VenFuSeR - Lost City Arc User


  • Yea, I am out of quests and I am looking for this public quest for EXP. Where do I find it?
  • That is just enough to buy the mount I wanted. Thanks for your help.
  • Sounds more like random PKing low levels to me. It really pisses me off when I am doing a quest and some red name runs up and PKs me then runs away. I call my faction leader on them, they die and lose **** then beg for it back. Guess what? They do not get it back. I keep it and sell it for millions then laugh at then for…
  • That may also be a resolution. To be honest, I do not give a rats **** about embracing folk. I just wanna be able to carry the same sex on my mounts that I use MY IRL money to buy.
  • I feel that not giving everyone equal rights is exactly what starts up these issues... If this feature is added to the game, what harm will it do? Think about it, what will it change? I will only make the game better and satisfy more people. Maybe even bring more players into the game.(The **** community) I find it quite…
  • I haven't realized that this topic has been posted so many times, I just posted one myself, lol... I am with you, I am quite tired of seeing all of these MMORPGs that don't allowed same sex marriage, same sex PDA, ect. Please do not spit out that bullcrap about how the programmers have to do this and that and that and…
  • Yea, sorry about that, I should have searched before posting... Silly me.