I love them fail stories =3

UnderYourBed - Heavens Tear
UnderYourBed - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
edited April 2011 in General Discussion
Alright so as we all know there are tons of fail story posts and for me at least they never seem to get old.

Anyways here is a fun little story that I hope u all find interesting:b:pleased

Couple of days ago me and my friend (im lvl 100 bm and hes lvl 101 barb) were asked by a friend of ours (lvl 8x cleric) to help her with a BH 69. Being bored we decided to help out, and we even wined it for her. (also a lvl 8x veno came along with us)

Now being that we have a lvl 101 barb with 20k HP and a 100 DDer we figured this was gonna be a joke. We cleared the mobs perfectly fine and owned all the bosses except pole (didnt pull him yet). Sooo we decide to let the barb tank pole to make it easier on the cleric and after taking off my fists and using a85 FCC normal sword i figured he wouldn't have much trouble holding aggro either. So what happens next competently surprised me..
- I pull pole
- cleric stacks barb
- barb catches him
- cleric heals barb
- barb dies
- i take aggro while cleric resses barb
- I die, and then squad wipe
We try to tank him 3 times and barb still ends up dying every time. until the 4th time we finally barely manage to do it. b:beatupb:beatupb:beatup

How does a 20k Hp barb with awesome gear and a 100 bm die at pole u ask? xD
turns out the cleric forgot to equip her weapon while healing. Soo he pretty much almost ended up soloing him.

That is my most recent story, thought i should share it with u guys. Tell me what u think, and also what are some of your stories?
Post edited by UnderYourBed - Heavens Tear on


  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Once on my barb, I was tanking a boss for an assassin about 10 levels below me. I spammed ream like crazy but the assassin still managed to steal aggro from me and die.
    I felt like something was odd, at first we concluded that the sin was doing godly damage.
    But then, I realized I had forgotten to equip my axes after the chi duel I had with the cleric before we started the boss. That was pretty fail on my part b:surrender

    lol since then, I seem to have a radar for when someones weapon is unequipped. I've reminded several clerics to reequip their weapons before starting bosses b:shocked

    Oh and just yesterday or the day before, I was in an fb69, which was going completely smooth. A 100 assassin tanked it, he was doing very well. We pull pole, about 24% hp into him, the level 80 cleric dies D:

    So...me and the assassin are just there attacking pole, the sin was doing well keeping himself alive, until pole dished out another debuff and the sin could,t spark purify in time.
    So he dies. Pole,with a mere 95k hp left, comes running after me. I ran ofc, but then I got the sly idea that I could finish pole off if I three sparked /domained/antistunned/potted....so i three sparked, and then realized my domain was on cd. And then pole killed me and reset :s
    I say:
    "well that was fun"
    veno pipes up:
    "and hilarious"
    we all laugh and wait for rez and then run the boss again very smoothly and successfully :>
    All to waste, because in the end, pole's tab glitched and failed xD
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    O.o my fist barb with 12k hp can solo pole...but ok here is my bh69 story

    1. i pull on veno
    2. barb gets agro
    3. cleric doesnt puri
    4. we yell to puri but we get as response "its lvl1"
    5. barb dies
    6. i tell archer to run around till cleric did rez barb
    7. archer and noone else listens and dies one after another
    8. i get agro and run around the sea
    9. barb gets rez and runs to tank
    10. barb doesnt get any puri again and dies
    11. repeated same poo like six times :3
    12. :3 i ended up tanking him with herc who was lucky enough to get missed once by the debuff lol

    anotehr story of todays T2-3
    1. two clerics in squad. one LA and another one AA
    2. LA cleric screams all the time HEAL, AA cleric only DDs (he didnt know that other cleric is LA lol)
    3. they yell at eachother for next 30min why the other cleric didnt heal after barb died so many times
    4. i say: less QQ more pewpew, you suck both anyway
    Elapidae has left the squad

    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    My personal fail story.

    I was doing FB29 as a lvl 101 Barb, helping a friend's alt. So I lure the whole instance to the tower to unlock the gate, and Arma them, and died......

    What killed me was the exploding mobs.

    Turns out, I forgot to put my gear on. b:embarrass

    Either way, I am...somewhat proud of that death......b:victoryb:laugh
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Similar a bit but in a less dangerous dungeon.. 1-3 in squad..

    Wife (Cleric lvl 99) : "Ok babe I know u know how to cancel and such so u tank drummer, I trust you even if ur not charmed right now, I won't even BB, i'll just squad heal in need"

    Me (With buddha fists at that time) : " Yeah sure , no problem :P "

    Barb (Lvl 75 or so): "Ok, i'll just devour and whatnot"

    Also had a archer.

    All goes well, I either Shadowless kick to cancel or use True emptyness on genie when kick on cooldown.

    Something happens..Wrong macro, I dunno..distraction perhaps...

    He starts to cast, I see quick that kick is in cooldown and TE as well..

    Reaction ?? I'll altar marrow magical !!! It's fast and won't die.

