XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • My problem with this is that they're not targetting the right people at all. They're nerfing what your average gamer - the ones who can't CS much and who don't know how to play the market either - makes money with. They won't target the big money-makers who use bank notes, packs, and so on. So on top of that, they nerf the…
  • The 500+ players who are unhappy right now, are probably offset by another 500+ who actually are willing to dish out cash in this game. I find it very awkward that it's the small players paying the price here - or well, I don't, if you get my drift. Actually the low-level casual players who won't make it past 50, like they…
  • Was gonna say that exactly. I don't care much for fashion... mostly because the males set suck, because it's all about the females because it's what sells.
  • - Ironically, the players who QQ too much. LEARN TO ADAPT TO THE GAME OR QUIT IT ALREADY!. The devs have the upper hand on this one, and a certain category of players *cough*. - Meme posts a-la cool story bro. Yeah, I know what's coming next. - Players who can't play their class right, and blame everyone else when they…
  • I spent about 90 bucks in over a year and a half. I'm not much of a CSer. I started a new job about a little over a month ago, which lets me have a little money that I'd rather spend on RL stuff, like going out or buying more/better food. I'm not single; sure he doesn't mind me putting 10, 20 bucks on the game when we're…
  • As a veno I tend to pass sparks to the tank unless asked; so every now and then I end up passing it to BM, or cleric... I know in FC most venos pass it to the clerics to put BB down faster. As a BM, I end up with sparks a lot, but then again I tank a lot, and most venos who team up with me do it. I'm always surprised when…
  • I taught some people how to gamma and FC/FF/FCC, whatever your server uses. Took me a while for a group to take me in Gamma as an unexped BM, and I managed to finish it the first time. It's not hard, and tbh, I've had failures with "exp" people (namely the first - and last - one I did on my cleric... damn BMs unable to…
  • I'm a slow leveler... when I feel like it. Which is a lot in general. I've been 92 for over a month, and most of my friends out of my faction have broken the 95+ line. Doesn't help that I've made 2 alts within the last month, that I have a cleric on top of that, that I can't CS as much, and that I suck at making money…
  • I'm guilty of the latter. My faction seems to get a giggle out of it - random parties, not so much. Force of habit for doing it on BM, I'll leeroy a little on the cleric. I forget I'm not on my BM, and that having 3 physical mobs on me in FB51 will result in a death. Couple that with a short attention span now, and I can…
  • The next one to call me a fail BM 'cause I'm axe-only at 92 will get their asses kicked badly when / if I ever restat. Honest. I may not be made for 1v1, but don't go telling me I'm fail for that. I know I won't out-DD most DDs around my level. Thus, I'm not a good choice of a tank when it comes to that. Offtank though...…
  • You want some fail cleric stories? => The "What's Purify?" Cleric BH69, I'm a main tank for a relatively normal group. We have a hard time finding a cleric (O_o) and we settle for a 70 cleric. She loaded in the instance with her 50 stash wep equipped, but no one gave it much of a thought. We did Pyro without any problem,…
  • There's not only the company's decision that affects a game's future. It's also what people make it to be. Personally I still enjoy playing - might change when I finally hit PK mode and realize how undergeared I will be (I know I am) compared to others, and how fast I'm gonna get huh... insert bad word here. Because I…
  • Charms. Oh boy. The barb who rages at charm ticks. FB79. Airyll you'll remember that one. You know, the 93 barb who was whining that I let his charm tick (AS A BM!!!!!!!) and made a scene about it? Yeah, THAT guy we meme-fied in later BH, FB and FC runs. Story: I got PMed to DD on a FB79 run. Throughout my year around…
  • No. No no no no no. NO! Damn I hated the announcements...
  • Some people expect to find love... and some others are hellbent on that idea. I considered marrying... - My own alt, a veno (lol) - IRL male friend playing veno (he's **** too, just not my man) - Female guildie - Couple male guildies with female characters. Strangely enough, when my own husband played the game, the thought…
  • Someone who understands what I like in the morning! That's pretty cool. Lol.
