December 8th???? Really?b:laugh
The person a few posts up hit it on the head. I hope they don't bring in packs again :( It makes the game boring, I've been playing pwi since 08' and I leveled without any of these oracles thingamabobs and hyper thingamabobs.
My question is: Are you guys gonna be opening up new servers as you did with the tideborn
Will there be a new server coming out too. I stopped playing PW for a year and want to start back so I waited to see if they'll open a new server with the new expansion O.o
god.dam trolls
For this game? The gentleman above me gives you the best answer
People who left the guild are greedy bas.tards who had no patience whatsoever. I am nothing but a regular commisioner in the guild (don't even have a mic for vent). I gave merlin my skeleton axes to decompose and he made me my Thunderbolt axes. Guild funds then went to buy calamity axes mold and one of the marshals made it…
I'm from Heaven's Tear :D and yes RT is a failed server....
now thats funny
Errr...I'm not sure if you've been on other servers but RT is pretty much dead lol, I mean not as bad as Arch considering Arch is new but yea its dead. sry
LOL I really could care less. As far as I am concerned all the oracle noobs will hit 90 with their oracles and then realize the game just got boring as is the case then when another server opens up they'll do the same thing on that server... I on the other hand am making tonnes of money off of em....10M and counting XDD