or anger. So the humans behind the coding can't rush it, or it'll just get busted more.

    The point of what I'm saying is, you cannot control something by using anger or displeasure that is out of your power and how would you like it if you were in their shoes and were under pressure from all of this.

    Been there, done that, believe me - 25 years of programming. A pressure can be very stressfull, but it can also make you accomplish surprising things. You might also need a vacation afterwards. Still, like I've mentioned earlier, what 'bugs' me most about this issue, is the lack of informing new players. 'Untamed cultivation quest currently has a problem. For more information see official forums at (insert link to official information thread)'. How difficult can that be? For that kind of purpose you certainly could (and IMO should) make a locked, sticky thread, strictly reserved for any relevant information/posts by developers/GMs regarding the issue, so that people who simply look for information about it would find what they are looking for, quickly. That would be aside from the 'less formal' thread like this current one, which has more 'freeform discussion' about the matter.
  • PandaXDenwen - Lost City
    PandaXDenwen - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Im srry but did you think it through before you posted?
    The people at fault are not the GMs yes but we cant contact the programmers and teh GMs are our link through so we are bugging the GM to bug the programmers.
    U might not see it as a big deal because frankly its not effecting you but without cultivation we cannot fly, we only have 1 or 2 skills to fight with and you know for barbs the 1st skill is a waste of spirit if u lvl it up so yes this is a big deal.

    All I'm saying is that no matter how much we get all bent out of shape about this matter, the process isn't going to speed up. It is in our very right to complain but a lot of people are blaming the GM's for the problem when it's not their fault. Have faith in the GM's because I'm sure their complaining to the developers about the problem for our benefit. I think after over hundreds of complaints the developers get the message. Besides until they fix it just take a break from the game if you can't handle dealing with the problem, keep leveling your Untamed, or you can also just make a different class while waiting for the cultivation to be fixed. It's not as if PW is your life (I mean no offense by that and I am sorry if it did). The main thing is that they should have informed new players such as myself about this problem but even so, all is well.
    Another thing, I never said this problem didn't affect me. I'm simply trying to let it be known that it's not that big of a deal because in the end it's just a game. Life goes on. I'm spamming my two level 1 skills at level 23 and I have no problem with it because sooner or later I know the problem will be fixed. The real problem at hand is patience. Something that a lot of players here don't seem to have.
  • Xsayarsa - Dreamweaver
    Xsayarsa - Dreamweaver Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    What is with all the QQers in here? It'll get fixed in time, so stop whining. Go do something else for a bit. I have a veno alt, and I am affected too. It's not a big deal. Obviously, the majority of players aren't as patient as I thought...

    Also, could you please stop bashing Akikoa for stating his feelings? EVerybody has their own opinion. Stop this arguing plzkthxbai.
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    People are gonna complain, no matter what anyone say's or does. It's just how we are when we get upset that something is screwed up. No flammin from me caue i do agree with all of you in some form. But we do need to put a bit of pressure so that it's not put off for another week after this one ya know? I mean do you think I got any down time when i was in the army? Hellllllll no!
  • Asurr - Heavens Tear
    Asurr - Heavens Tear Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *sigh* Not like my race being bugged would bother me, there are plenty of other things outside the game to do in real life and as I've said I have a venomancer right now that I'm working on and she is affected by this problem. And using real world examples for a game is just sad. Plenty of other games and forums lock update threads so spam doesn't get blasted into it and only the vital posts are seen and they've worked out just fine. The way you talk to the GMs or the Devs is through the Trouble Ticket System, not through complaining in a thread or complaining to them ingame.

    It's understandable to be mad and upset, but in the end, it is only a game. Go read a book or something, or draw, or do something creative while waiting. Work those brain muscles, not lock up your finger over a keyboard all day just anxiously waiting for a fix that isn't exactly that easy to make or clicking the mouse mindlessly with no major processing.

