For you to post a pic. b:victory
Rebel [3Parts]scaleUp = 128scaleMiddle = 124scaleDown = 96[BlendFace]idFaceShape1 = 23idFaceShape2 = 23blendFaceShape = 50[Face]scaleFaceH = 100scaleFaceV = 128idFaceTex = 5[Faling]idFalingSkin = 434idFalingTex = 436[Forehead]offsetForeheadH = 160offsetForeheadV = 83offsetForeheadZ = 121rotateForehead = 107scaleForehead =…
Except gear expectations on other people are a reality. You can't just pretend that it wouldn't have any effect on others, even if they aren't in your squad, necessarily. When APS came out, it made it hard for everyone else to play the way they wanted to play. Sure you still could, but your in-game life became a lot…
414 D: my candy
Wish I could help you further, but I mostly know what's required and stuff. Try submitting a ticket.
Great story so far Shizunne.
Once you've seen an ugly character, you cannot unsee them. case and point.Warning this character will haunt your dreams!
I tried, it disappeared inside their head kinda like barb fur. :3
your title always does that to me. b:chuckle
411 I ate them. ::hides cookies in a place youll never find::
409 ::gives you just one cookie:: Since ya asked so nicely. b:sin
407 Yes, you do. ::steals all your cookies from the jar::
405 Better question, where do you hide your cookies? b:sin
You do need at least 50 posts to get a title.
Before you send a ticket mind showing me exactly what you're doing? An pic of which file you're editing+the name, plus a pic of the customization in the character creation. Perhaps I can figure it out.
You're not supposed to edit the body size beyond what the sliders allow. That's still against the rules. If someone had a baby character preset list with allowable body sliders I'd put that in the other resources of the ini guide despite my personal distaste of the chars. But I get a hard enough time getting them to read…
Very nicely done.
lights on b:sleep
lights don't exist anymore No, I am the darkness. Mwu hahahahhaha.
Do you have direct x 9.0c? It's required now.
If the ban is for a duration, you'll probably just have to wait it out. You can reply to the ticket but that's about it. And discussing the reason and punishment of a ban is discussing a ban. Of course you can talk about the concept of banning in the abstract sense.
372 Doubtful, the last one was deleted by mistake. :P
lights on Premium hugs: 2 dollars.
You can always use a different EG skin texture, as I said earlier. Other than that, no, it's like the male hair on females. It's not meant for them so it's not always going to fit perfectly. Also, for cheaper makeover scrolls, I suggest you take a look at Part 1 of the guide. There are much cheaper options.
Ah when you said half human, half fish I thought of like the tideborn tattoos and eyes and such. Soz. b:surrender It doesn't really look half fish to me, more like the EG texture got broken causing problems in shading and such.
Jer is joking. The only pieces you can edit independently are the eyes, eyebrow and mouth. I suppose you could do something like make one eyeball really big or something. But colors and such aren't going to work. Anyway, you should simply use a different facial texture if it bothers you. You can always add one of the heavy…
It's not really my cup of tea, but if you like it, go for it! That's the beauty of ini editting. b:pleased
Some of the EG textures simply don't work unfortunately. That one in particular and the pale lips on the female EG. One that does work is the one on the "boyish" standard preset from the EG. You could try to make that one work. :)
^ Is terrible at taking action screenshots
This one is full of so much win. It's nice to see the mobs attack done so awesome instead of only the characters. Must've been a tricky screenie to get. b:chuckle