It's actually Chinese but it's being displayed weird because Windows doesn't natively support non-Unicode text. Try running it with Microsoft's applocale and posting a screenshot here. The mods might be able to help you figure out the problem then.
It's worth a try, but the change will be at their discretion.
Closed beta is really for testing, not for playing. That doesn't mean you can't have fun though.
Expect these problems in beta and expect them to get fixed. If you want to see things get fixed, send in bug reports instead of complaining on the forums.
The truth hurts... Nonetheless, it is the truth.
Don't be a hypocrite. Your English is far worse than most of the text in the game...
Less QQ, more PEW PEW
Would you like some cheese with your whine? Seriously though, this is closed beta....
no, i dont think so.
When did you get banned?
are you in England or something?
wow pretty early bedtime
Ah ha i win
fail at posting pic
like fiesta maybe?
alrighty then
how about a hint?
Which one?
^ true gamer ^ Not many girls would know where thats from I'm impressed.
K.O. Flawless Victory!
World VS Bunny ROUND 1 FIGHT!
cool beans. cool beans
it's actually a compliment --- they just want more pics of you.
Lies!!! All Lies!!!!!!!!!!