falconxs Arc User


  • Only reason I know that you wouldn't be able to do them is if you have another character in the same lvl range that has done theirs for that day. But otherwise you should be able to do your 7 still.
    in JOJ Quest Comment by falconxs April 2014
  • Yes when someone first failed the quest we had everyone jump over the side, including the person who decided not to wait for the cleric and just respawn. But the only thing that appeared again was the leader requirements, no try again quest or the one to restart the crystal digging. I agree though bring back BH Snake and…
  • Thank you so much guys. So from what I understand I can go find a yellow quest from elder at 1k and talk to keek to be able to enter EU? I will look again for what yellow quests I have left on the character that can not enter EU yet. Edit: Ok I looked through my available quest list, there are no other yellow morai quests…
    in BH Eu Comment by falconxs April 2014
  • I agree with the idea that those who abused this code should have all of it taken away...as for those who got a pack I would say keep it, but at the same time I know there are those who got none and pwi certainly didn't leave this up long enough to give everyone ample chance at getting one. Not to mention those greedy…
  • I just posted about this as well, and am getting the same error. The account I had logged in already was fine till I just looked at it again and the message it gave me, I was already in game, "you've been booted"
  • So you get the reservation booklet back?
  • They made that announcement before the anniversary.. if you needed to update your email to a working address you should have done so by now. My guess would be to just send in a ticket explaining the situation and your new email.
  • Yes I just got the same reply on my tickets as well. My question wasn't answered either, I just hope its resolved timely.
  • Mine as well is still "myemail"@hotmail.com, so that gives me hope that maybe I still might get mine.
  • Well this gives me some hope then that it isn't a hotmail changing to outlook related issue as a friend of mine may have thought. As some of ya'll have been saying some people with hotmail have gotten yours on time, and I have asked around in game too, they say the same thing. There seems to be no correlation between which…
  • Ok am getting a little worried and a little angry... None of my accounts have received anything as far as a darn code via email.. I have been checking constantly since yesterday. Is now the time to be worried and start sending int tickets?
  • Lol, pardon me that I don't wish to go putting all the damn crafting skills on all my characters! No I find it completely pointless to how much sht is needed to farm so yes I would rather let someone who enjoys farming endlessly to go do that. Ya I'll farm tt or ws or various dungeons for the mats/molds that I need, but no…
  • I'm just gunna point out that not everyone has a tailor skill up and ready to make the gear. So even if said person farmed it out for tt99 and they have it perhaps they do not wish to use it till they can make g15? I know that was my case because I hate trying to farm low lvl mats and I certainly do not have the money to…
  • I am not sure I agree with the whole wait one level and do it at 100+ I did that.. and tried to get the culti, fb, bh and weekly run in one shot. Why not its all needed might as well. No people would either ditch out and leave, only want the bh, or completely freak when they started dieing because they would not listen. It…
  • Sigh, telling me to go read the npc again does not help me answer this question. If I had understood what the npc had said or what the update had said I would not be here asking this question would I? I am out looking for conformation or someone that has used the system or better understands it than I. Do not mock my…
  • So you can't do it with flawless and immacs?!
  • Yes I have seen and skimmed most of that thread as well Kittysama, but I have heard rumors that the grinding machine now takes all the fruit rather than just three at a time. Or rather once you turn in they all just disappear. I do not know if this this is true or not as dreamweaver's machine has been working fine up till…
  • It is now the same on Dreamweaver.. a few are beginning to think they are doing this on purpose by breaking it or making the machine vanish completely because it is too good a way to make money. I have even noticed the dragon you have to go spy on in mysterious lake no longer will leave you alone as you jump in to go to…
  • Ah I see, I will give it a shot. But I must say this must be a recent bug if it is the culti then because I haven't messed with her actual quests in ages, since before the Jolly Jones began for the record. I just really wish the bugs would get out of half the pwi stuff atm >.< Makes playing kinda miserable. I will try that…
  • VenusArmanio: Sure here is that screenshot... if I can figure out how to post one on the forum [sorry I don't frequent them overly much except to read] http://i41.tinypic.com/30m003l.jpg Kittysama: I have my quest tracker up constantly, but also check my quest list frequently. So I know this is not the issue. I also knew,…
  • Far from full, I have very few quests because I don't play her much any more except to help a friend with bh's or quest from time to time or buff. Mainly I only do these jolly jones till it stopped working.
  • I did not think about that one, but no I do not have an old quest left undone.. :( If only it were so simple.
  • I am having a similar problem, the ncp has recently stopped giving me quests. As I have found out you can't I guess pick up Jolly quests on two characters on the same account in the same lvl range. But even so I am just trying to get it on one character and can't even get that! I get the tokens sure, but he then has no…