bangbang Arc User



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  • This only exists in our version, on pwcn's version pve is actually a lot more difficult because they don't have jone's blessings and their r9 is what we call r9-4th which is really r9-3CN. That is why it is a weaker upgrade that no one gets because losing 100 main stat and all the other stat bonuses is a downgrade. The…
  • He is talking about the new game archosaur studios is working on called Perfect New World. It was teased last year's Perfect World Conference and they teased it again this year too. It is considered Perfect World 3, because the current version with all the expansions is referred to as Perfect World 2 in china. Here is a…
  • You have to understand with all MMORPGs it is the effort and time you put into the game that matters. With your conditions of 2-3 hours a day for 2-3 years it is highly doable but you will need to partner up with stronger players and also be lucky. Your best time to grind the game is during 2x drops and to farm things you…
  • It used to be 24hours until they changed it to be 12 hours from 3pm-3am PDT. I think the purpose was to try and focus the population to queue at these hours rather than across 24hours. It was a bit difficult to get enough people to queue during the 24hour periods because people queued at odd hours. By lowering the range…
  • Snow Twilight Temple I had two ideas but this competition was too short sadly. Basically his head would roll when he moves but his bowtie would stay. My second idea was more for the kitty fan girls because I know 80% of all the game population would want a cutesy snow kitten with a dyeable scarf. It was going to basically…
  • Actually it is from TRON and it is based off the light cycle the file is even named light cycle. It was not stolen because it is a copy of the original light cycle design from the 80's game and when they made it into a movie. The bike is actually what they used in the movie. Also, I am sure most of these drawings people…
  • Snow Twilight Temple This mount should be dyeable and the light trail should be animated and fade out.
  • I thought the mounts from the cube of fate / frost race events counted towards the raffle. Was I mistaken? I have the mount and I don't think there were more than 100 of these mounts in existence so how come I didn't even get a booby prize? :confounded: Also, @"kalystconquerer#0876" can we trade the Eternal Gold Pack prize…
  • @"kalystconquerer#0876" Can we do something about the requirements to craft the arigora mats from coins? Also, the amount of coins we get since we have less participation in 3v3 than PWCN? Getting to 1800+ personal rating just to craft the mats needed for next version of the ring is really hard already. I am guessing only…
  • Yes the way cross server works is it adds a deadlock onto your character's db entry for your server while you exist on the cross server. Then it only frees up your character after the cross server says "I am done with you, now go away". Basically since you dc'd the server was still saying well she/he didn't log out so I am…
  • They really need to multiply the arigora coin reward because of the low participation. They should handle it like they did with NW but instead of making the map smaller and increasing the rewards pot they should increase the rewards pot and decrease the requirements to craft the materials. Needing 2200 rating just to craft…
  • Acoustic Media Dull Zenith Skull Arcstar Dust: Ether Arcstar Dust: Truth Arcstar Dust: Mind
  • Well, for those interested in war avatar card crafting. In your War Avatar menu there is a new option where you can select S cards and it asks for the mats to craft for each S card. They also added lots more rewards for the new faction trials which include B-S packs etc. The carnival system is fun it is a bunch of…
  • So I updated my client. I logged cn and I found a helpful link with all the updates and pictures with explanations. I really like how we finally get raid squads. (linked squads)
  • Name: Snow Server: Twilight Temple My best memory when we took the very first last land across all the servers. Being part of Conqueror was the best ever especially since we made the map red all over too. We took over the whole map and after we accomplished that we agreed as a faction to disband to allow for Lost City to…
  • Honestly best way to improve attendance in arena is to increase the reward rate. Most of the players i know say they don't want to waste their time doing it because it would take them 10 years to farm the ring/cape. If they increased the amount of arigora coins you get then more players will find it worthwhile to…
  • @"kalystconquerer#0876" Couple of questions regarding this arigora season. 1. Is it going to per rewards per player in the squad or a squad splits all of these rewards? 2. Is this going to be for 3v3 squads or 6v6 squads because currently getting 1 fight in 6v6 is like finding a unicorn and bigfoot in the same day and…
  • Diamond Conqueror's Chest Token of Passion Acoustic Media Neverfall Royal Badge Arigora Coin
  • Too bad this isn't made for perfect world and they are not updating perfect world. Our version is called Perfect World 2 in pwcn and that game engine they teasered only has a code name and is closely based off perfect world and forsaken world but it isn't the same game at all. Stop trying to make this rumor true because…
  • Still waiting on the United States government to compensate me for allowing Trump to be elected.
  • I crashed trading someone in my homestead too. Both players crashed.
  • So, how will you handle the players that already crafted the 1st cast of the ring because we no longer have the basic ring? We can't upgrade our bound star's destiny now without it? Will there be a way to uncraft our existing rings for the basic ring and the coins back? Thanks
  • Character: S Server: Twilight Temple
  • I say lets go back with PWIC rules, everyone has same gears and choose their class. This way it all comes down to skill and luck.
  • Do you sleep walk and play games? Or do you get black out drunk?
  • Really needs to show how many people are queued because we sat in queue for 3 hours with 0 fights. I don't mind even having to log into xtw server to queue up at least we know someone is there to fight.
  • So, who plays [Redacted]? How is that going? I think it might be time for us all to move over, it seems like PWE has really lost sight of their bond with the community. They have us voice our opinions and concerns but are too stubborn to pay attention and listen. Like why should we even bother trying to tell you what us as…
  • Finishing the cycle is the best temporary solution for now. Just to reiterate on what I mentioned earlier; most players didn't want to go for NP before until the coin bag/hs update. With the ability now to actually buy more gold and trade it between accounts, non-csers can actually obtain NP without saving for years. I…
  • Do note, most players who open B-S or C-S packs have already completed an A set and want to move up to a 6 piece S set. 2-4 piece S sets are useless compared to a RB2 WS/Morai set. The rates are honestly not that low if you think about the chance of getting an S card. Go ahead and open 1000 B-S packs and tell me how many S…
  • Pretty sure the majority of the people that are upset are non-csers. Taking this option out is basically opening the door and burning the building down and telling them to leave or just die. A non cser will never be able to obtain NP if it is removed from spend promo. I know csers who have opened over 10k+ B-S packs and…


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