bootlip Arc User


  • Wow Rawwwrr Posts: 2,067....Your the Diangelo of PWI forums
  • Anyone know why i can portal to ARCH for free.....Just saw that....O wait nm i remember 00:09:13
  • Well i have 5 skills on my genie.And 2 most important i have found #1 being Alpha male 2nd being Alpha male lol.But i like 3rdly Holy path for the slow butts who tend to find aggro somehow so helps me be able to rush before a wipe happens....Cough coughs Clerics with big buts lol
  • 1 tip i give all barbs! Head to the auction house!Look at weapons and gear you can use in 10 levels above you.Look for some top items stuff not the **** noobs put in the aution house.Then thi will give you a outline look for the next 10 level of STR/DEX ratio you will need then any extra dump in VIT. I have followed this…
  • I will be purchasing are any coupons avaliable atm?
  • Wow that was fast thank you all for the advice.We are very geeked to get playing..More then likely will be doing PVE server.Again thank you all for tips