Jolly Jones: Got Tabs, but No Quests to Take?

falconxs Posts: 47 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Dungeons & Tactics
So I've been having this issue with my character for a week or more now. I was hoping maybe a patch would fix it, but alas nothing. My little cleric is 78 and attempts to take the Jolly quests. He hands her the tokens to take the daily quests that day. I see them in my inventory and go to him again to take the daily quest.... except he has nothing but the dragon order quest! This is highly annoying and very irritating. This was my main way to update skills and I am a bit ticked this is broken. Is there anyone else having this issue or knows how I can fix it?

Yes I have waited and checked later. I have relogged. I have afked and checked every few minutes. I have afked for a couple hours and checked back. He still has nothing for me. I have finally npc the pile of those tokens that he had given me on a daily basis in disgust thinking maybe that was why he wasn't giving me quests and only kept the set he gave me that day. Nothing! Nothing and more nothing!

Please any help is appreciated.
Post edited by falconxs on


  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Check your quest log to make sure you don't have a JoJ quest from another time.

  • falconxs
    falconxs Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did not think about that one, but no I do not have an old quest left undone.. :( If only it were so simple.
  • Sidwinder - Heavens Tear
    Sidwinder - Heavens Tear Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is your quest list full?
  • falconxs
    falconxs Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Far from full, I have very few quests because I don't play her much any more except to help a friend with bh's or quest from time to time or buff. Mainly I only do these jolly jones till it stopped working.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    falconxs wrote: »
    Far from full, I have very few quests because I don't play her much any more except to help a friend with bh's or quest from time to time or buff. Mainly I only do these jolly jones till it stopped working.


    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Kittysama - Raging Tide_1432680721
    edited May 2013
    From what Kitty has seen, quest tracker window is open by default these days when a new character is created. Kitty guesses that you've been following your progress from that. When you log off when having a bounty order quest, it usually disappears from tracker when logging back in. Check your quest log by pressing Q. You probably have Bounty Order Quest there.

    If it's not there, then other reason for them not working is that you've already done those quests with another character in 71-80 lvl range that day(you probably have some other characters in that lvl range according to your Core Achievements). They can be done with only 1 char/lvlrange/day. The lvl ranges are x1-x0, like 61-70 or 41-50. If trying to do them on another char on same account and in same lvl range, you get just those daily bounty orders but not quests. If this isn't the case either, send ticket.
    Final ragequit on 21/02/2014 'cause ARC. Back on 15/04/2014, RL was bored.
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  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    From what Kitty has seen, quest tracker window is open by default these days when a new character is created. Kitty guesses that you've been following your progress from that. When you log off when having a bounty order quest, it usually disappears from tracker when logging back in. Check your quest log by pressing Q. You probably have Bounty Order Quest there.

    If it's not there, then other reason for them not working is that you've already done those quests with another character in 71-80 lvl range that day(you probably have some other characters in that lvl range according to your Core Achievements). They can be done with only 1 char/lvlrange/day. The lvl ranges are x1-x0, like 61-70 or 41-50. If trying to do them on another char on same account and in same lvl range, you get just those daily bounty orders but not quests. If this isn't the case either, send ticket.

    Yeah, I was thinking of the quest tracker thing but couldn't think of what I was thinking of. xD So I figured seeing it would jar the memory. And good memory on the other characters in same level range thing, I had forgotten about that. :D

    Sweetiebot, please give 10 points to Kittysama - Raging Tide for being remembering what I didn't! :D

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sweetiebot, please give 10 points to Kittysama - Raging Tide for being remembering what I didn't! :D
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  • falconxs
    falconxs Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sure here is that screenshot... if I can figure out how to post one on the forum [sorry I don't frequent them overly much except to read]

    I have my quest tracker up constantly, but also check my quest list frequently. So I know this is not the issue. I also knew, due to past experience, that I could not do the Jolly quests within the same level ranges, which is why I have only been trying to do them on my cleric.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    I had that issue with my culti at that point too and thought I couldn't do them anymore recently, when actually I could. I was even all like "My seeker dinged. :( " to my faction, thinking I couldn't do it. But then I tried again after turning in my culti and it worked. Try turning that in and then see if it fixes it? If not that's also not the issue, I suggest sending a ticket. But actually Kittysama's post was what I was thinking about. xD It was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't think of it. xD

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • falconxs
    falconxs Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ah I see, I will give it a shot. But I must say this must be a recent bug if it is the culti then because I haven't messed with her actual quests in ages, since before the Jolly Jones began for the record. I just really wish the bugs would get out of half the pwi stuff atm >.< Makes playing kinda miserable. I will try that though.
  • Sidwinder - Heavens Tear
    Sidwinder - Heavens Tear Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think you can only do so many a day I had 14 on my sin that I stacked and it only let me do 7. After I did the 7 I still had 7 left but the quest would not show up. So yeah what Kitty said is right you prob been doing them on another char on your acc in that lvl range and it won't let you do anymore on the other char in that lvl range.
  • MsSeraphine - Archosaur
    MsSeraphine - Archosaur Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lots of ppl seem to have problems with jones quest as i see. but there are several cases that can mess up the quests. here are some things i have noticed:

    The best thing if things goes this: you go to Jolly and take the 7 orders. Then you finish all the 7 quests.

    If you can't take any bounty quests, there might be several causes.

    1. If you had an incomplete bounty quest from a previous day.
    Like, you need to talk to Jolly, then collect 5 things, then report him back. If you collect the things a certain day but you finish the quest the next day, it is 99% that you wont be able to take any other bounty quests. (However, you can take the 7 orders.)

    2. If you have already done the quests on another char.
    I have noticed that you can only do the quests for a certain range on only 1 char per account.
    Say, you have a lv35, a 66, a 67 and a 71 char. You start with the 35 one, then go for the 66 one, then the 71. These ranges mean 3 different kind of Jolly quests. (Since they switch at every x1 levels, like 61, 71 etc.) But since you have already done quests in the 61-70 range, with the lv66 one, you wont be able do take quests on the lv67 one.

    Maybe it was long, and complicated... sorry. I tried to explain clearly, i hope it helped a lil b:victory

    P.s.: btw i think you all know this, but you can only do 7 quests at the maximum each day. So if you have more than 50 orders in you inv *looks into self inv*, just sell them that you dont need xD