No Fake guild bids for TW but you allow TW glitches to win?

Crash - Heavens Tear
Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
edited October 2008 in General Discussion
well our guild Dragons basicly had our selfs all set and motivated for our TW as it was our second GvG TW but this time on defense, we were looking forward to that untill genesis thought they would pull off such a disgusting move it makes me sick

all they simply did was all rush in at once which yea thats a good tactic, but what they thought they wud do instead was ignore everything, while the barbs are surrounded, then get to our crystal nd simply hide under the catapult which simply pummuled our crystal which ended the TW in about 10 mins and no1 could do a thing about it.

dont say that we shud have used shft+click or alt+click as just about most the time it doesnt work and were helpless against even defending our self, we easily stood a chance in just a normal battle in the TW it self without the glitch but they simply had to bugger it for us all and cheat there way to a victory.

so does that sound fair?
the GM's have said that they want TW to be able for everyone to participate in and have fun in as its one of the core things in PW thats fun,
yea its fun to do, but if we cant evn do so much as defend just cos they got more ppl in there guild vs us, then can simply bulk together, set them self under a catapult and be unkillable.

i suggest the GM's think hard about what you all plan to do because if this is whats gonna happen, im just going out this game and taking my cash elsewhere, and im sure alot of others will do to when they see its the same as PW-MY with TW being simply crapy and un-doable
retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
Post edited by Crash - Heavens Tear on


  • Elchignolo - Heavens Tear
    Elchignolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yea, that's really messing up siege.... Obviously it was really the tactics for the barbs : hide under the catapult, they were not even attacking the turrets/crystal, just trying to hide under the catapults as much as they could...
    Sucky TW....
  • kami
    kami Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    And here is Genesis answer to the how they win their TWs. They learned it from MY. I don't see how that makes it right or how it makes this game fair or fun or playable.

    "Whip(Dragons): Is standing inside the Pixels of the Turrets Legal in TWars, so can't target?"
    "Abrahms(Genesis): Its a tactic used in MY servers as well as factions on this server."

    Genesis I honestly say I liked you guys before this TW. I was looking forward to a fair and fun fight with you guys, but I guess you were not confident enough to fight us fair. You have really nice members and I am sorry for them...having to follow such ruthless leadership...

    I am really disappointed b:worried
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Aoe the catapults. Zzz, couldn't even think of doing that?
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    senovit wrote: »
    Aoe the catapults. Zzz, couldn't even think of doing that?

    it makes u wonder if we diddnt try that doesnt it?

    diddnt it ever cross ur mind that theres also a bunch of ppl attacking u and ur gonna end up a prime target just from instinct to kill the person thats using a AoE spell so they dont kill a bunch of there members instantly
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • Elchignolo - Heavens Tear
    Elchignolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Of course some ppl use their AOE on catapults, but it's not as efficient as targeting the person (no DoT, longer casting time, longer cool down for AOE skills) + for example as an archer u can't use ur barrage, cuz u need 2 sparks and u can never live long enough to have them....
  • ultima999
    ultima999 Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hiding under the catapult is not a glitch. It's strange that you guys are coming up with new "glitches" in the game. What's next? Crowding an NPC to stop players from clicking him is a glitch too?

    Learn how to select the target hiding under/inside the catapult.

    It is not a glitch.
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ultima999 wrote: »
    Hiding under the catapult is not a glitch. It's strange that you guys are coming up with new "glitches" in the game. What's next? Crowding an NPC to stop players from clicking him is a glitch too?

    Learn how to select the target hiding under/inside the catapult.

    It is not a glitch.

    to quote an obvious statement which i new some1 would say, yea its simple, lets alt and click our way in, if only it was as simple as that, what they did was bulk them self into the catapult so it was virtualy impossible to kill the barbarian while they had like all 4 catapults there, they just hide in there and kill us all.

    i wish it was as simple as u ppl put it, especialy when they have alot more ppl then u do, the only thing i thought was funny is, in our 1st GvG where they diddnt try destroy are crystal at the start, i were munching them all down even when they were ganking me.
    so they result into there cheap **** victory tactic
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • Elchignolo - Heavens Tear
    Elchignolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ultima999 wrote: »
    Hiding under the catapult is not a glitch. It's strange that you guys are coming up with new "glitches" in the game. What's next? Crowding an NPC to stop players from clicking him is a glitch too?

    Learn how to select the target hiding under/inside the catapult.

    It is not a glitch.

    It's not as simple as Alt-click/Shift-click, if u don't see the barb, you will still target the catapult : catapult is considered as a normal person by the game, nothing related to a NPC. It's like when u try to targetsomeone when several ppl are stacked (like at a teleporter spawn point), you can do whatever to "learn how to select the one you want" if the person you want to target is stacked, you will never be able to select him.
  • ultima999
    ultima999 Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    For the record, I do not belong to any of the guilds involved in that war.

