drskull Arc User


  • LOLZ Yes why on earth would i post on another thread why do you assume they are the same thing i made it very clear that this was a response to THIS thread ...... how that got lost in your readings is beyond me .... Comprehension issue maybe? LMAO so you admit it is a Comprehension issue ..nice self bomb there last time…
  • ye thats better then most i ever see unless maybe u only ever see nefs n legs wich btw would not b the dominate number of ppl thus NOT the average 400 ppl tops n out of them ill bet only 350 so 350 VS the minimum 4000 ppl who play
  • DAMN i wuz grmmer nzi d u winz i r a nub caaak i dun no ho to typs u got me b:kiss **** i need to read the whole damn thread b4 i post lmao i love you holy u r like my favorite flamer evar btw ash owned you on his postys and as his sig say he gets to judge you becuase he is convinced he is better then you in every way ...…
  • uhhh wrong server maybe? unlessss 0.0!!!! YOU HAVE ONE TOOOOOO!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHH THE WORLD WILL BE CONSUMED BY BRIAN DAWKIN CLONES RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we will have to put up with mid high lvl noobery and mildly anoying tactics whilst being bipolar barraded tween love hate relationships in the most…
  • LMAO the inevitable has come to pass =( half of those are mine.... are you trying to say something ???? im jk idc I still love youuuuuuuuu plenty b:dirtyb:kissb:cute altho im goin to have to start another poll now soon thnx to and i didnt have a good rant yet ..... DAMN! uh uh uh ummmm... I GOT IT .... hee hee b4 u post on…
  • Im glad to see you getting your troll frustrations of your chest some more by starting your own gasoline threads dear but...... IFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF you really want me to i can post some more polls and threads and you can get your jollys trying to tear me down im just saying i would rather you have a focus for your anger…
  • i agree and for the same reasons ALTHO ieatbabies and i have had some hilarious whisper talks after his spam hit the wc tuff choice for me i like most of these ppl tho not realy on the merit of their wc so thats kinda moot i cant vote any ways
  • LMAO i vote..... wow ayano is right way to many out there Hey dan if i vote for you can i join your faction w/o the forms lmao btw dan we can see you voted 4 your self -.- sneeky sneeky lil devil not to shy about how humble you are.... .. aye? b:victory peace yo >>>>>> **** i dint see gaaraa u might have to take a fall on…
    in Best PvP Bm! Comment by drskull May 2009
  • ......... ..... .......... . . . ... i dont know any of these people save like 2 by reputation kinda odd you left off some of the more well knowns in favor of what i assume are closer faction buddys of yours
  • I voted 4 ye jertor b cuz you have to b the most entertaining wiz pk i ever see.. even if u r dead half the time i have seen you put up a meen fight with some kickers and we have partyed b4 more then once for the lolz b:victory also i just noticed ROFL at the post above me LMAO kudos asch you have cuaght a troll in an…
    in Best pk wiz? Comment by drskull May 2009
  • e gads bat man you forgot veno master tho she dosent pk much any more her and luza were duh bomb diggity <<<<<totally said that<<<<< in sp with there hercs and bikinis n what not its was like watching a sick plot twist were as Zena Warrior Princess had to participate in an areana war whilst wearing not but her pantys and…
  • AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROFLCOPTER SUACE seriously tho you made me smile and laugh so hard @ you.... i LMAO i cant compose myself loneg enuff to justify your silly troll ways i watched throught this WHOLE thread as you singled out and trolled EVERY one who posted then at the end <near it any ways> you attempt to troll ME…
  • yes i am actually and the only thing i have to say on that is EVERYONE LOVES COOKIES!!! b:dirty on a side note im not displaying my IGN b cuz im lazy and i have enuff problems since i pk alot i dont need "Certain PPL" trolling me on forums and pestering me in game C U IN SP punks
  • no idea no idea no idea and b4 u say it none of u know me cuase this is not a char i use in game how ever i might know u *looks at Urban_Ninja* and a few others *looks at a few others* ill give u a hint that wont help at all >I'm in Dreaming<
  • im here for the sex b:laugh or is it becuase i hate myself so much as punishment i force myself to read this dribble of human exsistence....... NAH its 4 the sex
  • he is so modest
  • wow almost a tie ill b honest didnt see that coming as it stand brian is ever so lsightly more hated hmm if i could vote id pick brian vert is a ninja pk er of low lvls but he isnt as openly anoyin
  • yes like i said i have seen them both get ganged on alot personally i hate brian more as well vert has his issues but brians xploit of the safe zone wall sniping is BS and more anoying then anything else he never has killedme but GOD he is anoying
  • nuts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  • to be honest the intent of the post was not to PROVE legend was full of whiners... Like i said many times in the post i was basing this on MY own exp with legend MY = Not yours i was not really attacking legend as much as i was defending nef how ever yes i do not care for legend myself but as i stated out of the 2 super…
    in Seriously? Comment by drskull May 2009
  • at the time of this post it is 50-50 so id say ppl agree with you on the difficulty of the decision lmao
  • odds r thats the case yes if u dont know sbarina it can only b becuase u r not on same time as her She spams CONSTANTLY..... lord knows where she gets the tele money and Demon is mostly a weekender notable mostly for the fact that he used his faction to attack nef with 3 ppl <<<<< wtf? yes he did and the fact that he is…
  • are we 2 OVER 9000!! yet ?
  • while the original msg here is now probobaly lost to the trolls if there ever really was one i prefer to be honest to have the forums spammed during some ones boring wq then th wc its self so go on and cry for attention all you want cuase in here ther is a damn good chance i wont ever see it <unless some one makes an…
  • WOW! did u just say that??? seriously?? ... moving on Nef become the most hated faction LMAO not any day soon sonny jim let me put this into perspective of my nooby self... when i was lvls 1-50 ish and i needed help with a boss i could either 1. spam wc 2. spam arch 3. go find some one with nefarious over their heads and…
    in Seriously? Comment by drskull May 2009