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  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Whats up wnb, long time no see. I read your pm, I know I am like a year late but Skype is where it's at!

    A bit curious, as times have changed. How much would full R9(assuming its still the best gear) +12 cost me? With those +2 def lvl stones ofcourse. Was wondering about trying out a decked BM.

    Year late? I think more like year and half, things changed and if its bout what I think it is, its rendered moot.

    As for full endgame toon? I think its ~7-9b depending on shards. That includes all NW upgrades, full +12, etc. Take off new OP tome, ring(s) and neck and its going to be ~3b less. Vit stones really arent that far behind, though for HA class further behind in comparison to AA/LA class.

    Ps. Skype is where I ish too, I have massive list of 4 contacts!
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    One day, I created Narla 1 month before the announcement of Archosaur server opening.

    And then I proceeded to waste 3 or so years of my life on PWI. And watched everything blow the frak up. And laughed. And laughed. At everyone, including myself.

    The End.
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    martiiin, what's up buddy? do you still live in PA?

    they sure did

    you don't even want to know

    just shy of 2 billion for the shards alone

    Haha I am sure there are some great stories I am missing out on. An yea, I used to live in allentown but moved to monroeville after college an I landed a job. (Right next to Pittsburgh to the East) If memory serves my correct, your in Phili right? I believe we still have a Pats cheesesteak man date about 3 years overdue.

    How is PvP and GvG? Same as I left it? Honestly GvG is probably the most amazing feature I have ever experienced in any mmo and is one of the reasons I am kinda snooping around here thinking of either playing or not. Think it's worth my time and money?
    Year late? I think more like year and half, things changed and if its bout what I think it is, its rendered moot.

    As for full endgame toon? I think its ~7-9b depending on shards. That includes all NW upgrades, full +12, etc. Take off new OP tome, ring(s) and neck and its going to be ~3b less. Vit stones really arent that far behind, though for HA class further behind in comparison to AA/LA class.

    Ps. Skype is where I ish too, I have massive list of 4 contacts!

    It's alright man, we all move on in time. As for the gear, is there an "ascended" rank9 now? An 9 bill sounds like alot but it depends on how much cash is sold for. I am mostly curious, I recently stopped playing a game I spent probably the average american salary on and I am just moving around looking at games.

    Don't really play anything atm and nostalgia brought me back to these forums.
    (anonymous) "If pwi brings out rank sale again, I will def increase my spending limit." Marketing, learn it, master it, and after that stop complaining about it.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Haha I am sure there are some great stories I am missing out on. An yea, I used to live in allentown but moved to monroeville after college an I landed a job. (Right next to Pittsburgh to the East) If memory serves my correct, your in Phili right? I believe we still have a Pats cheesesteak man date about 3 years overdue.

    How is PvP and GvG? Same as I left it? Honestly GvG is probably the most amazing feature I have ever experienced in any mmo and is one of the reasons I am kinda snooping around here thinking of either playing or not. Think it's worth my time and money?

    Allentown? ah no chit, that's about an hour away. Pittsburgh area though huh, you are now in bloodmystic territory, you've abandoned the cheesestake for Primanti Brothers ;P

    And yeah, TW was special. The onset of attack/def level/soul force has dramatically changed the game though. Those three stats are essentially directly proportional to how much money you spend on the game, and when you factor inflation, it's not like spending 2 weeks straight farming for tt99 armor and a tt100 weapon to catch up. The modern CS'er is nothing like the CS'ers you remember, who were at least confined to just hp, mdef, or p.def ceilings, that could be taken down by lesser geared players working together.
  • Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    It's alright man, we all move on in time. As for the gear, is there an "ascended" rank9 now? An 9 bill sounds like alot but it depends on how much cash is sold for. I am mostly curious, I recently stopped playing a game I spent probably the average american salary on and I am just moving around looking at games.

    Don't really play anything atm and nostalgia brought me back to these forums.

    There is R9, R9 recast and R9 2nd recast. Currently everybody and their mothers is R9T3 `cept for me =(. Gold has been ~1.2-1.4m past month or two. But you know, the +11->+12 is massive jump in costs if you want there with full set. Quick math would suggest that the basic endgame toon currently (+12 wep, +10 armors, vit stones, no NW gear) totals to bout 3,5-4b if you abuse the good rank sales. Its the last steps in gear that really cost.

    I did forget the new OP helm, that costs few billions as there is maybe 10 in total all servers accounted(2 on Archosaur). PWE makes crapton of money each helm that comes off packs as the odds to get said helm are just ludicrous. But that helm is only bit better for HA classes than other good options. Its best helm in game that refines like HA but arcanes can wear it as it got pretty non-existent requirements, thus really not worth it for HA class, not really worth it for anybody with current prices for that matter.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I started the day that Arch server opened. My fiance at the time and I were playing on Lost City, and a friend of ours wanted to start playing the game but wasn't keen on PK. So we started new toons on Arch.

    My favorite memories are:

    Being in our first faction, Outlaws, and attempting a PvE TW. We got our ***** kicked, I think our highest level was 70 and there were maybe 20 of us total trying to beat the boss. It took the full three hours, and we lost, but it was FUN.

    Moving on to the faction Cobra, Indiri and I got married in the game as a foreshadow of getting married in real life. It was fun, and it felt good to know a lot of people on the server who were awesome to hang out with.