    I hit altar marrow physical...1 shotted b:surrender

    Barb was able to take agro and lure him away the time I got rezed though...Then I dunno..Wife went BB mode..
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Larkray - Dreamweaver
    Larkray - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    OK! So.... this was after maintenance when i heard about the new boss in FB 51 (Fallen Warmonk) I take out the 3 bosses without a problem, then as i start to clear the path towards the new boss i get the idea that i'll just pull them all and save the time, Lo and behold... I forgot to switch out of my channeling gear into my heavy plate b:surrender (my chan has like 0 phys defense b:shocked) So i get to the end of the hallway, go human to nova everything, then SPLAT! I opened my bag and facepawed...
    There's more to making a judging than everything being in black and white. The decision making process is a puddle of grays.
    True friends aren't those who would bail you out of jail, they're the one sitting with you in the cell saying, "Well that was fun!"
    Proud Level 101 Heavy/Arcane Tanking Fox Venomancer of DW~

    Family is the people you're with, not the roof over your head. Ty Kindrid for helping me see that again.
  • Tynne - Lost City
    Tynne - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have a fail bh 69 story...

    1)Friend pm's me to help with bh 59
    2) I enter 59 only to see no one there, so i begin clearing.
    3) After a few kills into it they tell me they changed their mind and wanted 69 instead, so im like.. cool w/e why not..
    4) I leave 59 tele all the way to arch>then illusion stone into wraithgate.....
    5) waiting for me are my squad members: 1 cleric, 1 bm and 3 venos...
    6) It turns out this was an fb not a bh but they didnt have wines... now heres the kicker:
    -I was a lvl 90 sin, with 3 venos a 75+ bm and a cleric... i would expect the venos to pull and at least keep aggro with their pets... boy was I wrong, it turns out they not only expected ME to bring the wines for THEM, but they expected ME a squishy 9x sin to TANK every single mob in the dungeon...

    .-. so i end up tanking every thing, no wines and barely any help with the DDing cus well the venos sucked..

    the cleric was the only good person in the squad cus they knew what to do...

    Whats the moral to this wall of text...

    never help friends with 69 if they dont have wines... b:cry

    so much pain..
  • HardToThink - Lost City
    HardToThink - Lost City Posts: 967 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I 1vs1'd almon and i was omg'ing that i was only doing 800-1.2k's and after he killed me i forgot i took my weapon off to hit him for chi! x.x (I know i should have just hugged him =/ I almost ticked you! =x)

    EDIT Is this a pve only fail thread? Er well i did top emberstorm the tw boss but is that a fail if i do it on purpose? :p
    Siggy from bellefleurs.
  • LisianLil - Sanctuary
    LisianLil - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I was on a BH Metal squad a week ago.
    We had an average squad with a 3.33/4 aps Sin.

    Well as expected when boss have around 500k Hp Sin draw agro and die shortly(A barb was tanking).
    So now we were waiting for her while keep hitting the boss.
    After like 30 seconds,boss had like 100k Hp,and his aoe was getting worse and worse,Sin wasn't back yet so I had the idea to Myriad Stance the boss to reduce is Attack/m.attack by 50% for 15 secs,BUT the boss died,I was like O_o^

    I was pretty sure he had 100k Hp when I started Myriad(Didn't check his Hp for like 3-4 seconds before clicking on sword+myriad shortcut),so I was like"Okie Im gonna weak him a little while Sin is coming back",then bam,he dies.

    Someone:"Bm killed him"
    Sin:Thanks for waiting <.<
    Me:Uh b:shocked b:surrender

    (Note that the whole squad was keeping DDing even after his Hp was 100k,Im not sure it was really me or someone who kept attacking b:shutup)

    Sin left squad before I even could say a thing
  • Thistle_grey - Sanctuary
    Thistle_grey - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    BH in 59, full squad, all between 70 and 75. Two clerics, a barb, a seeker, a veno and my archer. You ever see an ARCHER tank ALL five? I even waited until the barb 'got aggro'. ONE, count them, ONE plain ordinary shot, I get aggro. Now I'm shooting for my life. Luckily one of the clerics was my normal questing partner and she put up her BB and kept me alive. Of course my Charm ticked like mad, I burned a couple dozen HP pots and my genie's Second Wind never seemed fast enough but I didn't die. Now, the REASON I hate BHs? I only needed TWO of those bosses because everyone wanted to do them in 'order'. I didn't get Zimo until AFTER we killed him. Oh, the REAL fail was mine. I wined it, for free. I am going back to grinding, to hell with BHs.
    "Imagination is more important than intelligence."
  • YenSena - Sanctuary
    YenSena - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I was(With my assassin),on a 80-90 FCC squad.

    Squad was me(80 Sin),a Seeker(? level),another lv.80 Sin and a lv.90 Barb,and another one I don't remember.

    The other Sin was making the squad,he and the Barb were on the same faction(Barb was the Director and the other Sin was a Marshal :O),only problem is we couldn't find a Cleric.
    We tried the first boss without Cleric(Barb rushed in actually),and we got wiped when boss had like 100k Hp >.<

    After 30 mins and about 15 teles we finally got a Cleric,only problem is she's only 76(Highest level was the lv.90 barb).She says she's exped,so we do the first boss(And she dies from a trap),and we kill it despite Cleric dying halfway.
    Then we start the usual mob pulling,Barb was pulling 3 groups at time and NOT once Cleric used BB,instead she keep hitting on squad heal button >.< even if the Barb had 90% of the mobs on him.
    Barb asked various times if Cleric had sparks(Assuming she would BB),Cleric didn't respond,she was like half-muted most of the time.

