birdie Arc User



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  • you can do the banker quest and choose to collect items(5 each of 6 items). generally you will not start getting these items off of mobs until around level 15-20. You can buy the items from stalls but unless you have a couple K per item then you will have to wait. doing this one time will get you 8 slots. You can then…
  • I have been a member for a number of years and have had no problems either. I smell sour grapes here.
  • I played MY version and did not spend any money until i was about level 20 or so. I then bought the starter pack and 20 gold to spend in shop. I believe I paid 12-12 dollars for both of those. the 20 gold was spent on bank expansion (maxed it out) and the biggest heiro's One each. then I bought a faster sword, a dress for…
  • but it might have to do with the boss event and the server putting everyone in evasion status and no one can click on anything?? not sure what is happening
  • im in tradewinds village along with numerous others and all we get is in "evasion status" i have loged (forced it) 5 x and no go. we can talk to each other but cannot target anything. come on GM;s do something
  • and a defector from MY also. I would love to join a mature guild. I have chars on both worlds and will log into the PvE world today. my chars are Birdiegirl Birdie Johnnycat Deli Venno Archerdude I believe I will try out the Cleric and her name is birdie if you want to message me in game. I will be looking up the sinful…
  • but Johnny was taken.....who would have thunk it!
  • I to did not spend a great amount in MY version but I did spend. I can see myself spending enough to get my first Heiro's but that will not be until I have achieved level 30. Can get there without a heiro fairly easily. But after that it gets expensive. I do not like what I'm hearing here about the prices. I am hoping that…
  • by the amount of people who just plain don't read the thread that they want to post on. 72 diff posts (exagerating here but not by much) on will we get to keep our names. and will we get something for testing the CB. SIGHHHHHHHHH Come on people just read the thread before posting the same question that was asked 2 posts…
  • Suggestion 5: Please, again with fluffy pink bunny slippers on top, allow us to disable the skill description pop-ups on hotbars. They're great at first, but after the 200th time I've cast the same spell I really don't need to be reminded what it does on the 201st time I cast. Honest, I remember. I don't need to loose a…
  • That is what you get. Satisfaction. a job well done. I just sincerly hope that the dev's have listened to what is being posted and are taking it into account.
  • who thought that TW compensation was totally insane. Please dev's please please please do something about this. I want to be able to participate but felt (on oracle) that there was no reason for me to even try to establish a guild, or join one, since it was not named warlords. There has got to be a way to balance this so…
  • i wanted both versions on my computer especially so I could play MY version while waiting on this version to open. I downloaded to my computer and just told it to save. My trouble was the first time i downloaded it i told it to run (not save) so I was unable to extract all the files. once I saved it to my computer I was…
  • that the clicking for picking up items is faster here than in MY version I dont feel that the wait inbetween items is as long. I will try the alt-f and see if that works would rather hold down a button than click repeatedly to pick up items. I have played for a few months now and am still finding out things on the…
    in I quit Comment by August 2008
  • but it is still a bug if there are two items that are named the same thing so the devs need to know thanks for the replies
  • after you have left the gates. i found out the hard way also but just step outside and call the pet out and he will be there. Things I found bankers quest asked for element dust and I have one in my pack but it does not register for the quest that I have one. I really think that it is calling for element powder ( think…
  • I too got the :here is a garment: but received nothing.
  • in that msdos promt *the new ugly looking application that just opened" type ping<space><server address or ip> ok when you say <space> i am assuming you mean to space when you say <server address or ip> do you mean my ip address .?? whose ip address?? sorry for the newb ?s
  • live in texas also but just south of ftw. we need to get a texas guild going when this starts :)
    in Texas?? Comment by August 2008
  • they forgot us folks in texas. centrally located :). come on august 19
  • newb question I know but how are you guys finding out what your ping is. what is a good ping.? sigh....i just want to play. cant imagine that I will have worse time than i did on MY it ran pretty good for me I have two computers hooked to same router and one ran slow other ran just fine.. go figure. i know it had to do…
  • but the pause resume worked great. i did notice that since i had two computers hooked to the same dsl and since I tried to download to both computers at the same time that that did not work well at all. shut one down and the other kicked back up to 624 which only took about 1.5 hours for me. then extracting the files then…
  • When using the petite wasp while on the ground. I know it is an "air" animal but while on the ground the wasp would get stuck. While walking the wasp would become stuck. i would have to put the wasp up and bring back out to unstick. Half of the wasp body would dissappear, if attacking on ground, underground. This would not…
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