he4rt Arc User


  • heres mine http://i.imgur.com/bQiYq.png
  • my goal is to find someone who could actually teach me how to merchant in this game without using real money and reselling stuff from boutique. that would mean someone whould provide me ss from their trades (so i could know no one is bul l**** ting me) and telling me which stuff i could farm(thats within my gear). so if…
  • i agree with you Tremble, ppl forgot that instances like tt or nirvana needs to be meant for players that doesnt have that gear yet. they made it a little harder for ppl that already have uber gears and for folks that actually needs that mats its almost impossible to obtain them! you will need either someone op to help you…
  • well today i couldnt do even a bh since everyone is looking for 5aps sins for the new bosses(im 2,86sparked, guess this number wont do it anymore). been in aeu we couldnt finnish it, since no one could tank the bosses ( we had barb with 12k hp, at least we got him bcs we hardly even put squad together). and i cant afford…
  • just did new instance endless universe, and since its a once per day instance this server crash rly did its thing ... well just one more fail of many from pwi part, who would guessed, oh my =D