    When we're almost at Second boss Cleric heal barb while he start pulling,gets agro from the first mobs groups,and die.Barb stops at the other group while we take on the first one.After a while Barb dies,and 2 more dies,only me and the other Sin manage to kill the rest of the mobs,and the shade after.
    We get to second boss *sigh* as expected Cleric gets bubbled and dies.Note that not even once she purified or used Ironheart,always the freaking squad heal >.< squad wiped.
    On the second try,despite she kept not purifying we were very lucky and boss never bubbled her,and we killed him.
    What make me laugh at some point Cleric literally said"I have a Sin 100",and barb said right after"And that's very relevant right now",I was like LMAO b:laugh

    Well I don't wanna telling the whole run but you can image the rest,we had like other 4-5 squad wipes,Cleric died even ad the Adawolf boss,when this one was almost dead.Good thing Exp room is way easier for the Cleric,we managed after 2 hours to finish the run(Exp only actually). b:surrender

    What surprised me the most,its not the Cleric's stupidity or not even realizing to solo heal instead of squad heal when absolutely not required,its the Barb and the other Sin's attitude it was like"lol",and"whatever",the whole time despite it was a crappy run,they never got angry towards the Cleric(Barb had lead btw),even if they tried to tell her what to do.

    Its good that there are still players out there that enjoy this a game and don't get mad if they happen to squad with an very bad Cleric.....
  • SoulRequiem - Sanctuary
    SoulRequiem - Sanctuary Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    BH in 59, full squad, all between 70 and 75. Two clerics, a barb, a seeker, a veno and my archer. You ever see an ARCHER tank ALL five? I even waited until the barb 'got aggro'. ONE, count them, ONE plain ordinary shot, I get aggro. Now I'm shooting for my life. Luckily one of the clerics was my normal questing partner and she put up her BB and kept me alive. Of course my Charm ticked like mad, I burned a couple dozen HP pots and my genie's Second Wind never seemed fast enough but I didn't die. Now, the REASON I hate BHs? I only needed TWO of those bosses because everyone wanted to do them in 'order'. I didn't get Zimo until AFTER we killed him. Oh, the REAL fail was mine. I wined it, for free. I am going back to grinding, to hell with BHs.

    Actually its a good idea to let the strongest DD tank in BH59.
    I mean,we're talking about BH59 lol all bosses are relatively easy to tank(Especially Drake&Gluttonix),about any class even with not very good gear can tank,the only class that needs a decent equipment to tank his Sin(I died myself a few times back then even if the Cleric was doing BB),but any class that doesn't get 2-shotted can easily tank there.
    And a word of advice:I would save Hp charms for later FCCs,just saying.
    WTB>More Fash
    Currently Want-to-buy list>>(W=White;B=Black;A=Any color)
    ((W. Steampunk Top \\ W. Aegan Dress \\ W. Road Warrior Vest and Shorts \\ W. Cougar Top \\ W. Barfighter Top \\B. Chipao \\ Trading B. Shinobi Set to White \\ B. Bowknot Top \\ W. Porcelian Dress \\ B. Leopard Boots \\W. Corsair Dress \\ B. Debutante Dress \\ W. Sunshine Blouse \\ W. Tiger Lily Dress \\ W. Stardust Dress \\ \\ Red Bikini Bottom \\ W. Crown Princess Dress))
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    What surprised me the most,its not the Cleric's stupidity or not even realizing to solo heal instead of squad heal when absolutely not required,its the Barb and the other Sin's attitude it was like"lol",and"whatever",the whole time despite it was a crappy run,they never got angry towards the Cleric(Barb had lead btw),even if they tried to tell her what to do.

    Its good that there are still players out there that enjoy this a game and don't get mad if they happen to squad with an very bad Cleric.....


    I just asked my friend if its a trend that even high level Clerics nowadays use AOE-heals at every ****, even if one person tanks. I rarely use AOE-Heals on my cleric, only if i have enough time to channel it. But i have seen so many fail Clerics on my Veno in Nirvana and FC (which means they are lvl100+) that used not ONE IH or wellspring, noooo instead they spam one AOE-Heal after another.
    Had yesterday lvl98 Cleric who was AOE healing while i was ALONE killing a Harpy in FC. I was standing next to her and rescued myself only due ST (had only 8HP left) while she was channeling her ****.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Ciretako - Harshlands
    Ciretako - Harshlands Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    I just asked my friend if its a trend that even high level Clerics nowadays use AOE-heals at every ****, even if one person tanks. I rarely use AOE-Heals on my cleric, only if i have enough time to channel it. But i have seen so many fail Clerics on my Veno in Nirvana and FC (which means they are lvl100+) that used not ONE IH or wellspring, noooo instead they spam one AOE-Heal after another.
    Had yesterday lvl98 Cleric who was AOE healing while i was ALONE killing a Harpy in FC. I was standing next to her and rescued myself only due ST (had only 8HP left) while she was channeling her ****.

