jojoban Arc User


  • If you are a pure foxform, sage is 100% the way to go, full stop. The 100% hit rate of leech saves us having to switch forms to use metabolic boost/hoping pots cover the damage when it fails to hit/etc in tight situations. The added damage of melee mastery gives a much needed kick to our naturally low damage and the added…
  • I have a lvl 68 100% heavy armoured, foxform only veno who has been that way from level 1. She absolutely kicks **** and is really fun to play for the record. I also have a lvl 76 pure mage veno and alternate between the pair when I feel like a change of pace. For those wondering how to make one - enough strength and dex…
  • ^ Agreed. My build is foxform only atm (lvl 62) and she kicks **** in PVE. Granted that against magic mobs I have to be careful and only take them 1-2 at a time as they can hit me fairly hard, but phys mobs get crapped all over. Foxform venos are every bit as good as a mage veno if done right, just in different areas. I…
  • That may be partially or fully true for some venos but as a heavy armored foxform veno I am quite capable without a pet by my side. With my debuffs and leech I have taken out barbs and BMs in PVP too (and no, I don't own any legendary pets). Foxform venos are actually tailored towards PVP with alot of their skills. Seems…