everyone in the international tourny get to pick the gears. When everyone have ultimate gears, its the player's pvp skills and team work that'll determine the winner, hence why we had our own tourny to determine which team to send.
why are devs making useless changes to chatboxss which only make things harder to read, theres no reason why we need headers for different chats..thats the reason why the chats are color coded, dun waste room on the small chat box. Hope u'll change it back to the old style..
nirvana 6th boss (Ashura Netherqueen) bugged, it doesnt spawn the old man which gives invincible buff to avoid its 1 hit party wipe attack.
What version of Windows are you running? XP perfessional version 2002, service pack 3 What video chipset do you have? Nvidia Geforce 8400 GS How much RAM does the video chipset have? 512 MB What is the date of the driver for your video chipset? 7/14/2009 version: How much system RAM do you have? 3 GB white…
didnt try effect, but i need the effect at full to see some of the bosses attacks in dungeons to dodge them anyways after flying around a while it stopped, dunno whats wrong
they complain cos PWE dun care about the effort people put in for unique ingame items just so they can get a dollar. The horses were hard to get costing 50 silver dragon orders and 50 copper orders, not easy to get especially silver orders are reasonably rare reward from doing dq, now they can be purchased for less than…
lol which game ban u for pointing out illegal stuff people doing? quit complaining about something ur not willing to point out. QQ more
holy **** life aint fair, what a shock! :O QQ omg QQ !!
its not nix, its only flesh ream bugged get it right people v.v and when did nix became immune to stuns lol nix's stun skill have a 1 min cooldown, 80% chance and lasts for 3sec, it shouldnt even be a factor to mention.. get some purify apoth pots and remove bleed, yes suddenly pvp takes skill and timing now? zomg also…
i heard duct tape work just as good
lol, if you think the game is "weak" why would you play AND spend money on it. Just go to bed. happy? =) im not a winner btw
ur pc will self destruct when u see that message 9998 times
thats what random event are like, dun like it, dun enter just simple as that. like buying lotto, waste of money for most, but not for the ones that wins.
if it was whoever bought the most wins, then i highestly doubt u'd win with a mere 5 lol im sure the rich people would have 20s 30s maybe even more entries
are the piggys ok?
because male archers look g.a.y when they pull up their leg!
wasting my miji zzzz >:(
i can log in to server but when i select the character it says "cannot log in" wtf is this ..