    It's definitely a telling sign, and evidence that the cleric doesn't really understand what's going on or know who has aggro. So they just spam the AoE heal. Avoid them if possible.

    They're usually the same type of player who don't respond to party-chat queries b:shutup
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Having had several bad random squads lately I have all but stopped Eden and Brim on my archer for now (my cleric only does faction runs), but getting BH79 yesterday I thought why not? How bad can that mess up?

    If only I knew.

    So the squad ends up being myself, two more archers, a sin, a veno and a mystic. I was concerned about the lack of cleric but the archer with lead asked and the mystic assured us he could cover the healing easily, so we set off. We killed Hooli and were halfway to Styg before the sin got into the dungeon, where he promptly d/ced and never came back. Mystic says no problem, he has soloed Styg many times. And true to his word (the archers wisely stand back and let him fight alone for awhile), he does quite well. We finish Styg without a problem.

    On to the others. We get to the last room, mystic pulls Brig. However he has set up a healing herb and apparently that acts the same as BB, so the adds come running too. I grab Brig and find I'm getting no heals. Charm ticks. I use pots, genie. Eventually I die. Luckily I was res buffed.... as I res the second archer, who took aggro from me, dies from no heals. Then the third archer. Then (why did I start shooting again??) Brig comes after me again. This time I have no res buff. I pot, genie, and panic. Start running around... don't want to die and miss my BH boss; hoping mystic will notice and freaking heal me. Eventually he *does* notice apparently and takes aggro of the boss, at which point I kill an add I accidentally aggroed (that one that hides in the pillar) and then stop fighting Brig altogether. I just stand back and let him kill it. And then he says "sorry guys, got distracted by something in vent." o.o

    When Linus is pulled, myself and another archer wisely decide to stand aside and not even attack. I think I started fighting at 1/2 HP or something... wasn't about to take any more chances.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT? pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=760842
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    I just asked my friend if its a trend that even high level Clerics nowadays use AOE-heals at every ****, even if one person tanks. I rarely use AOE-Heals on my cleric, only if i have enough time to channel it. But i have seen so many fail Clerics on my Veno in Nirvana and FC (which means they are lvl100+) that used not ONE IH or wellspring, noooo instead they spam one AOE-Heal after another.
    Had yesterday lvl98 Cleric who was AOE healing while i was ALONE killing a Harpy in FC. I was standing next to her and rescued myself only due ST (had only 8HP left) while she was channeling her ****.

    I'm sorry but I would of kicked, killed, and gone along my merry way LOOOONG before the big room in that frost run >.>

    Anyhow....Most fail moment recently was when me and a squad of 90+ people where doing BH69. I had pyro and nob for BH and then brig for 79 (**** you head hunter).
    We don't have wine's cause nobody brought them, so we just say "**** it! let's clear". Go through, mob pulls seem ok and then outta ****ing nowhere me and the 94 seeker see 1k+ dmg in our logs from mobs.....

    Now please note I had no marrow's on, seeker had DEFENSE lvl buff on.....and mobs where still hitting us for over 1k....It was freakin amazing we managed to get through that place with only minimal death (I died 7 times, sin's in there died 2 times each, seeker died once, cleric died...none).
    Lesson from this: ****ING WINE BH69. NEVER, EVER, doing that place unwined >.<!!
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • Tynne - Lost City
    Tynne - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'm sorry but I would of kicked, killed, and gone along my merry way LOOOONG before the big room in that frost run >.>

    Anyhow....Most fail moment recently was when me and a squad of 90+ people where doing BH69. I had pyro and nob for BH and then brig for 79 (**** you head hunter).
    We don't have wine's cause nobody brought them, so we just say "**** it! let's clear". Go through, mob pulls seem ok and then outta ****ing nowhere me and the 94 seeker see 1k+ dmg in our logs from mobs.....

    Now please note I had no marrow's on, seeker had DEFENSE lvl buff on.....and mobs where still hitting us for over 1k....It was freakin amazing we managed to get through that place with only minimal death (I died 7 times, sin's in there died 2 times each, seeker died once, cleric died...none).
    Lesson from this: ****ING WINE BH69. NEVER, EVER, doing that place unwined >.<!!
    you were a 90+ bm in there taking that much damage? imagine a 90+ sin omg the horrors.. but yea i agree never do 69 without wine...

    (that sounded kinky..)
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Having had several bad random squads lately I have all but stopped Eden and Brim on my archer for now (my cleric only does faction runs), but getting BH79 yesterday I thought why not? How bad can that mess up?

    If only I knew.

    So the squad ends up being myself, two more archers, a sin, a veno and a mystic. I was concerned about the lack of cleric but the archer with lead asked and the mystic assured us he could cover the healing easily, so we set off. We killed Hooli and were halfway to Styg before the sin got into the dungeon, where he promptly d/ced and never came back. Mystic says no problem, he has soloed Styg many times. And true to his word (the archers wisely stand back and let him fight alone for awhile), he does quite well. We finish Styg without a problem.

