daraia Arc User


  • I think you installed the wrong nmap..that's what I did at first. Click that one not That doesn't help much anyway...I'm having the same issue so I'll be sure to watch this thread xD
  • I'm just trying to figure out what exactly he meant...doing something wrong...bagh.
  • Yeah, the person who said "that they were doing something wrong" Hmm....
  • It's something with the connection if we obviously cannot connect. I'm just absolutely confused as to what exactly the cause of it is...
  • Alright. I'll be sure to add you ingame =) Then we can quest with each other! (My main wasn't that high anyway because I had so many chars + I played on the English version) That is...if we can get the game to work xD
  • Haha. Didn't work for me :( I'm not going to reinstall that big 'ol file again :l
  • How do you know the game is going to work after it's done downloading? o.o
  • Well, I remember that it only lags with full detail settings on. (Of course though, the graphics are stunning on full detail) I believe that I played on low/medium settings (I usually do so for most games, the smallest bit of lag or slow responding annoys me) except for water which I had set to high. I don't know what it…
  • Aw, that's cute. Lol, in 7th grade for computer stuff I would use anything that related to soccer. (Eg, iluvsoccer11 and soccerfanforeva) Haha, I was so uncreative. (Or just lazy to spend time to come up with a half nice name for that matter)
  • 9 hours, yipes! :O That's quite a while, lol. I've been having trouble thinking of names lately. In highly populated games I usually use Daraia, because nothing else is avalible. If it's a newer game, i'll probably go with some type of physical feature. (An adjective) Like, Unseen. I've been using that a lot. It depends on…
  • Lol, I would've won that customizing contest. My characters were all unique and I took alot of time designing them. Some people's characters just looked so horrible though! You'd just be walking down the path and you'd see some person with an overly long head and dark purple mega-sized lips and eyebrows. Freaky. P.S. - By…
  • Rofl. I had a character for every single class with totally awesome names. (No, i'm not a name hogger. I trained every single one of 'em :D) I was also in the English Version closed beta ^_^ But man...I really wanna play xD PW is awesome... b:cry Customizing is awesome. I once made a character so hideous that it scared all…
  • When I did the Nmap scan thing though I did get an error >.< It said Failed to open device eth9..wth is that?
  • I know what you're talking about sherbet. They said to right click and press set affinity.. I think I tried that myself and I got an error or something. Let me try again... Nevermind. Lol I didn't get an error this time but I still can't login o.o
  • Rofl. Every single thing that has ever been stated on this forum. Opening the 29,000 port, turning off virus protection, turning off firewall, turning off UAC, reinstalling, doing the Nmap thing...just...everything..
  • Why doesn't ANYONE know what's going on though? I mean, not everyone is having this problem but there are sure quite a few of us that are. It's really annoying me >.<
  • Yeah, i'm so bored. I'm actually playing...uh... a very boring and sucky game ^_^ (Eh, would it be considered advertising to say it?) Just a question for you guys - Everyone who is having this problem do you run Windows Vista? Maybe that has something to do with it? o_O The patch doesn't work with vista? I don't know.
  • Lol, i'd be playing on the perfectworld.com.my English version if I wasn't have trouble with them too. Perfect World just hates me =(
  • If its something with the patch, what makes US the group of people that are having issues? Maybe we should state our specs and see if we have anything in common that may be causing this.. (Programs, virus protection etc) I don't know....just want to somehow fix this xD
  • I don't know, but I really miss playing PW. Not sure why I uninstalled in the first place....>.< It can't be anything that has to do with my internet connection or firewall because that hasn't changed since the last time i've played... I'm so confused o_O
  • The port you need to open is 29000 I don't believe what you name it matters?
  • What did you do to fix it??
  • i get that what does it mean?!?! And it says this in the serverlist.txt file-
  • Well, once i'm ingame I get "unable to connect" when I try to log in.. I was browsing the forums and saw this...pretty desperate to get it fixed so I tried it ^_^ Where do you get "page cannot be found?" Do you get it on the patcher or ingame the little message thingy? Cause mine says that (well, something like that) for a…
  • I tried this and it said What does this mean?
  • I only had the windows firewall running at the time. I even disabled it for a second to try playing again and it still didn't work.
  • Nobody seems to know what's going on o.o Nothings blocking the 29000 port, I opened it up on the firewall menu. I don't know what to do...
  • This is happening to me too and it's annoying me because I really want to play... My pass and username are right, my internet connection is fine and stable, and I even tried turning my virus protection off and nothing works!!!!