  • I heard weird tales of LGBT-only factions... I think Kaneharo can back me up on this one. If he's even reading forums ATM O_o. I actually had thought about making a LGBT faction, but after having personality clashes within my own community, I decided to avoid it. I'm more likely to have more stuff in common with your…
  • THAT I encounter often as well. Oh PLEASE not this again. DDs overreact about brambles, seriously. I'm really, really really sick of this myth. 1. AS LONG AS YOU DON'T HAVE AGGRO, IT WILL NOT GENERATE EXTRA AGGRO. 2. If you steal aggro, you steal aggro not because of Brambles, but because of your skils, build, crit…
  • Meh, it's the internet. No one's safe anyways... and I know girls who can hold their ground better than guys. I'm pushing this one pretty damn far, but I hope it's not a case of "girls should always be accompanied by males" 'cause I find this idea... well... completely outdated. >_>. Personally never understood the whole…
  • Like the idea, would be nice... but no they won't implement it. Unfortunately.
  • Last BH39 I did... now that's a stereotype for DDs. Setup: 92 BM alternating with 50 barb to kill bosses; 76 cleric (my own alt); 52 sin (guildie); 56 cleric (outside); 51 sin (random); 52 BM (friend) We originally had another sin (53), who left 'cause she only had Herc as a BHIII. Everyone was on BHI. She got replaced…
  • The What's a Tank barb. I helped a 49 barb with his culti a couple days back, which I needed on my own barb. I invite as a barb, check his HP: 2.5k. He's in tiger form. Great. I switch to my own barb (49 as well) and I invite him up, he shows up as a BM. In my "it's 9 in the morning and I just woke up" daze, I check his HP…
  • There's actuallly one way of doing it without 3rd party programs or editing game files, but it's still running 2 clients on the same computer, therefore bannable. Not sure I can say how though without risking my account... but yeah, it's possible.
  • That reminds me of my barb's last BH... You know me, most of my teams hover somewhere between Hell and 9th Circle of Hell. I'm a complete idiot-magnet. You also know me, I dualbox to avoid more idiots in key spots, such as cleric and tank. It's when the idiot in the team is me that it goes even more wrong (and generally at…
  • I have 3 accounts, 2 computers. And I actively play 2 characters, generally BM and cleric, or barb and cleric these days. - Main account has BM and barb on it. - Secondary account has cleric, veno and psy on it. - The third account is a mule account, and I run it when... 1. I'm going AFK for a long time. Goes on my…
  • I use more MP pots on my 92 BM than my 76 cleric. Larger mana pool on the latter. My personal experiences with stereotypes... Cleric - WTF IS PURIFY????? (I've had that so many times, and some people wonder why I'm dualboxing...) - Oh you have aggro. Sorry busy talking in faction chat lol. Barb - Let me tank it. I'm a…
  • I'm not cruel and violent, and I'm male... ... Okay fine, my friends will tell you I'm cruel. But not violent. Agressive, hell yeah. Violent only in-game... and vs. mobs. Now yeah, I'm violent. BTW I never noticed Suzy being female. Zimo has the ****, Cenminator too... forgetting some mobs (the fairy-like mobs in FC and…
  • Yeah that's exact my state right now. KILL ME SOMEONE... And it's not just Drummer. It's Suzy and Drummer. *cries* I'm gonna stop there. Maybe. >_>;;;. EDIT: Mini drummers from Gamma... Okay that's it. I'm closing this tab before I drive people nuts.
  • Drummer's image will follow me all day long. He's got well-placed drums. Eye + mind bleach please. Trust me no one wants to be in my head right now...
  • This bramble myth needs to die. Period. I'm so honestly SICK Of hearing people say that brambles does this, brambles does that,OMG I HAVE BRAMBLES FAIL VENO U SUCK I'M GONNA DIE. Learn the damn mechanics. Bramble does generate VERY LITTLE aggro. It comes handy for the tanks because of the extra damage, makes it a bit…