    On to the others. We get to the last room, mystic pulls Brig. However he has set up a healing herb and apparently that acts the same as BB, so the adds come running too. I grab Brig and find I'm getting no heals. Charm ticks. I use pots, genie. Eventually I die. Luckily I was res buffed.... as I res the second archer, who took aggro from me, dies from no heals. Then the third archer. Then (why did I start shooting again??) Brig comes after me again. This time I have no res buff. I pot, genie, and panic. Start running around... don't want to die and miss my BH boss; hoping mystic will notice and freaking heal me. Eventually he *does* notice apparently and takes aggro of the boss, at which point I kill an add I accidentally aggroed (that one that hides in the pillar) and then stop fighting Brig altogether. I just stand back and let him kill it. And then he says "sorry guys, got distracted by something in vent." o.o

    When Linus is pulled, myself and another archer wisely decide to stand aside and not even attack. I think I started fighting at 1/2 HP or something... wasn't about to take any more chances.
    lol Anna, you need to BH with me and Suki more (not that we do it with any consistency like you do ._.)

    79 is easy as hell though. I can tank Styg if I have BB and IH together, and can tank either of the final two under BB. And if I can do it, anyone can do it... though one time we squadded with a sin and he almost died trying to tank brig. I guess it's easier if you tank at range... I bet casters would do really well tanking those two. o.o

    I'm willing to bet the Healing Herb wasn't the problem, though. I've personally zeal-pulled Linus before, from a very safe distance, and somehow managed to bring an add with me several times. I have no idea why. Those mobs like to bend the rules, I think. >_>
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • EmeryFlower - Dreamweaver
    EmeryFlower - Dreamweaver Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    When I hit level 40 and got my first bh for qingzi, I wanted to see if I could solo him... I mean, I've done it lots on my archer, but that was at 60+, but I figured my mystic had a pet and I could self heal, so why couldn't I tank qingzi?
    I'm running in SP, almost all the way into deception and an archer asks if I was doing bh. I figured he had a squad, so I said yes. When he invited me, there was no squad, but I just told him that I was going to attempt to solo it and so he had the option to stay with me or leave. He decided to stay, which was good, because an extra DD is nice. ^^
    Well anyway, we're in the bh29, and I res buff us and start luring the mobs. We did fairly well... I died a few times because I wasn't watching my HP, but my res buff was up all the time so the archer wasn't left alone while I ran back into the instance. We tackled the mobs leading into qingzi's room with ease, and then we got the mobs infront of qingzi done easily too. When we got to qingzi, I sent my pet in with full mana and spam healed him... Poor Devil lasted not even 2 minutes before he went splat. Then I went splat. Then the archer went splat. He goes "Omg have you ever soloed this before?" And I explained it was my first time trying to solo it on my mystic, but I have done it on my archer. He was cool with it, we added each other as friends and he logged off for the day. I feel really bad, but atleast I know I can't solo it now. xD

    Then today, I was in a bh29 squad, and we couldn't find a cleric. I explained that I could heal, but it would nothing like a cleric's IH. They were fine with it, so we go in and clear all the way to qingzi, with a few deaths. (The BM tanker wouldn't aoe until half way through ><) We get to qingzi and all is well for a bit.. his hits hit hard on the bm and my non-stackable heals don't keep up... he dies, the aggro goes onto the sin... the sin dies... the aggro goes onto the other bm and.. you get the idea. xD They were all res buffed so we managed to keep it going until 1/2 hp, when qingzi finally got us all because I couldn't stop healing to give res buffs.
    The sin left saying he didn't need qingzi and he told us to invite a cleric and her friend, who finished it off rather easily. ><

    But now I know for sure mystic =/= cleric. We're good secondary healers, but unless you are doing a boss that doesn't need much of a heal, you need a cleric :|
    (Although the archer and I from the first day didn't die except for maybe once... my heals were good for him but I guess more than one target is hard for me xD)

    Happily forum married to Zannie again. >:O Haters gonna hate
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited April 2011
    Personally, I have no idea how a level 100 barb with 20k hp can't solo pole, even uncharmed. Well maybe if not charmed AND no food. Seriously though, my 85 barb with 11k hp can solo Pole between the crabmeat, charm, and my lion King axes.

    Now for my story..... b:chuckle

    Ok I'm on my barb, in my early 60's and grinding quests and this other barb walks up and squads me....
    Now we're killing the Taurox Archons, and after 2 or 3 he says, "Hey check this out. I made up this new thing I call 'Barbing...'"
    I'm currently working on two of the mobs, but say "sure, what's up?" and let him show me.
    He runs off grabs 4 of them and starts using his AoE skiils. (never mind that this is the very thing I have been doing up to this point, just in more manageable quantities)...
    Anyway, he gets about 3 hits in and then promptly dies.
    So I take his 4, add another that just spawned on me and proceed to finish them off. Admittedly, it was a bit close a couple of times, but between my charm and my HP food, I did just fine.
    I got done, said, "oh you mean like this?", and just stood there a sec. He muttered something I don't recall now and logged off. Never to be seen again.

    I even hung around the area for a week looking for him, but I've never managed to run into him again to this day.