    The fact is, more complaining is pointless because as they've said, "They are aware of the problem and have addressed the issue and are working on it." You think they aren't sweating it, just because it's not getting fixed at the speed that everyone else wants it to be. A program nor coding can be pushed by human emotions of displeasure or anger. So the humans behind the coding can't rush it, or it'll just get busted more.

    The point of what I'm saying is, you cannot control something by using anger or displeasure that is out of your power and how would you like it if you were in their shoes and were under pressure from all of this.

    uh actually if we dont complain then the issue wouldnt be fixed as fast as we might like. beleive it or not but the more complaining a group of ppl does the FASTER and more likely something will be fixed to solve the problem and the ppls complaints. now u can beleive that or not beleive it but that IS the truth. less complaining will put it off to the devs/GMs as if its not a serious issue but the more angry ppl that complain will let the devs/GMs know that it IS indeed a serious issue and something needs to be done asap. also to get ppl to calm down aswell. so yes complaining is pretty important structure for MMOs and something this serious of a bug u rly think there wont be any complaining/angry rants? maybe if the bug was small ya... but this is a HUGE bug especially for newer players like myself.

    yes the GMs dont have power over this issue... but u know what the GMs CAN do but they HAVE NOT done? warn us that an IMPORTANT AND CRITICAL QUEST OF THE GAME IS BUGGED SO THAT NEWER PLAYERS WILL KNOW THAT IT IS BUGGED. all it takes is a notice ingame or on the website/patcher that the cultivation quest for the untamed race is bugged and that a fix is on its way. but so far i have not seen such a notice which is why newer players like me spent hours trying to figure out what "WE" did wrong and not knowing that it was a game fault/bug... some even went as far as deleting there chars and making a new one thinking that they did something wrong on there new char.

    the GMs have not informed us and the ONLY way to actually find out something is wrong with the quest is to come on the forums and make a new post asking what they did wrong and how to get there skills. but the mods will only delete/merg there post with this that has 28+ pages rants and such in it. so sometimes they still might not even know what is wrong because this thread is the only thread that ive seen that even gives any info on it because other threades are deleted/merged with this one.

    so ya, the GMs CAN do something. they can inform all the newer players of this game about the issue... yet a week has gone by it seems and nothing informing newer players of this has went out. imo its pretty unprofessional because something thise serious should ATLEAST give players a notice on the patch warning us newer players about it... but guess what? not many ppl complained about not having a notice so of course the GMs wont do something as simple as that even tho it should be common sense... im not trying to put down the GMs of this game but seriously, how hard is it to put a notice up warning newer players of this issue when its such a big issue? infact when i go in game the thing i see on a notice is something about the anniversary but nothing about this current issue.

    as far as the devs/programmers are concerned well like i said before, something THIS big of a issue that stops an entire race/class from progressing further in the game should have been dealt with the first week. seeing as its taking this long leads me to believe that the devs dont know how big of a issue this is... ya it takes a while to make sure that once its fixed other bugs dont arise from the fix, but serious in a professional environment with a TEAM of programmers/devs this should get fixes relatively fast... so its just unprofessional on both sides tbh. GMs for not warning us of this issue at all and the devs for letting this big of a bug be out for going on what 2weeks now?

    sure other mmos have "bugs in the wild" but other MMOs fix bugs that are THIS HUGE within a week... the DO NOT let this kind of a serious issue go on for this long.
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited September 2009
    uh actually if we dont complain then the issue wouldnt be fixed as fast as we might like. beleive it or not but the more complaining a group of ppl does the FASTER and more likely something will be fixed to solve the problem and the ppls complaints. now u can beleive that or not beleive it but that IS the truth. less complaining will put it off to the devs/GMs as if its not a serious issue but the more angry ppl that complain will let the devs/GMs know that it IS indeed a serious issue and something needs to be done asap.
    Bug fix priority is not dependent on the volume of complaints.
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • Xsayarsa - Dreamweaver
    Xsayarsa - Dreamweaver Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    The Cultivation, fbs, skills, etc, ARE NOT COMPLETELY NECESSARY TO PROGRESS IN THE GAME. I have a venomancer that it almost level 20 and is just fine with out all those fancy skills. QQ more.
    Surtr wrote: »
    Bug fix priority is not dependent on the volume of complaints.

