kami Arc User


  • I greatly appreciate what GM's have done for this game and that they are taking time and interest to fixing in game matters. I also understand that some things need time to fix and I am a patient person. But on this matter I really don't think we have the time. PWI has a lot of players from Europe and frankly TW times…
  • Thank you Elchignolo for pointing out Dragons intent once again even if some people seem to completely ignore what we have been saying all this time and keep ranting endlessly when it's obvious they can't accept the fact that GM's agreed with how their "tactics" ruin the fun for all. I am tired of defending Dragons honor…
  • Ok everyone please stop this senseless flaming. The GM's have answered my question and I thank them for taking the time to looking in this matter and trying to make this a fair game. I consider uncalled for all remarks made to Dragons. Let's not call people you don't even know names. As the GM said: So yeah, we read our…
  • But putting that aside, we understand how things are done now, and we hope a GM or a Mod will approve all that you guys have said until now. So we can all rest easy knowing that this is not a matter that you could be banned for. As Tiament said-It is not about who won or didn't. What we want to know is : ARE we allowed to…
  • Ok, let me rephrase this. There is no whinnying on the Dragons side for the fact that we lost. It happened last time and you didn't see us complain. Yes it is a game and the ones that can't stand to lose should not play it. We are Dragons and we take pride in our legacy, we have a strong will and we despise cowards. Our…
  • Right we admit we are inexperienced... but we will learn from you the ones with experience. I guess we will do the same in our next TW stack all our catapults and tankers in the middle and everyone else we can fit inside and just hit from the cover.b:embarrass Wow that's really honorable coming from people who claim who…
  • And here is Genesis answer to the how they win their TWs. They learned it from MY. I don't see how that makes it right or how it makes this game fair or fun or playable. "Whip(Dragons): Is standing inside the Pixels of the Turrets Legal in TWars, so can't target?" "Abrahms(Genesis): Its a tactic used in MY servers as well…
  • Rofl TurkishVirus is famous now...geez b:laugh
  • I am wiz and I unfortunately the same thing happens to me too. Maybe the luck is character dependent though funny enough my bf's char(also wiz) seems to have similar drop rate to mine. I agree to the fact that the party looting system should be re-checked. And yeah I am pretty sure that veno's will never complain about…
  • Idk about you guys but i still can't get on the PvE server...I can only choose PvP, which is not really what i want. I plan on playing the PvE server but for now I am stuck playing a char I will probably not use... this sucks :(((