    For Emery...
    What you say is true. Also, (coming from my wife who has a high-level mystic), summons aren't tanks. They are pretty much for additional DD or support, but not designed with the def to be tanks. It's possible, I suppose, because your summon's def is based on yours, but I don't see the benefit of a HA Mystic.
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Then today, I was in a bh29 squad, and we couldn't find a cleric. I explained that I could heal, but it would nothing like a cleric's IH. They were fine with it, so we go in and clear all the way to qingzi, with a few deaths. (The BM tanker wouldn't aoe until half way through ><) We get to qingzi and all is well for a bit.. his hits hit hard on the bm and my non-stackable heals don't keep up...


    But now I know for sure mystic =/= cleric. We're good secondary healers, but unless you are doing a boss that doesn't need much of a heal, you need a cleric :|
    (Although the archer and I from the first day didn't die except for maybe once... my heals were good for him but I guess more than one target is hard for me xD)

    depends on what you're tanking, and how. my 4x wizard's tanked qingzi twice with mystics healing, once with a 5x mystic and the other time i think it was a 47 one. worked well, but qingzi's so much easier at range than in melee also. don't be afraid to try healing on that boss again, just so long as it's a ranged tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • VileBlack - Archosaur
    VileBlack - Archosaur Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Here was a pretty good one-

    A mystic lvl3x? asks me for help help with bh29. I was lvl69 at the time, and thought I don't know never soloed that one before.

    Well I finally pulled my d*** out of the dirt and agreed. First time went ok no big deal.
    Second time after I cleared I needed chi so did a quick duel.

    Then while fighting the boss I noticed I was doing extremely low damage and it was taking forever. Killed him like that(after a while), afterwards im looking through my inv. and noticed I had no weapon equipped.

    I must make note that I was not charmed or anything, but I felt like a bowl of bean dip after that.

    Same thing happened in a zhen squad, but I noticed about halfway through and fixed it.
    It will NEVER happen again.
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Here was a pretty good one-

    A mystic lvl3x? asks me for help help with bh29. I was lvl69 at the time, and thought I don't know never soloed that one before.

    Well I finally pulled my d*** out of the dirt and agreed. First time went ok no big deal.
    Second time after I cleared I needed chi so did a quick duel.

    Then while fighting the boss I noticed I was doing extremely low damage and it was taking forever. Killed him like that(after a while), afterwards im looking through my inv. and noticed I had no weapon equipped.

    I must make note that I was not charmed or anything, but I felt like a bowl of bean dip after that.

    Same thing happened in a zhen squad, but I noticed about halfway through and fixed it.
    It will NEVER happen again.

    This my good sir is why I always place my characters weapons onto the F1-8 hotkeys. This way I know if it's equiped or not by the fact if it is highlighted (means equiped) or unhighlighted (unequiped). It helps me majorly ^.^
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • EmeryFlower - Dreamweaver
    EmeryFlower - Dreamweaver Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    depends on what you're tanking, and how. my 4x wizard's tanked qingzi twice with mystics healing, once with a 5x mystic and the other time i think it was a 47 one. worked well, but qingzi's so much easier at range than in melee also. don't be afraid to try healing on that boss again, just so long as it's a ranged tank.

    It was a BM, and I will try again... it seemed the archer lasted longer when he got aggro one the first run I did with my mystic. ^^

    Happily forum married to Zannie again. >:O Haters gonna hate
  • KuiXing - Harshlands
    KuiXing - Harshlands Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    My adventure in FB39 while I was lvl94

    Guildie asks for help with it and I say sure I can solo, it'll be fine. the tabber invites a friend and we get going, keep in mind that she was a veno, idk if it matters but keep in mind she was a veno.

    I tank everything, goes good. Farren goes down easy, I die on calcid because I wasnt paying attention, we try again and he goes down easy too.

    The veno notices Im demon, and starts critizing my choice. I keep calm, because ive gotten critism on why I chose demon while on FC runs and those things, and tell her my reasons, but shes still being rude about it, so I ignore her comments and keep tanking.

    She thinks she can handle a bunch of mobs and runs through without a pet out, she starts dying so the tabber goes to help her out while I kill some other mobs, and they die.

    They start to yell at me saying I was a fail, I should've healed them, I should've gotten agro. All the while Im trying to kill the mobs that were now on me, I die and they rage quit. Never doing 39 again....
    I have the best mom ever, she brought me drugs and fruit juice - Reavღ
    Challenge accepted I'm going to go blow up the sun - FanFon
    Those crabs are like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep going and going and going... - Wildsblade
  • XMasqueradex - Lost City
    XMasqueradex - Lost City Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well first time posting in one of these.. i gave up BHs along time ago when i used to play my psychic cause i always seem to get barbs who couldnt tank or clerics who didn't heal right and just got tired of wanting to kill them all during the runs..

    Few days ago i had finished up all the quests in my log and was to lazy to fly around picking up more so i thought ill try a bh for an easy lvl up and just go onto the tideborn 51 chain.

    flew over to Arch and picked up a squad and went into bh39.. squad consisted of 2 clerics, a barb, a sin, a seeker and me (me being the lowest lvl in squad)..

    before we even all got into the instance the seeker had died by poison on those ghouls at the start so we waited till cleric arrived cause they wernt porting in just flying.. after every one reached the bh we started clearing the way and everything was going smoothly cept for the other seeker trying to play Hero by aoeing two mobs away from the tank and taking them on which probably would have worked if he was not in npc armor.