    Then we joined Narla. I remember being impressed by the organization and detail put into the web site. I liked how Narla was run almost like a sports team, running stuff during the week to gear up for the sporting events (TW) over the weekend. No other game I've found has these sorts of weekend events that factions work toward. I actually prefer these to the quick PvP matches found in most games, because TWs have an actual effect on your faction. We had a lot of good times there.

    When the Tideborn expansion came out and everyone dropped everything to go roll assassins, that was the beginning of the end. Then, when Rank 9 in the boutique was announced, that was the end. Couple that with people who abused the Jones system to get Scrolls of Tome and +12 dragon orbs for free, and the game's balance, economy, and fun were ruined. It's too bad, really, because it was a very fun game that you could play for nearly free while still being competitive with the best.
  • Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Allentown? ah no chit, that's about an hour away. Pittsburgh area though huh, you are now in bloodmystic territory, you've abandoned the cheesestake for Primanti Brothers ;P

    And yeah, TW was special. The onset of attack/def level/soul force has dramatically changed the game though. Those three stats are essentially directly proportional to how much money you spend on the game, and when you factor inflation, it's not like spending 2 weeks straight farming for tt99 armor and a tt100 weapon to catch up. The modern CS'er is nothing like the CS'ers you remember, who were at least confined to just hp, mdef, or p.def ceilings, that could be taken down by lesser geared players working together.

    A new level of cs'ers huh assuming gear continues to be upgradable to basically no end, I believe you. I do remember Att/Def levels slowly becoming a big deal when I played, but if it's even more difficult to kill people now, seems the gap has simply grown from the poor casual. Clearly it keeps profits up and money runs everything so it's no surprise.

    Haha don't worry, the next time I decide to visit my parents, I will be sure to get on here and find you first.
    There is R9, R9 recast and R9 2nd recast. Currently everybody and their mothers is R9T3 `cept for me =(. Gold has been ~1.2-1.4m past month or two. But you know, the +11->+12 is massive jump in costs if you want there with full set. Quick math would suggest that the basic endgame toon currently (+12 wep, +10 armors, vit stones, no NW gear) totals to bout 3,5-4b if you abuse the good rank sales. Its the last steps in gear that really cost.

    I did forget the new OP helm, that costs few billions as there is maybe 10 in total all servers accounted(2 on Archosaur). PWE makes crapton of money each helm that comes off packs as the odds to get said helm are just ludicrous. But that helm is only bit better for HA classes than other good options. Its best helm in game that refines like HA but arcanes can wear it as it got pretty non-existent requirements, thus really not worth it for HA class, not really worth it for anybody with current prices for that matter.

    The only thing I remember, is rank 9 costing 1200. So what am I looking at? Over 5grand to almost be on the same playing field? I am not the type to dwell in the past, this game has changed and it's natural. But if I am going to bring out my wallet (dont hate me, I am actually too busy to play much), TW's better be awsome!!

    But yea, the plan would be the +12 blah blah BM. Archer is my true calling but I wanted to try something new.
    (anonymous) "If pwi brings out rank sale again, I will def increase my spending limit." Marketing, learn it, master it, and after that stop complaining about it.
  • Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The only thing I remember, is rank 9 costing 1200. So what am I looking at? Over 5grand to almost be on the same playing field? I am not the type to dwell in the past, this game has changed and it's natural. But if I am going to bring out my wallet (dont hate me, I am actually too busy to play much), TW's better be awsome!!

    But yea, the plan would be the +12 blah blah BM. Archer is my true calling but I wanted to try something new.

    R9 costs on 50% off sales 712,5 gold if I remember GST/MoG amounts correctly. Those are fairly rare though. Each piece to +10 is ~100m so bout 80 gold. +10->12 is ~300-350m a piece or ~250-290 gold if you sell gold for 1.2m each. Its fairly easy to sell for that in general as gold is ~1.3m atm.

    As for base gear outside of R9. N3 helm + cape(set bonus), totals to 100m base gear cost when you want both as 4 sock. There are some marginally better options that cost multitudes more discounting the well named Crown of Madness that pops from packs on average once every 500k opened.

    New OP tome was bout 800m(Love Up and Down + NW mats + fee) if I remember my calculations, same for the new neck that is upgrade on the 3rd cast cube neck with NW mats. There is new rings that are better than lunar rings and they can be upgraded with NW mats, bout 300m for one. Other ring should be upgraded(with NW mats) R9 ring, which refines both m.def and p.def.

    Thats it for the base gear, R9T3 set, NW upgraded rings, neck and tome. N3 cape and helm as those are pretty amazing with the 2 piece set bonus imo. Some options are marginally better but cost prolly 10x what they do, not accounting the new helm + its set bonus cape that total to something absurd if you can even find somebody who wants to sell one during this year.

    Shards are 24 x 30m = 720m for vit stones vs 24 x 90m = 2160m for JoSD. JoSD will be better but it really depends how much you would want to throw into the game. NW upgrades are quite expensive for gain but still imo more cost efficient than JoSD or +11->+12. Those last 2 are the things that are the big chunks in build but then again such toons are basically impossible to kill w/o +12 weapon if player has any idea what they are doing.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    My favorite memory: getting married to my exwife

    We chose the Chinese style wedding ceremony so no one knew what to do. l didn't even end it before everyone was kicked out... She was pouting cus she liked the fash so l ended up buying her a purple dress to make up for it.
    *I never thought Perfect world was beautiful... till I discovered that my graphics' quality settings were on low*
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