YenSena - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Im probably over reacting, I apologize too I've been having a bad day.
  • DDs that are scared to attack and sit idle until like a boss have 70-50% Hp left. Its your job to deal damage, if you're scared to get agro and die go play Minecraft or some MyLittlePony games b:angry
  • Different weights,same concept One of the links helped btw thanks.
  • To answer your question, by troll I meant someone who's just provoking a quarrel without adding anything useful to the discussion. And if someone ask if there's a facebook forum or a whatever forum "make one yourself" its not really an answer. Its like saying "is there a doctor here?" and being answered "go graduate in…
  • I would like to have you underline / highlight (also knowns as quote) me when/where I ever said that I want a Facebook forum in here. Same about people "make" me a facebook forum. I never said that and until you can quote me wrong, you're just a troll.
  • Arguing among our lines won't help the main topic of this, its just a big detour from the point. If you don't have any personal experience about facebook that you can/want share you're not helping, linking guides found on the internet by simply writing "facebook guide" and such well, I can do it myself, any 12yrs old kid…
  • Let's say it clear and sound : There's a total incompetent management that either can't fix something(and when it does it takes months) or either continues to break over and over, not to mention the "China patch" excuse, that's the downside of a Game HOSTING company as opposed to a Game Company that actually own & develop…
  • Seen barbs with non-sage SoV in FCC pulling just fine. Invoke doesn't consume mp, and a simple Mp food its good enough to cast roar/sunder/whatever.
  • Uh got it totally wrong miss. A forum its a place to ask questions and discuss about apps. A text its good for reading but you can't ask question to a text. And the app center doesn't help, Im asking to have a place to DISCUSS WITH HUMANS not with a search engine, what most people fail to see the reason forums even exist,…
  • So where I should ask about Facebook apps? I got only 3 friends on my account, one is from my family and the other 2 are complete randoms. Besides I don't even have a clue on how to use most of FB features, how Im even supposed to use Facebook to ask for explanations when I don't known how to use Facebook itself?
  • Uhm maybe that's the reason why I posted this on the off topic section? And I wasn't talking here in PWI, I was talking about the whole internet outside, how come there is NO facebook forum at all?
  • A forum where you talk about Facebook related stuff, like apps, people, random things
  • For lord's sake can anyone take me seriously for once? its the third forum already where I ask if there's a facebook forum and I got ZERO answers till now what's the HECK its so weird about this? b:angry
  • Yes they have a considerable amount of + dex plus faith( Has a chance to recover 5% HP and increase both physical defence and magic defence.), plus they're 2 grade above H&T (10 vs 12),that's slightly better refines. On top of all,at the current prices,they cost almost the same. I made the mistake to (not) get cheap -int…
  • My Sin(lv.85) have almost no -Int gear. So the difference would be only 1.43 (h&t) vs 1.33 (FCC) Not even to mention that he is NOT going to be Demon(So no extra aps from spark). Still worth it?
  • This thread made me LOL Quadruple spark....we aren't OP enough with triple right? b:surrender
  • Yep it works. Lame still I have to disguise Opera as IE because of a buggy Javascript. How about remake this site with the new HTML5 instead of that frigging buggy Javafail?
  • Well I use the latest version 11.60(Build 1185),and yep I tried the usual tricks but nothing. It also happens on my Laptop. (As further note,my PC has WinXp while my Laptop Win7) Yes I submited a ticket once,and they replied me to post in the forum to see if others had this issue and if there was a known workaround for it.…
  • Oh noes lol Being in a PvP server is way worse than being in a PvE one(Like Iam). Image being kicked from a squad because some noob blames you for w/e reason and its not your fault at all,not just kick you,but pk you right after,meh I would hate him for life. b:angry
  • Do we have to log in in a specific page to redeem it?,like when you redeem the anniversary mount?
  • I was(With my assassin),on a 80-90 FCC squad. Squad was me(80 Sin),a Seeker(? level),another lv.80 Sin and a lv.90 Barb,and another one I don't remember. The other Sin was making the squad,he and the Barb were on the same faction(Barb was the Director and the other Sin was a Marshal :O),only problem is we couldn't find a…
  • I wonder WHY some people HAVE to be so rude. Seriously Im not talking about good manners,Im talking about having a sense of what"Discussion" over different points of views is,you known,only because you don't like other's opinions,doesn't mean you can threat em like trash,worthless beings.