    Got to Farren and barb went in pulled the mobs one by one around him and we killed them. barb runs in and gets aggro i run in after awhile to help.. not long after we all started to attack the barb dropped dead and i took on role as tank. was using those lvl 30 emmisary pots which worked fairly nice and with my defence buff i was surviving.. told the clerics to worry more about the squishy sin and seeker other then me i was surviving better then both of them with just my pots.. fail part on my half was after just saying that i forgot to pay attention to my hp bar and died XD.

    got rez'ed finished tanking it while we laughed at my dying and few of us dropped out to hand in. we all regrouped except for the seeker who didnt seem to accept the squad reinvite and the barb didnt dced. i started tanking the birds and exploding turtle thingys on the way to calcid and was surviving fairly well till i had to take on 3 of them when they all grouped up and noticed the cleric wasnt stacking IH and just using the other heal instead.. went to say something but was to busy hitting my pots and skills trying to survive... managed to kill all 3 before the last one exploded and killed me..

    Turns out the clerics didnt like IH and neither of them carried Mp pots so we had to wait awhile for full mana before we could continue..

    other then that the run went well and got all 3 of the bhs done. tho my girlfriend after hearing about the run in msn told me next time just to have her high lvl cleric solo it for me
  • LadyAshlie - Heavens Tear
    LadyAshlie - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    My few fail stories:

    1. Was doing a FC run on bm and was at the part where there was a few groups of those magical mobs. Barb ran in luring all the way to shade. When we got there with most of the mobs crowding round shade, I proceeded to stun, HF and the usual aoeing. Just to play it safe, i had a tendency to use use mag marrow while I aoe those mag mobs while the barb handled shade and his underlings. Suddenly I was kissing the floor after HF. Turns out I forgot i changed my hotkeys for phy & mag marrow before the run.....b:cry

    2. Another FC run where the barb lured the entire floor to shade (the one just before the first boss with the cute cuddly bears which creates confusion when a veno brings out the same bear as her pet). I followed just behind the barb to shade and went for the stun......only i sparked instead......stupid hotkeys.

    3. Yet another FC run (yes i do love running instances with friends with me being outvoted each time since i wanted to run TT and everyone else wants FC). This time, we were at the first boss and everyone was asking why i didnt HF each time when the tank sparked. Turns out (after 3mins of frantic worrying, pondering and searching) i accidentally switched my axe bar out for my fist bar...b:surrender

    For some reason hotkeys and bars dont like me. Guess i should stop messing with them. Karma bites.b:shocked

    4. On another event, was doing bh69 with our usual bh group. Got to pole and decided to play an aggro stealing game. We had 2 clerics and since the other bm and I were of similar build and equips (altough he had a hp charm and i didnt), we had 1 cleric heal him while the other healed me and he had a 5sec headstart on getting aggro (he was always teasing me since he always stole aggro off me no matter what b:angry). I joined in after 5sec and attempted to steal aggro off him. When pole was at 1/2hp, the cleric healing me decided that she should just go DD as it looked like i wont be able to steal aggro off him anyways. He had aggro until right at the end, where pole threw his phy debuff on me and 1 or 2 shot me right as he died. In the end, I won our little aggro game, somehow pole kill was counted, but became the laughing stock for days to come. Not sure whether to be happy or sad...b:sad
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    I just asked my friend if its a trend that even high level Clerics nowadays use AOE-heals at every ****, even if one person tanks. I rarely use AOE-Heals on my cleric, only if i have enough time to channel it. But i have seen so many fail Clerics on my Veno in Nirvana and FC (which means they are lvl100+) that used not ONE IH or wellspring, noooo instead they spam one AOE-Heal after another.
    Had yesterday lvl98 Cleric who was AOE healing while i was ALONE killing a Harpy in FC. I was standing next to her and rescued myself only due ST (had only 8HP left) while she was channeling her ****.

    Maybe she also had a mob on her and was using party heal for that reason? When you run NV all bosses have random aggro and aggro switch, there is also AOE, accidental
    5k explosions and other **** going on like mobs spawning. Its pretty normal for a cleric to spam AOE-heal instead of using single heals in NV since everyone takes dmg. With good channeling and high mag attack + BP buff, thats more than enough.

    I would never expect clerics to switch target and single heal everyone that takes dmg in NV, their fingers would break after while from clicking short keys and picking new heal targets (including keeping themselves alive during aggro). Its just not human expecting someone to do all that work when everyone else is using a spark macro. Give the healers a break if they wanna be a bit lazy like the rest of us lol.

    But i agree it sounds really stupid with clerics only using AOE-heals when its not even needed, Chromatic Healing beam takes so much mp to. Using at least 1 Wellspring if someones about to die shouldn't be much of an effort b:shocked.
  • LadyAshlie - Heavens Tear
    LadyAshlie - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It was quite awhile back to the days that will never return for these stories. Most (all?) of my groupies have since left for greener pastures.