  • _Miku_ - Lost City
    _Miku_ - Lost City Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Surtr wrote: »
    Bug fix priority is not dependent on the volume of complaints.
    Well all of this complaining is telling you that we dont feel like you r trying all you can to fix the bug. =/
    I think thats the point alot of ppl r trying to get acrossed.
    And you still havent replied and told me when you guys think that the bug will be fixed.
    Not a exact or definate time but a guess maybe?
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited September 2009
    Next week, maybe, hopefully, and this should in no way, shape, or form be construed as a guarantee. Until we have the fix on our internal servers and can confirm that it is indeed working, we can't give an exact date.
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • kinkitsune
    kinkitsune Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    yes the GMs dont have power over this issue... but u know what the GMs CAN do but they HAVE NOT done? warn us that an IMPORTANT AND CRITICAL QUEST OF THE GAME IS BUGGED SO THAT NEWER PLAYERS WILL KNOW THAT IT IS BUGGED. all it takes is a notice ingame or on the website/patcher that the cultivation quest for the untamed race is bugged and that a fix is on its way. but so far i have not seen such a notice which is why newer players like me spent hours trying to figure out what "WE" did wrong and not knowing that it was a game fault/bug... some even went as far as deleting there chars and making a new one thinking that they did something wrong on there new char.

    I'm not sure if this is actually at the hands of GMs (or lead GMs). My guess would be this would fall for whatever community representative. I doubt a GM could just off and put up a message on news or login section. But whoever it is in charge of this, should do the right thing instead of letting it lay under the carpet.
  • _Miku_ - Lost City
    _Miku_ - Lost City Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ok XD
    I will now stop posting on this thread :P
    I just needed a date to lookforward to
  • Asurr - Heavens Tear
    Asurr - Heavens Tear Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    kinkitsune wrote: »
    I'm not sure if this is actually at the hands of GMs (or lead GMs). My guess would be this would fall for whatever community representative. I doubt a GM could just off and put up a message on news or login section. But whoever it is in charge of this, should do the right thing instead of letting it lay under the carpet.

    im pretty sure its not that hard to just write a small paragraph informing the communit of this problem... no MMO ive played has not have some kind of notice informing the players of a serious bug especially if its a bug as serious as this one. whether its on the patcher, the site, or ingame notices they always informed the player base of it. how hard can it be to do that?

    really if this is how things are handled in this game then it puts a bad impression on newer players and will more then likely turn them off from this game and they loose alot of potential newer players. if a bug that stops a entire race from advancing in the game goes unfixed for 2+ weeks or maybe even 3+ weeks and the GMs nor devs themselves know when a bug like this will be fix shows how unprofessional things are run in this game. it will make newer players find better maintained games... this game is a year old apprently but this is a kind of bug that u would expect in the beta or alpha stages of the game...
  • PandaXDenwen - Lost City
    PandaXDenwen - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The thing that made me mad the most about all of this is that when I went to the Taoist to do the cultivation, I clicked on the quest and then my screen went black. Then 2 seconds later it started playing that rickrolled song b:angry

    lol srry i needed to put some humor in here to lighten ppl up b:victory
  • Kokin - Dreamweaver
    Kokin - Dreamweaver Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Surtr wrote: »
    Next week, maybe, hopefully, and this should in no way, shape, or form be construed as a guarantee. Until we have the fix on our internal servers and can confirm that it is indeed working, we can't give an exact date.

    Another maybe hahahahahaha
    This is really funny (ironic) hahahahahahahaha

    Keep going with the great job, devs (ironic) hahahahaha
  • Asurr - Heavens Tear
    Asurr - Heavens Tear Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    such a imperfect world we live in today =(
  • kinkitsune
    kinkitsune Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    im pretty sure its not that hard to just write a small paragraph informing the communit of this problem...
    You could put it in news section, in login message, you could even have Duke shout it along with the 'happy anniversary', or have it in the scrolling world message - sure there's plenty of means. It's the question of who makes the actual decision. I think that's not the GMs themselves, but rather someone higher up.
    Surtr wrote: »
    Next week, maybe, hopefully, and this should in no way, shape, or form be construed as a guarantee. Until we have the fix on our internal servers and can confirm that it is indeed working, we can't give an exact date.

