X_Toto_X - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Sounds pretty interesting. Reading your faction's page right now, the rules look reasonable to me. I don't know how many people you already have but I'd like to join, since I got tired of playing with myself ^_^ and some quests need forming a team and that alone can be quite a tough job when you're new. Just hope you don't…
  • "Guild Not Found The guild you requested was not found in our database. If you've checked to ensure the URL is correct and still see this message, the site may have been moved or deleted. " Or so it says every time I click the link. Wonder if they're still recruiting, sounds like an interesting guild to hang out with.
  • Well, you won't find a blue tiger anywhere, or a sparkling panda, obviously. I was trying to reffer to a more "realistic" way to customize you avatar. Although that'd only leave the wolf as the option so... guess in reality it's not a very "fair" option. But I stil think they should give the tails a shot. See how it works.
  • Hello to another starting fellow! A word of advise? Just take it easy, don't try to level up too fast or you'll miss a lot of fun.
  • I agree with the tails, but I think there should be also the option of fur color. Tigers and loins don't have that problem but with wolves we see various fur patterns, not only grey. Personally, I'd like to see my barb with a brownish and white pattern.
  • Thanks a lot! I was starting to think the question was too stupid to take notice. In ether saga things were easier, here I was confused with most things, kinda overwhelmed and didn't know what was I doing wrong. Thanks again, that helped a lot.
  • Thanks for the insight. But kinda makes me feel odd, I bought a set of armor from the npc's cuase the one I got from questing was kinda weakling... anyways, thanks again. Will keep all this in mind, if I can.
  • Gotta agree with you, guys. Just started a few days ago and so far, I like what I see. Hope I can make something good out of this character in the future.