arouse Arc User


  • Even the hatuh's can't stop it. ;D
  • yarly, some big guild might believe it and KoS you for it. <3Meme
  • Can't understand past tense? Had. No, she used to finagle her way around it, then she stopped trying. If it were still going on, I wouldn't have said anything. So yeah. I kicked her and deleted both forum accounts. Also, if she wasn't being punished, why wasn't she allowed to see Kat ? :] Meme wasn't in Nost then, and Elwy…
  • How is it not confrontational or rude for you to slander us on our own recruitment thread? b:question You're the one who brought this all up, not myself.
  • Elwy's a cute little asian girl, not a scary german.
  • Chex got over it. She went to Ominous for like two weeks then quit the game. So did bee, so did Kin. Mike, Brisk, and uh...what's her face went there. And the reason I told you to suck it up was you had no real reason to be upset at that? When we asked why it was because 'Anna is an anorexic hoars name' or something like…
  • Lawl @ how people try to dissuade others from joining. Who are you to call anyone a nonfactor, and Who are you to call anyone emotionally unstable? I can think of a few prime examples. Ragequitting RPG radio because Sardeth rickrolled some band you liked. Ragequitting Nostalgia because someone called you Anna You and your…
  • Wow. That's the only thing i have to say about this entire thread. Just ****ing 'Wow'.
  • All we have to do is wait for CQ to get some allies, then betray them, and they will be just like WarLord. The irony.
  • You know, I'm sorta of the opinion that even the homophobes are taking this issue a bit askew. & to justify that, I'm going to have to do a little bit of explaining: It is well known that in mmorpgs there are typically more males playing than females (one can, for instance, take a look at many of the stats that are…