clevernickname Arc User


  • i don't normally agree with you, deceptistar, but that last part was spot on. if a DD with +9 weapons decides to demon spark first thing and go all out, it is NOT the barb's fault that the DD takes aggro. just saying.
  • complete bs. since when has pwe allowed the game to "regulate its own economy"? sale after sale is interference at its very best. there have been numerous ridiculous sales of "required items" as well. 50% off DOs anyone? how is this free market? please think before you pucker your lips.
  • LONG days of grinding. you can get to probably around level 35-40 with mostly just quests, but the amount of grinding per level you need to do grows exponentially. to partially offset this, starting at level 30 there is a repeatable once-daily quest called Crazy Stone, where you buy "shards" and get xp. really, just…
  • hm. i don't think that more people using the cash shop for items would cause gold to go down. you seem to be arguing that since more people will charge zen to use on themselves, that fewer people will be buying gold using in-game coin. however, if more people charge zen to use on themselves, then presumably fewer people…
  • 3 notes. one cleric is enough only as long as that cleric is good. there are at least as many clerics who don't know how to purify as barbs who don't know how to cancel. level doesnt make that much difference, max hp and player skill are what are important. the heavy hh/tt80 armour sucks unless it is the gold armour.…
  • likely because the sales were temporary. a permanent price reduction might generate a different reaction.
  • not true at all. the dq drops that you are grinding for have an inherently high npc value. each drop that you hand in to a DQ quest npc represents an expenditure equal to at least the npc value of those drops. or, if you don't think of it as an expenditure, then they undeniably make up what is called "opportunity cost".…
  • my mistake, i got a bit confused with your ally Deceptistar. "its Perfect World, not Perfect Epeen". but both statements are unbelievably trite and inaccurate in describing the issue that people have with the additions to the cash shop. value exists whether things are "real" (physical substance) or virtual. are those new…
  • true. however, implicit in this statement is the fact that you have been attempting to deny, which is that those "few" have been screwed in favour of appeasing the "masses". which is what those "few" are complaining about. so, instead of trying to insult everyone who feels that they have lost something, perhaps you should…
  • see the post below my original one. also, i have gotten a partial refund even when it was empty and nobody was waiting in line.
  • you make some good points, but the harsh reality that we are speaking of (devaluation of high-tier items) has not been caused by the people who play the game. although some may welcome the changes, the changes themselves were made by the game developers. furthermore, i can't recall a single forum post asking for high-level…
  • ahah, this made me smile :)
  • yes, because games should be so much like real life, with all of the heartache and hassles? the "it's just a game!" accusations don't seem to understand that yes, it is a game, and thus shouldn't be subject to the same harsh realities of the world we live in.
  • good to hear :) i'm glad somebody else has had this pleasant experience, because it seems like a lot of people here are of the sort who pay through the nose for everything and thank the companies for taking their money.
  • yes, and then they become unpopular. that is my point.
  • the quote i like is "it's not a RPG game anymore, where players works to get the reward... but it's an eBay now, where it's all about money". so, rather than spend "real" money on "real" items, i should spend my "real" money on "virtual" items while "virtual" money devalues further and further.
  • actually, in case you didn't know, most department stores will indeed refund the difference if you made a purchase the day before a sale. clearly, they see the value in customer satisfaction and retention. there's more to economics and profit maximization than money and prices.
  • you can't accuse people of trying not to have fun, or not being fun, or of being a weirdo in a basement, if they simply have a different idea of what is fun. what the OP is saying is pretty much "oh why can't you just be cool like me?" the implication being, of course, that he is cool. well, you=you and me=me. maybe i…
  • new content that is available? paradox much? the argument that players control gold prices is not completely true. because of the scale of the economy, it is not possible to control gold purchasing and selling even if 95% of the players on every server stopped trading gold. demand for gold will always be inherently high…
  • thanks, really made me feel good to see i'm not the only one who believes this. the dedicated players, the ones who make up a lot of the PW community, are the ones who try to earn things instead of purchase them with zen.
  • if someone did indeed buy $100 of zen and sold it to purchase the "overpriced" horse, then PW gets that $100 regardless. furthermore, to all you proponents of a free market and a fluid economy, PWI cornering the market on "their own game" is NOT a free market. it completely ignores supply and demand by super-inflating…