    If you pay attention to one of the in-game tips then:

    When you have NPC and PC mixed together,
    1. Pressing Shift-Left-Click will select the NPC.
    2. Pressing Alt-Left-Click will select the PC.

    NPC = non-player controlled character/object
    PC = player controlled character

    A popular strategy is to have multiple barbs hiding inside the catapult to confuse the enemy from targetting. This is a normal and acceptable tactic.

    To counter this tactic, either use AOE damage or use focus fire to kill the "false" puller ASAP.

    This is why it is important to scout ahead to know the names of the pullers. Once the real puller is in target, all your team mate can use target assist.

    Again, hiding inside the catapult is not a glitch.

    EDIT: Boxing-in-defence belongs in the past. Our version has caught up with PW-China version. TW with flying battles are here to stay if not this patch then soon next few patches. Learn how to adapt to the new game play. The best defense is the best offense.
  • Hippocrates - Heavens Tear
    Hippocrates - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Alright, allow me to clear a few things up. First of all, there may have been a few people inside the catapults, but that was only a very few. We had over 60 members show up to TW on a Sunday night, even though most of us had work or school in the morning. Dragons had approximately 20 people, 30 at the absolute most. This battle was over quickly due to a huge difference in numbers of people at the war, not any supposed "glitch."

    Secondly, our barbs with catapults took a lot of damage, and I can verify that. I'm a cleric, and I was in a team with a barb with a catapult, and he nearly died several times. Due to my healing, his HP charm, and invulnerability pots, he didn't actually die. I never was inside a catapult at any time during the entire TW, yet I hardly took any damge at all. I would have expected that Dragons would have targeted a cleric out in the open inside their base that was healing a tank, but apparently they didn't. I think this was once again due to our overwhelming advantage of numbers of people at the TW. They were simply unable to push us out of their base because we had so many more people.

    Thirdly, Crash spent at least half of the 10 minutes of TW attacking towers near our base. I'm not sure what he thought he saw in his own base from there. We basically ignored him because our strategy was to rush their HQ and win quickly so we could all get some sleep. We took a while on Friday night because we were experimenting with several different attack ideas, plus a lot more Dragons showed up to defend at that war. Even then, it only took us 2 hours. Tonight, we didn't **** around. We just ended it.

    Stop whining and just accept the fact that you lost. If you can't bring more than 30 people to a TW, don't expect to win.
  • Hippocrates - Heavens Tear
    Hippocrates - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ultima999 wrote: »
    EDIT: Boxing-in-defence belongs in the past. Our version has caught up with PW-China version. TW with flying battles are here to stay if not this patch then soon next few patches. Learn how to adapt to the new game play. The best defense is the best offense.

    I can confirm that flying has been added within the last patch or two. I tried to fly in earlier battles, but it didn't work. Both TW's I was at this weekend, I was able to use my wings.
  • ultima999
    ultima999 Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Congrats on your win. Cata-rush is very effective on smaller and/or inexperienced guild; however, if you go head to head with a good guild, you will find yourself trapped and scattered often.

    Maxmimum elevation for flying in TW is 23 (or 23.99). Whereas in world map is 79 (or 79.99).
    Ground elevation is about 19-20 in TW. So the difference in height is about 4. This works out to be about 40 in terms of weapon range.

    Keep that in mind for your next TW.
  • kami
    kami Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Right we admit we are inexperienced... but we will learn from you the ones with experience. I guess we will do the same in our next TW stack all our catapults and tankers in the middle and everyone else we can fit inside and just hit from the cover.b:embarrass
    Wow that's really honorable coming from people who claim who want to have fun...
  • lilly90
    lilly90 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    for once :P i agree with ult ,, talking about flying is one thing , but saying that cata pullers hiding in their cata's is a bug is totally redicilous to be honest ,, just what i think tho , feel free to agree or not,, but everyone knows its not a bug and it's like the number 1 rule when they teach a barb on pulling " never go far away from your cata" "always hide in cata" -_-
    8x Mage
    LC server .
  • Elchignolo - Heavens Tear
    Elchignolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If TW is reduced to :
    - barbs learn how to hide under their catapults
    - defenders learn how to play with the camera and F9 to get to select the barbs (yay! let's get venos in guild who glitched in FB29 a lot to target them faster, and all assist attack on the glitch master!)

    To answer to Genesis' priest, yes, 2 barbs were not hiding well, I could target them and kill them, the 2 other barbs were more experienced and for one, I could not target him at all, the other one I could target him once, going really close to the catapult and playing with the camera. Moreover, some ppl were doing AOE on the catapults, since they just couldn't target the barbs.