    My fail stories:

    1. Was doing a FC run on bm and was at the part where there was a few groups of those magical mobs. Barb ran in luring all the way to shade. When we got there with most of the mobs crowding round shade, I proceeded to stun, HF and the usual aoeing. Just to play it safe, i had a tendency to use use mag marrow while I aoe those mag mobs while the barb handled shade and his underlings. Suddenly I was kissing the floor after HF. Turns out I forgot i changed my hotkeys for phy & mag marrow before the run.....

    2. Another FC run where the barb lured the entire floor to shade (the one just before the first boss with the cute cuddly bears which creates confusion when a veno brings out the same bear as her pet). I followed just behind the barb to shade and went for the stun......only i sparked instead......stupid hotkeys.

    3. Yet another FC run (yes i do love running instances with friends with me being outvoted each time since i wanted to run TT and everyone else wants FC). This time, we were at the first boss and everyone was asking why i didnt HF at all when the tank sparked each time. Turns out (after 3mins of frantic worrying, pondering and searching) i accidentally switched my axe bar out for my fist bar...

    For some reason hotkeys and bars dont like me. Guess i should stop messing with them. Karma bites.b:shocked

    4. On another event, was doing bh69 with our usual bh group. Got to pole and decided to play an aggro stealing game. We had 2 clerics and since the other bm and I were of similar build and equips (altough he had a hp charm and i didnt), we had 1 cleric heal him while the other healed me and he had a 5sec headstart on getting aggro (he was always teasing me since he always stole aggro off me no matter what ). I joined in after 5sec and attempted to steal aggro off him. When pole was at 1/2hp, the cleric healing me decided that she should just go DD as it looked like i wont be able to steal aggro off him anyways. He had aggro until right at the end, where pole threw his phy debuff on me and 1 or 2 shot me right as he died. In the end, I won our little aggro game, somehow pole kill was counted, but became the laughing stock for days to come. Not sure whether to be happy or sad...b:sad
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It was quite awhile back to the days that will never return for these stories. Most (all?) of my groupies have since left for greener pastures.

    My fail stories:

    1. Was doing a FC run on bm and was at the part where there was a few groups of those magical mobs. Barb ran in luring all the way to shade. When we got there with most of the mobs crowding round shade, I proceeded to stun, HF and the usual aoeing. Just to play it safe, i had a tendency to use use mag marrow while I aoe those mag mobs while the barb handled shade and his underlings. Suddenly I was kissing the floor after HF. Turns out I forgot i changed my hotkeys for phy & mag marrow before the run.....

    2. Another FC run where the barb lured the entire floor to shade (the one just before the first boss with the cute cuddly bears which creates confusion when a veno brings out the same bear as her pet). I followed just behind the barb to shade and went for the stun......only i sparked instead......stupid hotkeys.

    3. Yet another FC run (yes i do love running instances with friends with me being outvoted each time since i wanted to run TT and everyone else wants FC). This time, we were at the first boss and everyone was asking why i didnt HF at all when the tank sparked each time. Turns out (after 3mins of frantic worrying, pondering and searching) i accidentally switched my axe bar out for my fist bar...

    For some reason hotkeys and bars dont like me. Guess i should stop messing with them. Karma bites.b:shocked

    4. On another event, was doing bh69 with our usual bh group. Got to pole and decided to play an aggro stealing game. We had 2 clerics and since the other bm and I were of similar build and equips (altough he had a hp charm and i didnt), we had 1 cleric heal him while the other healed me and he had a 5sec headstart on getting aggro (he was always teasing me since he always stole aggro off me no matter what ). I joined in after 5sec and attempted to steal aggro off him. When pole was at 1/2hp, the cleric healing me decided that she should just go DD as it looked like i wont be able to steal aggro off him anyways. He had aggro until right at the end, where pole threw his phy debuff on me and 1 or 2 shot me right as he died. In the end, I won our little aggro game, somehow pole kill was counted, but became the laughing stock for days to come. Not sure whether to be happy or sad...b:sad

    oreo post ftw o.O?
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Another failed story..

    I was on my cleric lvl 52 and saw a WC call for "LF cleric bh39".. I needed it and went..

    I should have stayed home b:surrender

    Squad was Archer 53 , Sin 75 (Just there to help), me and THREE Mystics.

    Now why they really needed a cleric was beyond me...Sin with bloodpaint and 3 mystics healing seems like no problem to me.Anyway...

    We get at Farren... Then the unthinkable happens..After luring his guards..Sin lures Farren INTO us. Of course, beeing all mage classes (well my cleric and the 3 super duper mystics) and not charmed, we all suffered rather quick death. Guess what ? Not ONE of them had cast the self-rez buff. Archer also died and I dunno how but sin managed to survive running away..

    So we all release and walk our way back in..(I needed that bh...)

    Sin has a marvelous idea, he tells them "U can use self-rez buff !" So they did..Again at Farren, same story, everyone gets too close but I stay far and try to heal..Wasn't close enough to squad heal, so eventually people died.. I was so mad to see "noobs" I left squad and pmed leader (one of the Mystics) "Good luck getting another cleric, learn ur class" What I get as answer ??

    "You are the failed cleric..Why didn't you use BB ??"

    Hmm..ain't BB a lvl 59 skill ?? b:laugh
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle