My favorite memory: getting married to my exwife We chose the Chinese style wedding ceremony so no one knew what to do. l didn't even end it before everyone was kicked out... She was pouting cus she liked the fash so l ended up buying her a purple dress to make up for it.
about step 5: a cleric can heal just fine using only 4 heals. Chromatic, bb, ironheart and wellspring on rotation depending on the situation. about step 7: the least important demon/sage skill to get is revive. l regret the day l learned it. l regret the day l told someone else l have sage rez. After a squad wipe, no one…
not good to call ppl names -especally if all they did was purge you (and/or amp and/or bewitich) f:ouch
yeaves: Archo's def-lvl wep cleri-nab also owner of aezwen, the sage veno f:fan
Name 5 things players from lvl 30 to 60 can do beside quests. Be realistic, some events have low lv entry requirements though most actual new players don'do cube runs until lvl80.
Not really... The game gets plenty of new players- the issue is how to keep new players in the game. Dreamchaser packs are nice, but mid-game needs more content.
I'd wait until the new instance/zone is out before judging.
l already have a shield - a def lvl wep that does nothing for my attack.
'Hell no' Our server doesn't have that many rrr9 fully +12 toons, imagine all of them in one faction. b:shocked The reason the large tw factions need to be able to pull a full 80 is pretty obvious when factions have multiple lands. 70 people defending two lands is a joke.
Forgetting gear in account stash sucks- l keep leaving my channel belt on my veno, my tome on my wizzie, my rings on my cleric... lost my mirages. wish there were an insta-put on/take off gear button like fash b:surrender
Your #1 suspect is 'mochibean'
Archo must be really dead then... 170 characters per nation b:faint
If you had been on my server l'd ask you to join me for quests. Some of my tooms are leveled fasttrack, some are just for fun. IMO: its much more fun to have someone else to play with together. f:cute ... its been a while since l've seen lots of other ppl on the map f:faint
One that l've met in real life.
How is it that all OP geared players are assumed to be less social and worse at squad dynamics? Most players walking around with OP gear have been less geared than the average player at one point. b:bye
*Gives everyone in this thread F- in math* b:sweat (and myself F in english)
Is that what we need? Another reason for overpriced tokens. l believe you're talking about the Aurora agent.
Yeaves demands more 'pointless pics' <3 l really don't see why you're worried about the amount you're healing. With your gear, you can pretty much tank. Your wizard can already tank better than some barbs l know.
SweetieBot can you report server status?
Thank you SweetieBot
It may not be fun for a sin to kill themselves on bramble but it's less fun to be aps'd to death after a stun. There are ways to get around killing yourself. It just requires using skills other than spark + auto attack
Time spent afk flying can be well spent trolling the forums or playing an alt account since players are allowed two toons online at the same time. Farming on alt + saving money on teleports b:cool
Everyone else refusing to go back to town after l die if they find out what level my rez actually is. People who die for fun when there's no exp loss (l'm kinda guilty)
Blessing of the purehearted is a very mana-efficient outta combat heal. Chromatic healing beam is a better skill for building chi with.
Thank you for the title <3
l like the 'Microsoft Word Paperclip' option. Does anyone remember him?
5 is the lowest without using a reset note
Can my title be 'In Eden' f:heart
Good news~did you know you can adjust the settings so your daily dose of system spam goes uninterrupted f:laugh
*Picks the middle path* its somewhat broken/working b:shutup