    But yea, waking up at 3:30 am on a Monday morning to go to a TW where the other guild is using a glitch/trick (whatever u call it) to win is really pissing off... U claim u had more power than us? Prove it, dam it, don't use glitchs/tricks!
    About the "everybody knows about this hiding under the catapults", try to google it, you wont find anything about it.... So I'd be interested in reading ur sources... If u want to post any link, it will be welcome.
  • krystar
    krystar Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Pk them after the tw war...oh can't...b:victory
  • lilly90
    lilly90 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    are you KIDDING me ?name one , ONE barb that is high level enough and DOES not hide under his cata lol
    it's a very VERY known technique in EVERY version of PW ,and FYI you can target the cata puller all you like when he is moving because he is faster than the cata, if you cant target him then,,,its your fault >.< cata pullers hiding under their cata happened on regular basis in the tws that i been in and no one complained , same in the other version that i played , it's a trick and not a bug btw , if for some reason you couldn't target the cata puller then as some said before just stand IN the middle of cata and aoe , thus using their trick against them :)
    8x Mage
    LC server .
  • Fina - Heavens Tear
    Fina - Heavens Tear Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yea, sorry Dragon's guys, but I don't think this is a glitch.

    The idea is to have enough teamates on your side to kill the people surrounding the barbarians who aren't under the catapult...

    Imagine you have 3 wizards...and they have 15 people all bunched up, with the barb under the catapult. The wizards attack those surrounding the barb until all three have 2 sparks. All three unleash Black Ice Dragon Strike or Blade Tempest...everyone around the crystal dies...unless they are much higher than you or have some really awesome armor.

    Now, of COURSE you are going to have a lot more than 3 people who can do AoE...just AoE the heck out of them if they are all bunching up to hide the barbarians.

    Yes, it makes the barbarians harder to target...but with everyone all bunched up they become prime AoE meat.

    I really don't see this as a glitch. TW fake bidding is obviously in violation of TOS...I think this is a tactic that is easily overcome with other tactics.
    I read the forums when bored at work for the lulz.
  • sivledragon
    sivledragon Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Why not give the cata health points and resistance status and let it be attackable and the problem solved and it's more realisity?
  • Hippocrates - Heavens Tear
    Hippocrates - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    To answer to Genesis' priest, yes, 2 barbs were not hiding well, I could target them and kill them, the 2 other barbs were more experienced and for one, I could not target him at all, the other one I could target him once, going really close to the catapult and playing with the camera. Moreover, some ppl were doing AOE on the catapults, since they just couldn't target the barbs.

    I have to ask: if you can't even kill the ones that you admit were exposed, then what do you possibly have to complain about? I was a completely exposed cleric, yet I was only attacked twice. We simply had a lot more people than Dragons did. I realize that the war could have been scheduled at a better time, but the timing sucked for everyone, including us. Most of us were staying up late before getting up early for work or school, but we came anyway. If you can't stay up that late, I understand and respect the fact that real life is more important than a game. Don't go whining on the forums because you can't stay up late. Instead, take pride in the fact that you have your priorities straight. This is, in fact, just a game.

    FYI: When Avengers attacked us a week ago, some of them were using similar tactics to the ones we used at Sunday night's war. We accepted it as a game mechanic and adapted our strategies to counter it instead of accusing them of exploiting a bug.
  • dynadin
    dynadin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Right. Lets get this straight for people here. THIS IS A GLITCH. There is no way a developer would make it this way to promote fair fights. Lets get something else straight. IT IS A TACTIC. It is both things, people are tactically using a glitch. This does NOT promote a fair fight, but it does end up with a win, possibly. There is no way a guild who can effectively use this glitch won't. It IS fair, each side can do it for example but it IS cowardly, that is the way it is. All thats needed is a tactic to stop this method from working.
  • ultima999
    ultima999 Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Nobody reads the in-game tips anymore?

    Read my post in page 1 to find out why it is not a glitch. It is designed that way.

    The problem here is not because players hiding inside the capapult - because there is a simple way to target him.

    The problem that you guys are facing is called hiding the cata-puller by having multiple barbs close together. Even if the puller is outside the catapult, but there are 4-5 other barbs stacking on top of him, it is quite difficult to target the puller directly.

    This tactic has its advantage but it also has its drawback. If two sides are approximately equal in numbers, then it is better off to use the exra barbs for offensive instead of a sitting duck.

    It is often enough just to have 1 or 2 backup barbs to take over the catapult before its health reaches 0; think offensive more than defensive.

    The strategy used in this winning guild only works on inexperienced and/or small guilds.
  • Tiament - Heavens Tear
    Tiament - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ok,not gonna bother reading this entire topic as it's probably just a ton of flaming anyways.

