egaenil Arc User



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  • take aim is only become usefull after lvl 89, and only after u pick saga instead of demon by pick that.. take aim give u 500% of your weapon damage in one single shoot, which is more than what u get from deadly shot.. and if u critcal.. needless to say the damage would be massive. b4 lvl 89 it's sort good coz by cast it…
  • look, u only get to see heavy veno from lvl 89+ , and this week sell is direct at them, lvl a heavy veno from ground up is a bit hard, much easier just lvl with normal build and only reset points when u about lvl 89. plus a heavy veno has around the same hp as a vit veno late lvl but a lot more defence, for a archer to…
  • lvl309.... can u actually go that high...
  • yea.. totally agree.. u guys so high.. make me feel sad :( i want to join the fun too b:thanks we want to share the LUV
  • b:shocked omg.. lao u wrote so much..LAO. LAO would be another person who's a hero. The stuff he's created over the years, I don't really read it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that. I care desperately about what I do. Do I know what topic I'm talking? No. Do I know what I'm doing today? No. But I'm here, and…
  • wat does zhen need? charm wat does charm need? gold wat does gold need? real money
  • SIF COPY ME!! its rights protcted!! :D
  • but really robe = less physical def, i'm just saying b4 lvl 40 or even 50 chance of archer winning isnt that good.. but from lvl 50 XD
  • and i heared the spells from archer goes thru cleric's shield too :P but i havnt really tried that, so from mid game archer will win hands down, in theory archer got the highest dps over long period of time, mage only good for short period, but with critcal.. archer vs mage.. its all about skill + luck (in terms of critcal)
  • well archer has ONLY ONE stun skill knock back DOES NOT work on player, so i say just lvl 1 point on it, coz lvl 1 and lvl 10 they both knock back 12ms, so when lvling, for early lvl weapon isnt good enough to make kills fast, and ur dex is too low to have frequent critical, so normally start with shield -> posion -> 4…
  • well that would be 5am EST, isnt that very **** :P btw wat's ur ping like? around 200ish?
  • have a lower resolution so say your base machine is running at 1280 x 1024, run the game in 1152x864 (maybe even lower) setting, make sure u change the setting during the load up screen, not the in game screen, if mouse have problem try hold down right alt key and click on PW see if that help
  • sif u want to play when OB starts.. i can just imagine there will be 50 ppl fighting over 3 mobs.. my master plan: wait for a day or so.. and play, so in theory there should be a lot less ppl at newb area, AND higher lvled ppl can help me out about fb19 and 29 :p
  • lol.. u know, i saw u paying out PW 2 months ago on other sites about MY ENG version. it was almost the same thing.. oh it lags so much the game play is ****.. grind grind grind.. only asian will like it, bla bla bla, i have played many mmorpg games (eg 2 p2p and 3 f2p) b4 this is the shitest game.. do not believe in…
  • is it just me? or when i alt tab .. and try to go back in, i cant. actually what i mean is, i can get in.. but it seems other stuff would be running on top of it.. and when i click anything, i pop out of PW again, and i can not go back into it at all, forcing me shut it down manually also for some range monsters.. i was…
  • oh yea.. ROFL, well I guess it's Etherblade it is. Me newb go easy on me XD:D


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