bkloes Arc User


  • Well ........guess I am a noob...cause I didnt get anything in my mailbox...even though I should have had atleast 1200 participation from flying around
  • lol...i bow down and admit I am wrong. I was thinking damn I need to argue this but I misread it. I thought it said that the skill did physical damage plus blank metal damage....its all metal:D So no shard with anything but physical attack.....and just use metal skills when dealing with HA:D
  • ok...that is true. I was just wondering if it would add my normal damage. Now when I read my skill description it says that its a percentage of my physical attack plus (blank) metal damage.....but here is my question don't barbs and BM negate the physical part of that attack anyways?
  • I know there is a guide....trust me I have come back to it over and over...BUT I don't think it ever explained what happens after 30 seconds is up. Thank you all.....I have level 5 or 6 already but at my level...when 5 people are attacking something with 400K hp its hard to see a drop in 40K. I agree that once they get…
  • I am at work...so just bumping this topic so i can find it later. I am new to game but found that I just didn't "feel" the sin skills. I liked archer so I am playing it. I am new to PvP and we got destroyed the other day so I am not even sure if its a fair test of what an archer can do. I would love to continue hearing…
    in Why Archer? Comment by bkloes May 2010
  • As far as stun and aim low are concerned.....don't they only stop movement? I don't even really use them only level 64 currently. I like take aim......normal attack (kite with frost if necessary) maybe a knockback or shell thing thrown in if something misses.....SO far I am loving archer. The range and fast transition from…
  • I too have wondered about this......I am waiting to become a DD...would it be fair to say that my ability to be a DD is directly related to my critical percentage?
  • ty...yes that does work for me. I however find that on some creatures L40ish it does not always finish them off.....especially in the OH SH** situations where someone in party or myselfb:chuckle accidentally pulls more then 1 mob towards me
  • I found a frog for 100k and I thought that was a top pet....but I am reading that the L2 beetle is actually a better tank? Regarding the DW can it be a primary grinding/tank if leveled?
    in Veno Pets Comment by bkloes April 2010
  • Yes the running away is bothersome but what I am talking about is when the mobs are spaced way apart between other ones.....you spend alot of time going from mob to mob. Archer stands in a field and kills everything within 25.................oh just leveled 26m:D
  • lol......I just mean grinding is easy....I can kill more things per min then I can with my BM cause I don't have to chase them down (Run here RUN there....Run run run...I hate running) As to PvP I am very inexperienced but why are mages so good? They are super squishy....yes they can hit hard in PvE but does that translate…
  • Well after my initial post I am checking out a sin......Easiest 0-20 I have done so far....Almost too easy. gf (psychic) and did it in 5 hours b:laugh So I am hot keying between my weapons....How does the sin bow compare to a regular archer attack? Since they are both dexterity based is the damage similar? I know they get…
  • I have made a variety of characters because I struggle to pick just one....So far I like the BM with a dexterity build using fists and bow. My main character is standard axe build, following the increase in dexterity that is suggested. Thus I can use some bows and fists but below my level currently. Has a high dexterity BM…
  • lol...there is a cult? I need to gain acceptance......That is exactly what my alt is and why I brought up this question. I find it works well.....draw them to me switch and kill.....with the fist dexterity I thought the bow might do good damage....I since made an **** also which are overpowered it would seem. I have never…
  • Simple enough:D So if you are buying shards......Mdef shards are better because they add across each element where as a (blank) is just fire. Thanks guys
  • Ok....so I have been learning. I wanted to post something to see if I understand it correctly. Physical defense is just that.......none magical attacks. The magic defense is more complicated. It is broken down into elements. If I add to my magic defense all my elemental defenses increase. However, I am assuming that a…
  • Thanks guys...its late here again so I will be chewing on all the advice.....I am still abit confused about the types of defense...physical (obvious), magical vs elements? I have started to notice the big hit (magic) and then the damage goes way down the mobs physical attack. At my low level its not really an issue since I…