Untamed one, it's a Barb
Then, why do you complain? =o_O= In a more serious note, changing times maybe fix your problems, but will make them to others. Since it's a game played on a very large scale of timings around the world, there will be always people with problems on this subject. You got unlucky and TW is at 4 am for you? Uh...
Yah, since APS are so OP, instead of complaining, I'm building my own. Not easy, because I'm not and that, but possible. =o_O= EDIT: Why the hell did that word transformed into that link?
Easy to kill nowadays, with all the easy and cheap gear, 5aps and such, so now there are no World Bosses standing there, like on old days. =/
Dunno, Clerics are great. Too bad that when something bad happens, almost all the time people blame the Cleric. What about the lame gear on the tank? I almost always examine the rest of the squad gears, and it's not like majority have good gears for they level. 80+ Barbs with 60's gears are a bit more difficult to heal, ya…
People talks about more things too. Ijs. =o_O=
Gates werent a problem anyway. Not there at least. The mobs to open them were on the way, and easy to kill, as any other in there [only one of the 51 made you walk a bit]. On 59 only saves you a few mins for the reset instance. Why do you complain then? Do it when they start giving you free wines as a daily quest. =o_O=
Stoped using wine on my Ubuntu for PWI a while ago, when the sound drivers bug become too annoying and crashed the game 5-10 seconds after starting it always. After that, I had to use Windows again, just cuase PWI. :(
Not planing to get the R9 too soon so I don't mind itfor the moment. Just hope that they solved the problem for whe I'm at 100. =o_O=
It's packs fault only. Last rep sale didn't elevated gold too far from 700k.
Because the cookies... =o_O=
This means that PWI staff loves alt FC... too bad that only works for earthguards. =o_O=
Grats! Even when I thought Elayne would be first on 105. About the off topic, already corrupted spirit (blame the internet) isn't afected by those things. =o_O=
It's just that no one could find yet the correct bug to kill the Duke. Once someone does, then there will be no more Duke.
No Krisnda, it's a Necro! >_<
Unlimited combinations? Nah At the end, everyone will use the same build.
Looks like the Game names Claws as Blades. And Seekers arent on the requisite class. Also, imagine a Seeker with it's Claws/Fist at it's back? =o_O= Also, about that... what I find annoying it's the fact that this class line uses too much space. Why don't make it two lines or something?
Apprentice Mod? Hi. :D
More when you made it public like, in forum, for example.
So... Did all servers have something like this Chimei attack? =o_O=
Was Godzilla's attack lag fault =o_O=
Chimeis are ddosing the servers!! =o_O=
Customize, of course. I don't get why there is people who likes to play whit the same face as others hundreds out there. If something makes PWI a good game [besides a few other things], are the customization options, even when Tides and Earths limited them a bit. [hate their somehow plastic color preset faces].
Just search in the forums, there are already a lot of threads about making money. If they no longer work, well, too bad. Looks like a classic one is buying cheap and selling higher. Not that fast, though. Now, the best ways to make fast money besides those are the ones that are still secret to the majority of people. At…
Yup, the problems are only there for a few hours, so it's not that bad at the end. It's just that there are some people who can't be there all the day, and it's just too bad for them when the issues afects the few hours they can play. Also, there is the exaggerated people who see this as the end of the world and blah blah,…
I survived this time! =:D
Thing is, maybe it never got below half. Not sure about it, but looks like the damaga it's not always calculated before the healing on certain situations. I see that often, at least while healing Venomancer pet. Maybe it's something similar. Or just a lag related issue.
Yup, there is a pattern. Thing is, I thought that since it's weekend, the attacker could be more annoying than usual. Like, maybe s/he doesn't go to school/work/wathever. Unless it's just a bot or something like that who starts/ends the attacks.
I got 80k the first day. Only World Chat was moving for about five minutes. Since then, when the attack starts, I get dced almost immediately, so my ping doesn't increase that much again...
I didn't say that the 2x was the one causing the issues. I said that they (frankie/GMs) gave us 2x BECAUSE there are issues on the servers, in response of someone who said that there was no case of having 2x. Maybe it was a fail to give us 2x. People gets more mad and that causes more troubles to the staff. The 'temporary…