    A few things that should be common sense

    1.This is NOT the freaking malaysian english version,stop acting like it is or go back to it and leave international

    2.In the malaysian version you could get away with pretty much EVERYTHING,therefore saying "this is accepted in the malaysian english version" is a weak and pathetic arguement as it quite honestly holds NO ground in this version.Don't like it?Stop crying,play fairly,and get the hell over it.

    3.Unless a GM states otherwise this is a flaw that is NOT intended,anyone with common sense will figure that one out.

    Edit: oh and before anyone gets pissy,I'm not siding with either guild on who should/could of won. Genesis could very well have still won,but that's really not the big issue here.
  • kami
    kami Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ok, let me rephrase this. There is no whinnying on the Dragons side for the fact that we lost. It happened last time and you didn't see us complain. Yes it is a game and the ones that can't stand to lose should not play it.

    We are Dragons and we take pride in our legacy, we have a strong will and we despise cowards. Our only fault happens to be, that we didn't know this is a common practice around PW. I can see why no one would tell us either. It is a very effective way of winning against someone who doesn't know about it(especially when you make sure of that beforehand, like Genesis leader did).
  • kami
    kami Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    But putting that aside, we understand how things are done now, and we hope a GM or a Mod will approve all that you guys have said until now. So we can all rest easy knowing that this is not a matter that you could be banned for.

    As Tiament said-It is not about who won or didn't. What we want to know is : ARE we allowed to use such "tactics"?

    For the full story read this thread:
  • carp
    carp Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ok, so why not target all those healing clerics? Well it really doesn't matter when they already are in your castle after 4 minutes, does it. The four turrets on the way to the castle were probably broke in under 3minutes. So your saying thats the normal way to goes when it's 30 people Vs. 60, they are mostly 7 min. Battles? Or did those turrets go down so fast because all the ground troops grouped inside them during your "strategy" . We are not saying we remotely stand to your forces, you are sooooooooooooo much better than us, who cares. We just think that stretegy is an exploit and no fun to play with, and I don't know why it is so hush hush,,, hmmmmmm.
  • ultima999
    ultima999 Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The main art in TW is how skillful you can relay the catapults to the opponent's base.

    The other less but also quite important art is how to protect your towers. Remember that the catapult's range is only 4/5 the range of the tower.

    So it is in your best interests to devise strategies to stop the catapults from advancing using that 1/5 distance in your advantage.
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I recently posted this in another thread but wanted to mirror it here as well:

    First and foremost let's not start a flame war on the boards. Now we realize that a lot of our players are originally from PW-MY where a lot of things were not policed. We here at Perfect World International are dead serious about fairness and glitching.

    We will soon be revising the Territory War rules in order to include the abuse listed in the above post. In the future, if you ever see anyone abusing this bug, please submit screenshots via our Customer Support Ticketing System at:

    We will look into each report and investigate every case we receieve. The Territory Wars page will be updated later today to reflect this new policy change, and any offenses from this day forth will be dealt with swift and serious repercussions.
  • lotharsmash
    lotharsmash Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Crash I believe I remember you saying you took pictures of what Genesis did? I saw a video of the battle and they had alot of their people huddled around their tanks... not all of their catapult tanks were in the catapults some were actually hiding INSIDE other players... thats not a wrong tactic though because you can easily AOE all of them down if the proper tactics were called by your battle leadership. I did notice Dragons had around 21 or so people and Genesis had roughly 80 different names that I could count, however as I said alot were huddled around tanks so it was hard to count those tank groupings. I would guess 90 to 120 people on Genesis side. My point is this... did you really expect to win and if so are you guys just being sore loosers or what? I mean seriously man whats that about? You guys killed 2 of their tanks that were hiding inside the catapults but not the ones outside the catapults... even I could see them inside the other players and its a really crappy 640X480 video. Did you guys even have a leader making strategy plans or anything or did you just go in thinking you could do whatever and defend successfully against someone that beat you 2 days before by attacking you with only 30 people... Thanks to the Dragons guy that made the video BTW I really appreciate it its a very cool video showing that you had no leadership. I fully understand why you want to leave now.
  • ultima999
    ultima999 Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Woah, I'm surprised that even Xarfox posted that. It seems that even GMs do not know the mechanics of the games.

    I will post a screenshot of the in-game tips at a later time when I get home from work.

    In the mean time, you can do this test to show how you can select PC hiding behind NPC.

    - Bring your friend to the Wolf Cub in Archesaur (near the General) in South Archesaur.
    - Have your friend stand on one side of the wolf cub.
    - You stand on the other side of the wolf cub.
    - Try clicking on your friend, you will only get the wolf cub.
    - Now try Alt-clicking your friend, you will select your friend.
This discussion has been closed.