    Now, this is not necessarily directed to you personally - rather to whomever is in charge of decision like this: could we see some form of warning for new players about untamed race having currently a rather major issue? Put yourself in the shoes of a new player, and imagine the impression they get from a game after playing for a day and finally realizing there's a bug that halts their skill advancement - which for many people is one major aspect of the game. You learn it's a known issue, but that no one bothered to mention it. You'll probably feel pretty let down.

    If you brought it to at least some attention, new players would be able to make informed decision. If it doesn't matter to you that much what class you play, you can simply pick another one. If it does, you'll weight your choises, and either get to know the game through other class, or pick the untamed anyway - and know to expect a delay in advancement - or you wait before jumping in altogether. Is this about a fear of driving people off by letting them know there is a major bug in one race in the game? Or is it about something else? For myself at least, I'd still pick venomancer - I didn't fall in love with the game and decide to play venomancer, I fell in love with venomancer class and decided to play the game. But I'd sure as hell feel better about it if I felt I was honestly kept in loop about a bug of this magnitude, instead of needing to learn it the hard way like people currently have to.
  • phenny
    phenny Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'v been reading quickly whats everyone writing.I aggree that its a major problem.They do need to WARN people.I had no idea about it until I made a veno 4 days ago.I am now lv21 and gosh having 1 skill is getting VERY annoying. Its true you can keep playing but come on...without cultivation its not the same thing.
  • NaTx - Dreamweaver
    NaTx - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    It makes no sense to leave the PWI bug for 1 week. I say this because if it were something that could be solved easily, as would have happened, so chalk one bit of confidence in the team ranked.

    Even with all the inconvenience that the loss of culture brought, it is better to think that one day, sooner or later the problem will be solved and everyone will be happy again.

    If some have forgotten, a "GAME" serves to bring fun. There is no reason for such alarm. Chill the hearts and continue doing other tasks! If it is not enough, play other games or read books while then the problem is not resolved. I for one game Jade Dynasty (as much as I like PW) and started reading a great book, titled "A brief history of nearly everything." I recommend.

    I found it necessary to reply to this topic because I read all the posts and did not like much of what I read. Of course, my opinion is only the most important to me, but I hope the majority feel better after reading my answer.

    Best wishes to all, and wish him well and not be mad until the resolution of small problem
  • Prosh - Harshlands
    Prosh - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    could u imagine if the GMs were just telling us the bug won't be fixed during this weeks maintenance to mess with us? then as an awesome surpise we log in to find it actually IS fixed b:chuckle that would be great~

    eh, probably not. maybe my hopes are way too high b:surrender
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Mmm noodles!
  • philisia
    philisia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I started playing this game two days ago and my first character was a veno,of course a few hours in i stumbled into this bug and it's making me seriously rethink about if i should invest time in this game.The problem i have whit this is not the bug itself but the large ammount of time it's taking to fix, it just fells to me that if i play this it's just a matter of a few updates before another gamebreaking bug appears that will take half a month (If not more) to get fixed.

    So i'll just asks out right, does it usually take this much time for bugs to be fixed in this game or is this a first?.
  • rushiferu
    rushiferu Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    could u imagine if the GMs were just telling us the bug won't be fixed during this weeks maintenance to mess with us? then as an awesome surpise we log in to find it actually IS fixed b:chuckle that would be great~

    eh, probably not. maybe my hopes are way too high b:surrender

    I was just thinking the exact same thing! But it would be pretty stupid of them... besides we're too far from the 1st of April. And some people (including me) would probably like to kill them for it xD Still... hope dies last!:/
This discussion has been closed.