acidstorm Arc User


  • Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in here: Duels aren't even close to real PvP. PK isn't the real PvP either. Fights outside, hierograms vs. hierograms is the REAL PvP. You will never succeed in proving me wrong on this one. Enjoy!
  • So not true lol.. people always underestimate certain classes. Archer will die within 3 shots if he hasn't got enough HP lol
  • You need no magic for those skills as their power increases with your physical attack.
  • -->Personally I am a Guild Wars veteran and Archers there use traps yes. NOTICE: Traps there are only used in PvE for farming purposes only or special tactics but in normal PvE they fail. Archer spikers are far more effective. Traps there are never used for PvP purposes with the exception of Heros' Ascent builds or GvG…
  • What is wrong with you people ? Don't you know how to read ? Ever heard of search button ? Know what stickies are ? Is it really so hard to search for a ******n answer.. every second thread in archers forum talks about build. No you did it all wrong if you wanted the answer.Period. *sigh* Anything else but Pure DEX with…
  • Less chance to get hit- pointless you can never rely on that. HP stones over anything. Pure DEX + refined equipment + HP stones. Hybrid builds fail badly at 90+.
  • Light armor sucks later on, 90+ that is. People will get their equipment refined and fill HP stones and you will have a hard time hitting. Second thing is, go with robes and fill your sockets with physical defense at 90's and on.
  • Archers are very good at PvP. Yes. Archers are very easy to play? No. For a newcomer it WILL take time to get used to it. Everything is simple as long as you're in low levels. The real PvP starts at 90+ when people start hitting 10k hp and having hierograms. Every class catches up by then and archers aren't that easy to…
  • Okay so MGs have low defense you say ? How about doing maths.. anything else but robe MG sux anyway.. so fill your sockets with pdef stones + earth pdef spell which adds 150% to your physical defense. And their HP being low ? Refine your equipment and enjoy the high numbers. <-- in case your MG is about 90+ of course…
  • Jesus seriously.. no matter how much they improve any class in any game people will always find something to complain about. We already are a pwnage class.. what else do you guys want? Like keeping distance is sooooo hard if you can't do it otherwise.. this is an archer, they are no tankers in any of the mmos[okay..…
  • Archer is okay. Needs no changes.
  • I repeat: Duels prove nothing. Absolutely nothing. Hierogram/Charm vs Hierogram/Charm is a real 1v1 PvP fight. Nuff said.
  • Do not flame me as I will be really honest now. Duels = bull****. No really. The real Perfect World PvP is hierograms vs hierograms on higher levels, PK wars.
  • HP all the way. Physical classes will miss you a lot on 90+ unless they get some nice accuracy equipment but they cant avoid the ''missing'' no matter what they do they can only reduce it. Also for PvP mixing HP shards with 5 ele magic shards is nice too. I would still go with HP though. :]
  • Lol.. some people recommend capping VIT/CON at 50... but seriously what does 540 hp change ? Absolutely nothing. Pure DEX/AGI is the way to go, get hp in sockets.
  • Otherwise every character can PK well if he knows what's he doing but mainly yeah.. range owns all except if the target outtanks you and strikes back ;P Classes here are balanced.
  • Does sarcasm hurt ? :/ For PK with very good gear later on: MG or EA.. or WF if he gets a pwnage pet.
  • Of course it's Archer > Wizard but: EP is simply better than a MG PvP and PvE wise. And comparing an EP and EA: they are about the same when it comes to PvP and PvE, though EP makes it better in group PvP.. they still come down to similar if your player either of them properly.
  • Ughhhh.. either an Archer or Cleric. It's a fact whoever says otherwise is surely a fan of that character.. Let me explain things =o 90+: Hierogram versus hierogram, decent equipment versus decent equipment --> -WB have survivability and lack accuracy and they barely even hit an archer or a WR unless you get a decent…
  • Can I ask WTF is this ? Do you even know what you're talking about ? Mostly same equipment - level 90's: - WB has no chance killing an EP - WR dies to EP.. stunlocking ? Lol.. when you hit him with 4k dmg with just normal damage Tempest.. -Are you actually afraid of WFs ? I have no idea why everyone puts them so high above…
  • Example: 87 WR vs 90 full dex archer.. WR only has 48 AGI as a requirement for axes and guess what.. WR attacks that archer and archer lets him attack him.. archers hiero ticks about 5 times and all you do is miss miss misssssss you can't kill him.. DEX is absolutely important PvP wise.. so is VIT..