Wywer - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • ye, my bad ... but still it was understandable i guess b:shutup
  • Generally quests for plants and pets u get with the system message, when reaching the lvl required, but u cant to do it if ur culti isnt up to date.
  • At lower lvls i always used devil, but after a time when i maxed mistress and started doing some Frosts, and needed more aoe dmg, started using mistress more and more, to the point that now devil for me is totally neglected in any instance. Mistress is only worth using when its maxed and u have enough manna to keep her mp…
  • So far i never noticed the new aoe-heal trend, many were talking about here, until yesterday when i went with my cleric to bh 51 and got a 10 lvl higher cleric "helping us". I pmed her at the start of the run, to ask who heals, who dds, she replied she will heal, i said ok. Then arriving at Rankar she said, we should both…
  • Well i didn't have time to notice if i seal them after stun wears off, cause mobs were dieing so fast b:chuckle mainly that is why i started using gale force there, cause i had missy out for aoe, but still had a feeling that i didn't do anything, seeker doing vortex, everyone else aoeing madly and mobs were dead in no-time.
  • Yesterday in PV i started using gale force on large pulls, and worked quite good if i timed it when bm stuned mobs, and my gale force didn't seal any of the mobs. My question is would this work in FC too, or not? I'm kind of a new player, so didn't do any FC runs so far b:surrender and i would appreciate some info about…
  • Behavior and behaviour both are correct, just one is American, the other is British English. And one thing is if someone doesn't know something or knows it wrong, but this doesn't mean u have to mock him/her for this even on world chat.