any1 has suggestions for a cool **** name i could use for my barb?b:surrender
can a GM say me when remove aniversary pack? pls
you are very stupid ... I'm saying it's hard to buy things that are dear ... how you want to look for my 800k HH when it was worth 300k?
work more? your shopping for real money or what? Gold prices rose over 300% so I work more than 300%
"There are players that spend in game coin to buy gold to buy Annipacks with, some of them are in my own faction. Doesn't seem very fair to leave them high and dry." also is unfair that poor people like me can not buy anything
"You want a reason to play, dont buy them -.-' But there's people that dont want to farm for the endgame gears so they buy the packs -.-'" all prices rose. is very difficult to buy things "farming"
asks you if you wanted them not your friends ... Do not evade me .. anwers me pls ... you want the aniversary pack? why?
wait ... wait ... You will be in pw asking each person if you want the aniversary pack? I assure you that none of your friends want aniversary pack... I assure you that neither you want the aniversary pack... at least you buy with real money, ... then ... you want them? why?
is stupid ... 160 pages of complaints and will continue to rise ... is incredible ... GMs might not understand? nobody wants to continue the aniversary pack!! I hope any conscientious GM read this and understand that not everyone can buy gold with real money. while continuing the aniversary but packs more people stop…
If you go to walled stronghold choose 1 gate with irontail lynxes and squama