fez Arc User


  • use resume :S "Upd.Sets. button and tick "resume unfinished updates". If it stops, close it and resume it and so on till you are finished and after that, verify should be good idea too.
    in Patch? Comment by fez September 2008
  • PW actually required DX8 or something :p
  • Ban is not needed. It is a good point proven for GMs to start doing something about bots. I've seen them running around more than enough and never seen anyone to do something about them. so why start now? Just implament some protection if you find it necessary. And it's still Beta, we are suppose to find flaws in game,…
  • doesn't this make you wonder why there are much higer level people in the server than him :P Everyone started basically at the same time. anyways "my worst day" :P?
  • hmm, i must have the wrong version or something then. Mine works perfectly without any issues so far and it's supposedly still beta. Maybe you should consider just repairing PC-s :rolleyes:
  • what op sys, sound card ?
  • dont forget to join irc :P
    in Woot! IRC! Comment by fez September 2008
  • you connect to port: 29000 to get ingame.
  • it has 2 parts i think, one kill fiew monsters and then to kill 1 more :P. Not sure.
  • you said you set the music to max...maybe thats the problem :P? Music is max and EFFECT volume is 0 ? Effect volume gives you the footsteps etc. Music gives music ...
  • there can be 2 problems what i can think of: 1. a little easier fix ...IF it even works ( doubtful ) enable "UPNP" from your router settings. 2. Since you have 2 computers behind one router and running same game, it may be PORT problem. It is common to cause instability, clients send and receive data over the same port may…
  • are you having problems ? It is possible ....
  • you have an AGP card probably, thats the problem. Search for the older topics on same problem. Solution was going back to catalyst 7.7 for some people. Reason for the crash is probably the oldness of game engine, it's even using vertex and pixel shader version 1.4 and 1.1 :S
  • http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=vista+disable+UAC&btnG=Search choose one and do it like it says
    in Vista !!!! Comment by fez September 2008
  • give us more info, like the error message.
  • If you have activated your account then game log in and password is the same as you have for forums. Obviously you can log in to forums...
  • just wait like 24h and the game goes Open Beta. Then you dont need your closed beta keys :P.
    in Beta key Comment by fez September 2008
  • there should only be one irc channel and the first one up should get the privilege. And people...join ! You can get help there too ;)
    in Woot! IRC! Comment by fez September 2008
  • who cares :P its gonna be wiped in 2 days anyway. dont bother :P
    in help !!!! plz Comment by fez August 2008
  • try like 2 year old nvidia drivers and then if they work start coming up with them till you get the broken screen. May help.
  • when i downloaded PW from some site some time ago, i got the CRC error when unpacking also. I didn't bother redownloading or anything i just downloaded the torrent file, opened it, and when it asked for download spot i placed the file to where my previously downloaded file was. (has to be same file name or type in the file…
    in Data 2.pck Comment by fez August 2008
  • too bad i dont have that clitch. :D But you can start by doing "verify" test within perfect world. Open up the client and don't go ingame, just press "verify" to do PW file check.(Takes a long time) If it finds some missing files or errors it will download them automatically. So after it's done, go check ingame. If the…
  • Just go back to Catalyst 7.7 if your eager to play PW. Otherwise you can just wait till the devs fix it :D. The Topic on this problem, should read for more detailed info: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=19441
  • http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=16261 theres no "official" PW ventrilo server. Just get into some clan and they most probably have a place for you to chat with them :D
    in Ventrilo Comment by fez August 2008
  • if anything BAD, except fps drop, EVER happens when enabling AF and AA from ATI control panel... i dont know what i would eat :D
    in AA AF help Comment by fez August 2008
  • PW fails with agp cards :`(. Only ati ones i think tho.
  • if you are talking about the "soften", it is not an ingame AA option. it's more like "bloom". Makes your game blurrier...for some people maybe more beautiful but i like to keep it off.
    in AA AF help Comment by fez August 2008
  • if you can't get it to work by forcing AA and AF trough nvidia control panel then....some games just aren't compatible. Tho it does work on my ATI card by forcing it trough CCC: OFF - http://img129.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=49330_2_122_820lo.jpg ON - http://img28.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=49325_1_122_1155lo.jpg
    in AA AF help Comment by fez August 2008
  • you probably have AGP version of that card?